Bdg77 the federalist papers are a great read I highly recommend everyone to read them! Good post brother! That's another one of my pet peeves when idiots say we live in a democracy wrong! We live in a Republic , a much better system of government which protects the rights of individuals. A democracy is just majority rules and can crush and throw out the rights of the minority for the majority. In our Republic everyones rights are to be preserved even and especially the minority however that unfortunately hasn't been the case for a long time now. EDUCATE YOURSELVES AND YOUR FRIENDS AMERICA LETS TAKE BACK OUR REPUBLIC AND OUR RIGHTS!
I think all hope is lost. Our police have militarized and are just murdering unarmed black people regularly. Stop and frisk and no knock warrants are fucking absurd, you have thugs in uniforms kicking down people's doors, pointing assault rifles at babies, and killing people's pets; all in an effort to fight this war on drugs. What's even worse is when they run in the wrong house (because they are fucking incompetent) and stick a gun in a little girls face and tell her this is what happens when your grandmother sells crack. Well too bad the only thing grandma might sell are some cookies to raise funds to help support her local church. These people are protecting us? Seeking justice? Protecting the weak? 25% of the world's incarcerated population resides in the United States, with a majority of offenders in prison for non violent, victimless crimes. Land of the free my ass. Nobody apparently gave a fuck to preserve our civil liberties and now this has become the new normal. Warfare, welfare, authoritarian police state.
White people haven't got a taste of it as bad as minorities, yet. But if I'm not mistaken weren't they shooting non violent hippy protestors with live ammunition during the Vietnam War? Fuck a peaceful protest, I'm not standing around, holding a fucking sign, chanting and shit, all while waiting for thugs with badges to maim or murder me. These peaceful protests don't seem very effective to me, the government should fear the people, not the other way around. But anybody that would seek to retaliate against a police state with the same force they are all too willingly to use on us, well that would be wrong.
Children are raised in public schools where they are drilled to always respect, and never question authority. That is exactly the opposite ideology upon which this country was founded upon. I guess history has been rewritten. Our elections are a fucking joke. This 2 party system is a farce. You have conservative republicans preaching small government, but every time one gets in office government and spending just expands. And liberal democrats, well....are liberal democrats. What is even worse about them is they push this progressive idealism but look at all the cronyism. And I don't understand how "tough on crime" (non violent crime?), a "war on drugs", and minimum mandatory sentencing could be viewed as fiscally conservative or socially liberal.