Testosterone Minimum Stash


New Member
I’m closer to 60 than 50. With that said, it is pretty amazing how accessible sauce (ok gear) has become. You were lucky to have any let alone enough to run complete cycles. I’m interested in knowing what is the minimum amount of gear you have stashed. Let’s start and just focus on Testosterone:

I usually have a kit. I’m ordering before it drops below 6. I could go more, but because it is fairly easy to obtain I don’t bother. Recently seeing all these sources run out of the testosterone makes me think we have some serious hoarders amongst us.
I’m closer to 60 than 50. With that said, it is pretty amazing how accessible sauce (ok gear) has become. You were lucky to have any let alone enough to run complete cycles. I’m interested in knowing what is the minimum amount of gear you have stashed. Let’s start and just focus on Testosterone:

I usually have a kit. I’m ordering before it drops below 6. I could go more, but because it is fairly easy to obtain I don’t bother. Recently seeing all these sources run out of the testosterone makes me think we have some serious hoarders amongst us.
Unlimited for trt dosage, I have a prescription from my Urologist.

Some guys here will go to jail for distribution if LE will decide to search their garage fridges with the amount of GBs they participated in. That’s not including the raws they piled up over the years.
If you're on 200mg/wk, that's 5 vials of 250mg/ml a year, gear is good for 5 years plus.

I see no reason not to keep 20 vials on hand just in case.

Consider the poor bastards prescribed adderall in the last few years. If you're on that for any length of time, your're addicted. And boom, overnight, a million people can't get their prescriptions filled. Now, even with a slightly improved supply, the FDA is prosecuting docs who prescribed it "too liberally", and many have taken the hint and will no longer prescribe it. That could easily happen with the TRT clinic explosion, cutting off that backup plan for getting test.
If you're in the US you're not going to jail even if they find twice that amount in your stash, when a dozen people are busted in a multi million dollar importing, manufacturing and distribution operation, with multi agency investigations lasting years, and all but two get probation (and their records wiped clean), and the 2 "Kingpins" get 18 and 24 months (and released early).

Just don't EVER sell it. Or even give it away. Or brew it, and you won't have any serious problems, even in the worst case scenario. Unless you're already a felon, but even then, steroids, despite being Sched III, are just not punished like other drugs.

Like the prosecutor in the case above, begging the judge to slam the "Boss" in with three whole years. and the response from the judge being, in effect, "Come on...I've seen what crack does, what heroin does to society, in 20 years of drug cases I've never even had a steroid case before me".

Plan for the worst, hope for the best.
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I usually have 1-2 spare vials and definitely some pharma ampules. In my country i can buy pharma test from pharmacy OTC so even if things go south i think i won't deal with any shortages.

It is wise though to be ahead of these issues and always have a stash of 1-2 years worth of test just in case. Throw it in a drawer with no sunlight exposure and a decent temp with no huge fluctuations and it will be ok even years after expiration.
Everything I post in this forum is based off a fictional character for my entertainment. I don't even use aas. Thank you officer but I don't have aas.
Everything I post in this forum is based off a fictional character for my entertainment. I don't even use aas. Thank you officer but I don't have aas.
Well, tbh most members for the past two years don’t even lift lol, they all do this for the “science “ and food noise.
If you're in the US you're not going to jail even if they find twice that amount in your stash, when a dozen people are busted in a multi million dollar importing, manufacturing and distribution operation, with multi agency investigations lasting years, and all but two get probation (and their records wiped clean), and the 2 "Kingpins" get 18 and 24 months (and released early).
Just to be clear, jail and prison are not the same thing. In most US jurisdictions, you are definitely going to jail, and you may be there for several days until you can bond out. Your picture, mug shot, may even be in your local paper. If you mean prison, yeah, odds are that you will not go to prison if you do not have a significant criminal history. Most states have some version of first offender laws for drugs that allow you to go on probation, where they will test you for drugs (in this case steroids) for however long you are on probation, and then you may even get your record wiped clean if you successfully complete the probation.

Some states have steroid possession as a misdemeanor, in which case it will be treated more like marijuana possession in the states where that is still illegal.
Yea, I forgot this is a gardening forum…Paranoid pansies and scared sun flowers. Pay no attention to the sources, focus on the members posting Mr Officer.
Yea, I forgot this is a gardening forum…Paranoid pansies and scared sun flowers. Pay no attention to the sources, focus on the members posting Mr Officer.

So having some extra supply on hand just in case of an interruption in supply, for whatever reason, makes you "paranoid" and a "pansy"?

I say being prepared, at what amounts to ZERO additional cost since you'd end up buying that gear anyway, is smart.

Acting like you're certain that'll never happen is a special kind of retarded arrogance.

So having some extra supply on hand just in case of an interruption in supply, for whatever reason, makes you "paranoid" and a "pansy"?

I say being prepared, at what amounts to ZERO additional cost since you'd end up buying that gear anyway, is smart.

Acting like you're certain that'll never happen is a special kind of retarded arrogance.
Your post was valid and offered a great perspective. My comment was intended for those trying to distance themselves from any association to gear, but have been actively participating on this forum for sometime.
Yea, I forgot this is a gardening forum…Paranoid pansies and scared sun flowers. Pay no attention to the sources, focus on the members posting Mr Officer.
How in the world is collecting data on how much test people have in stash even come close to assisting you Sir? Can you not do math for your own needs?
Your post was valid and offered a great perspective. My comment was intended for those trying to distance themselves from any association to gear, but have been actively participating on this forum for sometime.

Gathering up a long term supply, while enforcement is still minimal, so you no longer have to engage in numerous small transactions over an extended period of time is a very effective way to distance yourself and minimize exposure.

Gear has an extremely long shelf life, and once safely stored at home the odds of having an issue drop to nearly zero if you keep your mouth shut.

How in the world is collecting data on how much test people have in stash even come close to assisting you Sir? Can you not do math for your own needs?
This post was nothing more than to see the different approach individuals have in terms of keeping a reserve. Nothing serious.
Figure out what dosage works for you on a regular basis. as in if you take 180mg a week of test C, then you'd need "X amount of vials to outlast any supply/supplier issues"...No one can really give you the answer to this question but yourself with your specific needs.

Or you can just do like most and have at least a 6-12 month buffer supply.
Your post was valid and offered a great perspective. My comment was intended for those trying to distance themselves from any association to gear, but have been actively participating on this forum for sometime.
There were only 7 posters above you, and none of them tried to distance themselves from any association to gear. I read all of them. Declan said he has a trt prescription, and even a lot of heavy gear users believe this is a good idea.

When fed LE was looking at me (years ago, statute of limitation has run), one of the first questions one of the two attorneys I hired asked me was whether I had a prescription. There is some value to it in the eyes of my criminal defense attorney. They ended up not bringing charges, though, so I never got to see how that would be used. That was a very stressful month or so in my life, though.

It also has value when traveling for those of us knowing our baggage is going to be searched and not looking to create issues that do not need to be created.
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I also remember a friend in law enforcement who was called in to be questioned about whether he used steroids. He had legitimate 20 inch arms. He said yes, and everybody looked surprised. Before anybody could say anything else, he took a vial of testosterone out of his pocket and placed it on the table. He said, there it is. Their eyes got all wide. He also had his prescription, which he told them and also brought out (this was back in the day when it was still common for these things to be on a piece of paper). They ended the inquiry right then and there and sent him out to go back to work.

You can still ask for the prescription to be on paper, by the way. I did that once when my local pharmacy was out and again when GoodRx had a killer price at another pharmacy. They gave me the paper on request.
I also remember a friend in law enforcement who was called in to be questioned about whether he used steroids. He had legitimate 20 inch arms. He said yes, and everybody looked surprised. Before anybody could say anything else, he took a vial of testosterone out of his pocket and placed it on the table. He said, there it is. Their eyes got all wide. He also had his prescription, which he told them and also brought out (this was back in the day when it was still common for these things to be on a piece of paper). They ended the inquiry right then and there and sent him out to go back to work.

You can still ask for the prescription to be on paper, by the way. I did that once when my local pharmacy was out and again when GoodRx had a killer price at another pharmacy. They gave me the paper on request.

Written prescriptions for Schedule III drugs are illegal in 40 states and you almost certainly won't find a doctor in the other 10 who'd do it.

They're issued electronically and go into statewide tracking systems to prevent doctor shopping for multiple prescriptions.

It's been this way for a long time.

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I’m closer to 60 than 50. With that said, it is pretty amazing how accessible sauce (ok gear) has become. You were lucky to have any let alone enough to run complete cycles. I’m interested in knowing what is the minimum amount of gear you have stashed. Let’s start and just focus on Testosterone:

I usually have a kit. I’m ordering before it drops below 6. I could go more, but because it is fairly easy to obtain I don’t bother. Recently seeing all these sources run out of the testosterone makes me think we have some serious hoarders amongst us.
It's interesting to see how the accessibility of gear has changed over the years. Being closer to 60 than 50, you must have witnessed quite an evolution in availability and attitudes towards gear. It's true that back in the day, having even a small stash was a big deal, and now, it seems almost too easy to get your hands on it.