Steroid Profile Testosterone

On 600mg Testosterone C and feeling like in a God mode. No, but for real it feels so good to blast on Testosterone only, as side effects are moderate and manageable, just controlling estrogen and taking cialis 10mg/day to manage blood pressure a bit.

Strength is pretty good, looking full somewhat watery and body fat somewhere at 16% weighing 230+ lbs or 106kg 6'2 or 187cm.

So overall it's awesome to blast moderate dosages and T solo again, all I can say is it feels damn good.
Qualcun altro ama il testosterone da solo?

Mi piaceva impilare e aggiungere steroidi, mentre è molto divertente e i risultati sono qualcos'altro alla fine della giornata è per lo più temporaneo e svanisce. L'effetto cosmetico è temporaneo così come i guadagni di forza pazzeschi e ti senti esausto prendendo tutti quei farmaci, mentre il testosterone resiste alla prova del tempo - non lo smetti mai, abbassi semplicemente il dosaggio a qualunque cosa soddisfi i tuoi desideri e ti mantenga comunque potenziato. L'uomo non si sente mai bene in crociera per periodi più lunghi, ti ricordi come essere di nuovo umano, pur mantenendo i vantaggi di essere "acceso". Anche con la mia dose di 216 mg/settimana, mi sento così bene ed equilibrato, quasi come farebbe una persona naturale, ovviamente migliorata e ho la capacità di portare molta più massa muscolare magra, è incredibile. Lo adoro.
Scusate se sono fuori luogo,ma volevo chiedere consiglio su siti affidabili,grazie
Scusate se sono fuori luogo,ma volevo chiedere consiglio su siti affidabili,grazie
Sorry man, I do not want to be responsible for any source, I'm not associated with any of them. There's a section called underground you should check it out and see what's available, use it at your own risk though.
test due to its androgenic component has an issue of raising blood pressure after a certain point where a lower androgenic anabolic stacked with it can be beneficial, such as deca. i just have an issue with deca being used instead of test as a base which in my knowledge should just about never be done.
test due to its androgenic component has an issue of raising blood pressure after a certain point where a lower androgenic anabolic stacked with it can be beneficial, such as deca. i just have an issue with deca being used instead of test as a base which in my knowledge should just about never be done.
Talk about high blood pressure and feeling off, it is deca for me. Worst injectable for me in terms of side effects and well being. I handle tren pretty well. I agree 1g of T can cause such issues, but really past a certain total mg's all steroids can do it.
Hi lukiss. Well, maybe not... let me share the following ; turinabol is an anabolic with low androgenic. Bought some from a shop. Worked exactly as it should have. Energy, anabolic and low androgenic. Used 2 tabs per day of 10 mgs each and stacked it with 25 mgs of proviron for muscle hardness once a day. Didnt take anything else and was very happy with it except to say the turinabol took down my cardio... Okay. Fast forward to an order from geneza direct .org for turinabol and I couldn't even handle 1 ten mg tab a day without having blood pressure issues ! And that is with nothing else. I mean WTF ?!?!? Massive androgenic component to it. Go figure.... Ordered some primo tabs from naps. Ultima. Screwed my joints like never before in my life for a whole month ! I'm using geneza test suspension now with ultima dbol. Very happy. So my point is it isnt just the steroid, it is who u got it from and if they didnt make it then who did. And if they made it where did the raw material come from ? Wu Chan lab in China or Chan Wu ? There are so many variables, that unless you tried the same steroid from two different manufacturers, you really can't say whether or not it works for you... AS crazy as that is. At least with peptides as long as u order from peptide sciences or biotech peptides u don't have to worry. If u got that deca right out of a us pharmacy and it was good Ole organon brand I doubt u would feel the same way but I have no idea who u got ur gear from.
Hi lukiss. Well, maybe not... let me share the following ; turinabol is an anabolic with low androgenic. Bought some from a shop. Worked exactly as it should have. Energy, anabolic and low androgenic. Used 2 tabs per day of 10 mgs each and stacked it with 25 mgs of proviron for muscle hardness once a day. Didnt take anything else and was very happy with it except to say the turinabol took down my cardio... Okay. Fast forward to an order from geneza direct .org for turinabol and I couldn't even handle 1 ten mg tab a day without having blood pressure issues ! And that is with nothing else. I mean WTF ?!?!? Massive androgenic component to it. Go figure.... Ordered some primo tabs from naps. Ultima. Screwed my joints like never before in my life for a whole month ! I'm using geneza test suspension now with ultima dbol. Very happy. So my point is it isnt just the steroid, it is who u got it from and if they didnt make it then who did. And if they made it where did the raw material come from ? Wu Chan lab in China or Chan Wu ? There are so many variables, that unless you tried the same steroid from two different manufacturers, you really can't say whether or not it works for you... AS crazy as that is. At least with peptides as long as u order from peptide sciences or biotech peptides u don't have to worry. If u got that deca right out of a us pharmacy and it was good Ole organon brand I doubt u would feel the same way but I have no idea who u got ur gear from.
There peptides come from china just like every peptide on the market don't believe the made in USA bs.
There peptides come from china just like every peptide on the market don't believe the made in USA bs.
at the rate the world is going, everything is going to come from china, russia, iran and north korea.. when i was a kid, all we had to worry about was made in taiwan baseballs and stuff... lol
at the rate the world is going, everything is going to come from china, russia, iran and north korea.. when i was a kid, all we had to worry about was made in taiwan baseballs and stuff... lol
lol I remember my little red glove I used for rookieball said "Made in Taiwan." That brings me back. Good times.
True. It was about 1981 though when Mizuno came on the scene and that was the new high end glove for us youngsters to try. Meanwhile, the Japanese were starting to wear rawlings like we were Mizuno. I know this but I can't say how cause no one gives their identity here for obvious reasons.
Hi mongog.
Didn't realize you were the same person here as on my other post today until I came back to this one.
It didn't quite sit well with me that I didn't give more details and wanted to do so.

When I was in little league, I played baseball for the new york team against japan. That's how I know.
Hi mongog.
Didn't realize you were the same person here as on my other post today until I came back to this one.
It didn't quite sit well with me that I didn't give more details and wanted to do so.

When I was in little league, I played baseball for the new york team against japan. That's how I know.
Nice! Did you destroy them?
Nice! Did you destroy them?
In 1981 which was my year, they came here. The way they had it was that when we go there we play our rules and when they come here we play theirs. With their rules u can have a tie game. So everything happened to end up a tie at 2 2 and 1 for 5 games. This said, little league here at 12 years old , the pitching was at 46 feet. We were told it was going to have to be at 52. Ok. So then u have to get used to going back 6 feet. I was able to handle that. Then, when the series started we had the surprise of.... 60 feet 6 inches and I was standing there on the mound like are you kidding me ?!?!
Of course the private pitching coach my dad paid for wasn't happy with my performance like it was my fault. Thankfully my dad was OK with me about it.
In addition, we were using their smaller rubberized balls for the first time when the series started... Surprise !!!
So in answer to your question, we didn't but it was anything but fair
In 1981 which was my year, they came here. The way they had it was that when we go there we play our rules and when they come here we play theirs. With their rules u can have a tie game. So everything happened to end up a tie at 2 2 and 1 for 5 games. This said, little league here at 12 years old , the pitching was at 46 feet. We were told it was going to have to be at 52. Ok. So then u have to get used to going back 6 feet. I was able to handle that. Then, when the series started we had the surprise of.... 60 feet 6 inches and I was standing there on the mound like are you kidding me ?!?!
Of course the private pitching coach my dad paid for wasn't happy with my performance like it was my fault. Thankfully my dad was OK with me about it.
In addition, we were using their smaller rubberized balls for the first time when the series started... Surprise !!!
So in answer to your question, we didn't but it was anything but fair
Sounds interesting lol
How many have tried Testosterone undecanoate?

My second time on it high trt 200mg/week and it feels amazing to be honest. I get the privilege of only injecting once per week and keeps me as stable as T cypionate eod. I'm still waiting for it to completely saturate and reach stable levels so in a good month I'll get bloods and see what they say about TT, e2, shbg and other stuff.
How many have tried Testosterone undecanoate?

My second time on it high trt 200mg/week and it feels amazing to be honest. I get the privilege of only injecting once per week and keeps me as stable as T cypionate eod. I'm still waiting for it to completely saturate and reach stable levels so in a good month I'll get bloods and see what they say about TT, e2, shbg and other stuff.
I took it. :)
But from my experience I needed more for the same result as on Testo E
I took it. :)
But from my experience I needed more for the same result as on Testo E
Yes, as explanained above, I experienced the same although it was minor difference. How much in your experience you need more TU than TE to get the same effect?

In my calculations 200mg TU equals to about 180mg TC.