Test/Tren Recomp Cycle Log


New Member

I would like to use this forum as a platform for documenting my current cycle.

- 90kg / 200lbs
- 177cm / 5ft10
- 17% bodyfat

- Test E: 200mg E3D
- Tren E: 140mg E3D

- Multivitamin
- Vitamin D
- Omega 3
- Magnesium
- Ashwagandha
- Melatonin

I'm also taking 0.33mg Anastrozole after every injection and 0.25mg Pramipexole with my last meal because it massively improves sleep quality and supposedly increases your growth hormone production. Furthermore, I‘ve got a few tubs of Anadrol and Anavar lying around.

- 330g Protein
- 470g Carbs
- 60g Fat

This is about maintenance calories for me. It‘s important to mention that I‘m already in the 8th week of my cycle, but I‘m waiting for the Tren to kick in, which should happen very soon as I‘ve only started taking it in the 4th week.

I will take a close look at my physique over the next few weeks and change my calorie intake accordingly. The cycle is planned for at least 20 weeks in total, maybe a bit more if I still feel good by then. My goal is to reduce my bodyfat percentage slowly while growing muscle. I strongly believe that‘s possible given the circumstances.

- 5x per week
- low volume with extreme intensity
- upper body prioritization
- 20min cardio every day

I will post before and after pictures at the end of my cycle.
This is very similar to my very first cycle ever. I was on 300 test C and 300 tren e weekly (Mon and Wed pins) I had craaaaazy gains. Put on like 40lbs and strength went through the roof. PR’s literally every workout lol.
I think the Tren is starting to work. I haven’t kept count of the injection number, but yesterday I emptied the first vial.

My sleep has definitely become worse, I have to pee 2-3x every night and wake up at least one hour earlier than normally.

The strength gains are awesome. In today‘s workout I could increase my incline bench by 5kg while maintaining the same amount of reps with even better technique than last week. The same goes for all the other exercises as well.

I’ve also noticed increased vascularity.
Starting on Monday, I will reduce my calorie intake a bit. Mainly because I‘ve noticed frequent acid reflux and weird digestion despite eating a clean diet and if I’m already running Tren, taking advantage of its unique abilities in a calorie deficit would be a good idea. After all, this is supposed to be a recomp.

New macros:
- 330g Protein (same)
- 400g Carbs (-40g)
- 50g Fat (-10g)
Starting on Monday, I will reduce my calorie intake a bit. Mainly because I‘ve noticed frequent acid reflux and weird digestion despite eating a clean diet and if I’m already running Tren, taking advantage of its unique abilities in a calorie deficit would be a good idea. After all, this is supposed to be a recomp.

New macros:
- 330g Protein (same)
- 400g Carbs (-40g)
- 50g Fat (-10g)

Your maintenance calories are 3,370 at 200lbs 5'10"? I am interested in your daily activity levels as that is very high.
What are you eating for your main source or protein ?
The typical things. Chicken breast, lean ground beef, egg whites, whey protein.

Your maintenance calories are 3,370 at 200lbs 5'10"? I am interested in your daily activity levels as that is very high.
That‘s actually very low for someone on gear. Most people I know with similar stats need way above 4.000 calories for maintenance. Daily activity levels are around 12.000 steps.

Don't skip leg day.
I don’t.

I would like to use this forum as a platform for documenting my current cycle.

- 90kg / 200lbs
- 177cm / 5ft10
- 17% bodyfat

- Test E: 200mg E3D
- Tren E: 140mg E3D

- Multivitamin
- Vitamin D
- Omega 3
- Magnesium
- Ashwagandha
- Melatonin

I'm also taking 0.33mg Anastrozole after every injection and 0.25mg Pramipexole with my last meal because it massively improves sleep quality and supposedly increases your growth hormone production. Furthermore, I‘ve got a few tubs of Anadrol and Anavar lying around.

- 330g Protein
- 470g Carbs
- 60g Fat

This is about maintenance calories for me. It‘s important to mention that I‘m already in the 8th week of my cycle, but I‘m waiting for the Tren to kick in, which should happen very soon as I‘ve only started taking it in the 4th week.

I will take a close look at my physique over the next few weeks and change my calorie intake accordingly. The cycle is planned for at least 20 weeks in total, maybe a bit more if I still feel good by then. My goal is to reduce my bodyfat percentage slowly while growing muscle. I strongly believe that‘s possible given the circumstances.

- 5x per week
- low volume with extreme intensity
- upper body prioritization
- 20min cardio every day

I will post before and after pictures at the end of my cycle.
how is the cycle going? Still hitting PRs? Did you post before pics? Any body changes in the last 3 weeks since you initially posted? Let’s see some progress photos on tren.


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