After 6 years of lurking I have finally jumped it. Figured after my first pin I should start a log and give the play by play. Test E 500mg/ weekly.
Age- 31
Bf- 15%+-
Height- 5'11.5"
Weight 190lbs
Working out for 10 years with a few minor breaks. (covid, school and injury). Steady besides covid for a 2 months and a month of school.
Point of this Cycle isnt to slam out PRs, but more or less to gain some size while slowly increasing strength.
For Bloods.
This was hard to obtain. When I get them Ill post. No walk ins wanted anything to do with it and even the Naturopaths were shy. Any other Canadian dudes have a hard time with this? The last one wrote it for me but said no follow up and basically told me to not come back ahah. Would appreciate any insights so it is not a struggle in 4-5 weeks. Also, your bloods go into your file which is added to your online one, so your Family doctor can now see this. This is what I was trying to avoid blah.
For Fuel.
Calories Maintenance - 3450cal/day
Surplus- 4000cal/day
Protein 200g. Carbs 570g. Fats 102g.
This will change as I go along. Using FitnessPal.
Im not going to lay out a meal by meal plan, but I follow IIFYM weighing on the healthy side of things. Lots of beef, chicken, pork, cottage cheese, eggs, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, rice, quinoa, Butter chicken and stir frys through the ass.
For Training.
I am focusing on volume with slowly adding weight. Again, not focusing on PRs. Each bodypart 2x weekly. Revolving around you main lifts.
Bench with Db Incline Press, DB flys, Cables work, etc
Lots of every type of curls.
Deadlift with rack pulls, wide grip pulldowns, tbar rows, barbell rows, back extensions, pullups etc.
Legs/Shoulders (I know, big day) Subject to change.
Squats, Lunges, Hacks, Legs extensions, stiff legged deads, etc.
OHP, Lateral and front raises, shrugs, shoulder rows, face pulls, etc
Abs, Calves and obliques rotated.
As for the Cycle.
Weeks 1-12
Test E 500mg weekly. taken between 2 shots.
Weeks 4-12
HCG 500iu (Debating leaving this for after week 12)
Arimidex on hand.
Weeks 15-17...depending on bloods.
Nolva and Chlomid for PCT.
I also have Ralo if necessary.
Any suggestions, critiques or wanting more details let me know.
After 6 years of lurking I have finally jumped it. Figured after my first pin I should start a log and give the play by play. Test E 500mg/ weekly.
Age- 31
Bf- 15%+-
Height- 5'11.5"
Weight 190lbs
Working out for 10 years with a few minor breaks. (covid, school and injury). Steady besides covid for a 2 months and a month of school.
Point of this Cycle isnt to slam out PRs, but more or less to gain some size while slowly increasing strength.
For Bloods.
This was hard to obtain. When I get them Ill post. No walk ins wanted anything to do with it and even the Naturopaths were shy. Any other Canadian dudes have a hard time with this? The last one wrote it for me but said no follow up and basically told me to not come back ahah. Would appreciate any insights so it is not a struggle in 4-5 weeks. Also, your bloods go into your file which is added to your online one, so your Family doctor can now see this. This is what I was trying to avoid blah.
For Fuel.
Calories Maintenance - 3450cal/day
Surplus- 4000cal/day
Protein 200g. Carbs 570g. Fats 102g.
This will change as I go along. Using FitnessPal.
Im not going to lay out a meal by meal plan, but I follow IIFYM weighing on the healthy side of things. Lots of beef, chicken, pork, cottage cheese, eggs, potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, rice, quinoa, Butter chicken and stir frys through the ass.
For Training.
I am focusing on volume with slowly adding weight. Again, not focusing on PRs. Each bodypart 2x weekly. Revolving around you main lifts.
Bench with Db Incline Press, DB flys, Cables work, etc
Lots of every type of curls.
Deadlift with rack pulls, wide grip pulldowns, tbar rows, barbell rows, back extensions, pullups etc.
Legs/Shoulders (I know, big day) Subject to change.
Squats, Lunges, Hacks, Legs extensions, stiff legged deads, etc.
OHP, Lateral and front raises, shrugs, shoulder rows, face pulls, etc
Abs, Calves and obliques rotated.
As for the Cycle.
Weeks 1-12
Test E 500mg weekly. taken between 2 shots.
Weeks 4-12
HCG 500iu (Debating leaving this for after week 12)
Arimidex on hand.
Weeks 15-17...depending on bloods.
Nolva and Chlomid for PCT.
I also have Ralo if necessary.
Any suggestions, critiques or wanting more details let me know.