The final moment of Bostin Lloyd‘s life discussed by his friend.

I don't see any reason to attack Bostin.
He was an honest man who followed his dreams.
unlike the fake naturals who are on steroids and claim natural trying to push their supplement brands and training and diet programs to key to their success. Boston Loyd was not a fraudster scamming people for money like these fake nattys.

Boston abusing gear may have been an addiction. Doesn't make him a bad person. Many addicts go to rehab trying to help themselves but they can't. Experts say addiction is a disease.

To badmouth Boston Loyd is disgraceful. He is a respectable person who always said things for what they were. it didn't matter if you were his friend , he called BS when he saw it .

He helped many people.

And people blaming gear because he died at 30 is also not right. When he had a genetic condition. I had a friend die in his 30s whom never touched gear.

Thank you for the video musclehead.

Also people saying Bostin Loyd was dumb for not going to doctors. Can you blame him? How much do doctors really know about steroids ,? Just read the side effects of steroids on the FDA website . It's a joke. I don't blame him for self treating.
Government is messed up . they sentenced your wife for a year in p prison too despite her small role.

Damn they gave his wife a prison sentence too for what I imagine was a very small role in a steroid case. Government is messed up.

Meanwhile Elizabeth Holmes stole a billion? From it's investors with a fake blood test and went to trial and lost at trial and less time than musclehead. Elizabeth 9 years . And is serving it at a cushy fed camp.
Respect to his wife. Means she didn’t cooperate. A rare find.

There are even two privileges that protect a wife from being coerced to testify against her husband in the US federal district court system, the marital confidences and spousal testimonial privilege.

But they have to want to not talk, and that’s unusual statistically.
And people blaming gear because he died at 30 is also not right. When he had a genetic condition. I had a friend die in his 30s whom never touched gear.
The guy even talked about refusing to go to the damn ER which his blood pressure and potassium skyrocketed. He literally laughed on a youtube video about it.

Lets say its genetic, which I dont believe so.

He definitely accelerated his death. And being a father, he should have thought about his child.

Also people saying Bostin Loyd was dumb for not going to doctors. Can you blame him? How much do doctors really know about steroids ,? Just read the side effects of steroids on the FDA website . It's a joke. I don't blame him for self treating.
yea. self treating... look where that got him dude.

out of controlled blood pressure from anabolics -> kidney failure.

fuck the medical system.
You will rarely find any of such people on a public forum. We had one who so hardened he would only use Testosterone rectally.

@biggerben69 it is your time to prove me wrong by sharing your 500 words essay on Panda once again /s
I don't remember ever interacting with you? You're not a fan of my long winded posts. There's a long line and you aren't close to the front.

Did you tag me for a reason? I've had a long couple of days and nights so maybe I'm missing something obvious. I've also never claimed to be the brightest guy in the room. What is it you want from me?
I got a feeling that Big Ben and Musclehead are on opposite ends of the spectrum. Maybe not opposite but there’s a huge gap there imo
I don't know how many remember when Musclehead touched down here at Meso.

It was clear he was pushing Onyx. He was also hurling insults around telling us how those engaging him shouldn't because his physique was superior. He wasn't making friends but that's not why he was here.

To be fair, he had his fans here as well. They took up for him and defended him from time to time.

If I remember correctly you were pretty sure that you weren't in any danger? Some of us warned you about the feds and what you were trifling with, didn't we Tyler?

The use of the name Onyx may have brought things to a head faster than had you made up a name but you were doing things like giving away and shipping samples of the gear with the book of yours you were pushing, correct? Pretty reckless, would you agree in hindsight?

Also, your lengthy sentence had more to do with your criminal history than it did with anything else, didn't it? It was a long time ago but I remember taking a look and calculating your Criminal Category and I came up with you being CC6(criminal category six).

The Federal Sentencing Guidelines is a pretty simple yet terrifying thing to behold. Guys feel as though they are paying for their crimes a 2nd time when they educate themselves on the Federal System.

You go down the chart until you find your Offense Level. Then you go across until you land on your Criminal Category. It ends with 6..I believe that's where Musclehead landed?

The Feds back East is a lot different than it is out here in the West. Politics, or the lack of them back East, is the biggest difference. We follow California State Prison politics. I was a fact checker for our race for a time once I released.

I'm sure Musclehead was schooled on all things federal. Learned about the PSR(pre sentencing report) and how its considered contraband to have in your possession once you're sentenced and designated. When you leave you can take nothing with you...especially your PSR. Its because there are so many cooperating defendants(rats) and sex offenders in the fed system. Guys with bad paper want to distance themselves from their PSR anyway. It could get them killed.

Then there's the RDAP program. If you land at an Institution that has the RDAP the first thing your are asked by your people is "What's your out date?" There are only so many spots open per class and guys stress out when they get close to the fill # praying they don't get bounced and pushed back to the next class.

RDAP(residential drug and alcohol program)...its cognitive behavior therapy. Its the only way to shorten your sentence without cooperating and being granted a 5k1.

If you complete the 10 month...or is it a 12 month program successfully you are eligible for up to a year off your sentence and 6 months to a year of halfway house time. I've been out of the system for a while. Things may have changed a little?

Lastly...I've had interactions with Bostin over the years. I know you guys were close Musclehead and I have no problem showing you emails to prove I'm not blowing smoke.

He was a Sponsored Athlete for a long time online Int source that had its share of clients in the USA. There was a domestic to the USA list that had UGL gear and Serostim on that list. I am a friend of the owner and brought the first few ugl's to his site. I was Bostins contact and I saw to it that he got what he wanted for gear. The site owner paid for his cycles of ugl gear. I made sure the ugl had his correct address to ship to in Florida. Bostin was of the belief that all pharm grade GH on the Black Market was fake. He wouldn't budge off that belief in the years I knew him. That was a shame.

Then when the Turkish Scammer Adnan Sanat shipped meso members counterfeit pharm grade GH(Humatrope), I was able to get* to send members who got scammed authentic Humatrope. I then chased Adnan from board to board. His last stronghold was Bostins paid board. I was sure adnan was about to be extinct.

Talking with Bostin it turned out that Adnan had actually sold Bostin 10 kits of fake Humatrope. Unlike meso members who were left with only the threats of being shipped hot packs and the threat of the FBI receiving the emails between himself and the members ordering illicit products. Bostin was made whole.

He also said I was welcome at his board(he would waive board fees)as long as I didn't attack Adnan who he said was his top source. He said that his members received fakes from time to time but as long as they were made whole he couldn't ask for anything more from him. Disappointing, but not surprising. Again, I have the emails.

He was a personable guy....not unlike yourself, Tyler. You even had Dave "Jumbo" Palumbo write a character reference to your sentencing judge. He and Bostin were tight.

Palumbo is no stranger to the BOP. He was convicted of selling counterfeit Serostim to his friends and followers. He cooperated and got something like a year and a day sentence. Palumbo was talking about wanting to go into some kind of business with you. Have you heard from him? You should hold him to his word.

I'm sincerely happy to see you out with the living. Home confinement isn't a lot of fun. You have 2 probation officers while you have that ankle monitor on. I cut mine off and shipped it back to the guy. Sent him and email with tracking. I didn't want to pay the $4k. I used to have impulse control issues.

Stay focused and get the feds in your rear view. You can get off probation early as long as you don't screw up. My sentence was 60 months in and 60 months supervised release. Took me 7 years to complete 5 years of probation. Gave them 21 more months behind the wall. The key is to not pick up any new charges. 3 Class C violations had my guidelines each violation being 4 to 10 months. The 3rd violation had me serving 10 months. I walked out of that halfway house in El Monte, CA a free man with no paper. That was a feeling i can't forget.

I know. It gets tiring every time I read a post and Panda is mentioned and this guy writes a whole lot of nothing.

He does exactly what I am doing right now but you get the point.
How's that for a whole lot of nothing? This "Guy" doesn't like to disappoint. That slick mouth of yours ever get you into something you couldn't talk your way out of?
I don't remember ever interacting with you?
that is the only reason why iq hadnt dropped to a solid minus one.

Did you tag me for a reason?
might want to read again in case you missed the reason.

How's that for a whole lot of nothing?
as impressive as me completing skipping it.

That slick mouth of yours ever get you into something you couldn't talk your way out of?
im not entirely sure what kind of something you are talking where one would get out off using a slick mouth...

This "Guy" doesn't like to disappoint.
aha! now that clears up my other doubts.
i am sleep deprived and wish no bad will on anyone…

He did what he did that is all. We all face decisions every day… some we wish we could have chosen differently…
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The guy even talked about refusing to go to the damn ER which his blood pressure and potassium skyrocketed. He literally laughed on a youtube video about it.

Lets say its genetic, which I dont believe so.

He definitely accelerated his death. And being a father, he should have thought about his child.

yea. self treating... look where that got him dude.

out of controlled blood pressure from anabolics -> kidney failure.

fuck the medical system.
It was the peptide that caused him kidney failure . He talked about it on YouTube after that peptide his kidney value skyrocketed and it wasn't kidney failure the cause of death but his genetic condition.

. And after his kidneys were brought to his attention he stopped blasting and was just on Trt dosage . He did think of his child.

You got guys here that have USA doctors telling you to inject testosterone cyponate or even test sust with short esters mixed once a month . They don't understand a simple concept of halflife and stable blood levels . The medical knowledge of steroids in USA is a joke. Can't blame Boston for being stubborn.
It was the peptide that caused him kidney failure . He talked about it on YouTube after that peptide his kidney value skyrocketed and it wasn't kidney failure the cause of death but his genetic condition.

. And after his kidneys were brought to his attention he stopped blasting and was just on Trt dosage . He did think of his child.

You got guys here that have USA doctors telling you to inject testosterone cyponate or even test sust with short esters mixed once a month . They don't understand a simple concept of halflife and stable blood levels . The medical knowledge of steroids in USA is a joke. Can't blame Boston for being stubborn.
Dude, he had kidney failure from BP, non compliance, and he was on dialysis. The guy was gonna die.

He would never get a kidney due to Non-compliance as well

Sustanon isn't even FDA approved for the US. So idk what you are talking about.

There is a video that was talked about here on this forum. It was deleted. They discuss the video that was deleted

Post in thread 'Boston Lloyd's Cause of Death Revealed' Boston Lloyd's Cause of Death Revealed
It was the peptide that caused him kidney failure

From what I remember reading online, the dangerous BP levels he was suffering from predate him using that substance, anyway.
The damage was done by that and by his drug abuse.
Adipotide will be forever linked to him, we can say that, but whether it had any real impact in prompting his death, one can only speculate.

Doesn't make him a bad person

This is not about him being a bad person.
It's about how his "legacy" is perceived and the fact that there are still people out there willing to find justifications for how he behaved.

He helped many people.

By becoming an icon of what not to do, I guess.

And people blaming gear because he died at 30 is also not right.

Come on now, he abused steroids in a ludicrous way.
Drug abuse was his spiel and he milked it to death, literally.
It gave him the attention and exposure he craved; controversy always helps.
You find redeeming qualities in the non chalance and openness with which he did so, however.
If you think educating people about safe steroid use can help push against the stigmatisation of AAS and their user base, he is far from being an edifying example of that, isn't he?
He helped many people.

posting vids saying pros were only pros because they took tonnes of gear and lied about their doses.

telling people he reused needles while pinning in the gym parking lot "meh I never had any problems"

and people still defend that clown

