The hunger is real!


New Member
So just started pct after my lovely 14 week test cycle with some tren, mast and NPP. Anyways my stats are currently 182@10-11%bf my TDEE is 3600 cals on a Normal day and 4200 on a active day (this is relative to me not a normal active) my problem is that I'll eat 200 cals above my TDEE for the past week but when I'm going to bed I'm so incredibly hungry I usually go get a half kilo of chicken and ketchup outa the fridge which puts me another 500 cals above (700 total above) and I'm still incredible hungry but I've hit my macros and my protein is way high so what the hell? Why am I as hungry as a Ethiopian when I've eaten as much as most my size do on a bulk (not losing weight and it's inconclusive if I'm gaining weight). Is there any appetite suppressants that could help or does anyone have any ideas?

Currently taking 100 clomid Ed 40 nolva Ed and ZMA at night for my sleep. Switching to 50 clomid in 4 days and 20 nolva
What kinds of fats are u taking in? I personally love some peanut butter with my protein before bed. The peanut butter definitely helps me. Stay away from the ketchup. mustard and chicken isn't too bad
Fats are from Avacados, olive oils, almonds, peanut butter and ranch dressing occasionally. I don't find shakes fill me up at all so I tend to only have them after a workout when I can't eat for a few hours after. But I've never put peanut butter in a shake so I'll give it a go and see how it takes tonight
Haha ya ketchup is definitely the best tasting. But sugar is my weakness. just make the peanut butter it's not in the shake after or before your workout. Night time is the best for me. It's almost like a treat when your diet is strict
The pre bed hunger sucks. And the only appetite suppressant I use is ephedrine, so that's a no go at that time.

I've seriously just been going to bed earlier. Which is good, really. But it sure feels miserable.

A bag of salad mix and some lemons in the fridge at all times goes a long way toward sanity. Fill up pretty much calorie free.
Ya I have the typical none calorie filling stuff like spinach always on hand in the fridge but the problem is I'll lay in bed be like fuck it I'm hungry and go to the fridge and if I was living by myself no problem could stay strict and not eat too much but because my girl can eat whatever she likes and still look like a dime I've got everything from cheese strings to fudge in the fridge and 99% of the time I stick with chicken but the other night it was a Nanaimo bar.... Could his just be because my test is low and I'm basically a woman PMSing lol?
Haha I think everyone has those cravings. But I hear you on having junk food in the house problem. had a long talk with my girl last weekend and told her she is not allowed to make anymore chocolate chip cookies lol. Just remind yourself of what your goals are. Chrystal light helps me with the sugar cravings, I always have some at night. there is no way I could diet with stuff like that in the fridge.
When I'm dieting I have no issue staying on point it's just eating Maintenence is the issue. I'm currently on the happy wife happy life plan (girlfriend not wife but still) I'd rather her be happy and jolly eating whatever as long as she keeps dancing and lifting and looking fine because when we had her eat a more balanced diet she was grouchy as all hell lol
I have trouble with late night hunger also... Soon as it hits me I chug a quart of water. It helps me a lot... I've become a fan of having a few spoonfuls of peanut butter if the water isn't enough to take the edge off as well.
If u cannot see good abs yet then you ain't hungry!!! LOL...Man, in all honesty this game is about going hungry when dieting. Sometimes it's in our heads and the fact that we tell ourselves we cannot eat certain things is ultimately what turns into obsessing over this issue.

Try kicking up your good carbs more in the morning time to help adjust, u may find it beneficial. And TDEE is never 100% accurate, its a basic "we think this is what you're at based on all this shit" type of reference range. But it could definitely be off a few hundred calories and what you think is going overboard is still a deficit and not losing weight is more body recomp and not necessarily a deal of not getting results. Just some food for thought, no pun intended!!
When flexed ya I can see my abs clearly and if not then just mild lines id probably say hanging at 11% right now my caliber says 10 but I don't believe that thing so much I trust the mirror more.
What's your bodyfat level at? Can u see your abs clearly?
I have trouble with late night hunger also... Soon as it hits me I chug a quart of water. It helps me a lot... I've become a fan of having a few spoonfuls of peanut butter if the water isn't enough to take the edge off as well.
Ya I keep a litre of water beside my bed and down it before I go to sleep don't find water helps that much. I'm gonna look into the peanut butter and trying to tucker myself out with my female companion.

Thanks for the help guys
If u cannot see good abs yet then you ain't hungry!!! LOL...Man, in all honesty this game is about going hungry when dieting. Sometimes it's in our heads and the fact that we tell ourselves we cannot eat certain things is ultimately what turns into obsessing over this issue.

Try kicking up your good carbs more in the morning time to help adjust, u may find it beneficial. And TDEE is never 100% accurate, its a basic "we think this is what you're at based on all this shit" type of reference range. But it could definitely be off a few hundred calories and what you think is going overboard is still a deficit and not losing weight is more body recomp and not necessarily a deal of not getting results. Just some food for thought, no pun intended!!

Got my TDEE from a fitbit surge wore it for a week didn't like wearing a watch so I'm just going of the average for each type of day your right. I have zero trouble dieting on or off cycle and this is the first time since I've dove both feet in 4 years ago to this lifestyle that I simply cannot fight the hunger even though I know I've eaten enough to maintain.
So just started pct after my lovely 14 week test cycle with some tren, mast and NPP. Anyways my stats are currently 182@10-11%bf my TDEE is 3600 cals on a Normal day and 4200 on a active day (this is relative to me not a normal active) my problem is that I'll eat 200 cals above my TDEE for the past week but when I'm going to bed I'm so incredibly hungry I usually go get a half kilo of chicken and ketchup outa the fridge which puts me another 500 cals above (700 total above) and I'm still incredible hungry but I've hit my macros and my protein is way high so what the hell? Why am I as hungry as a Ethiopian when I've eaten as much as most my size do on a bulk (not losing weight and it's inconclusive if I'm gaining weight). Is there any appetite suppressants that could help or does anyone have any ideas?

Currently taking 100 clomid Ed 40 nolva Ed and ZMA at night for my sleep. Switching to 50 clomid in 4 days and 20 nolva

Lol, 1/2 key of chicken. What about eating less during the day so that your evening snack would put your calories where you want instead of excess.

EC stack works great to suppress your appetite, but 1 issue with appetite suppressants is that it may disrupt your sleep