The Lobster International,EU and UK domestic HGH,PEPTIDES and Turkish Pharmacy

Some people seem to be asking for trouble. Sometimes I wish the internet was only for those with an IQ higher than low double digits and for individuals still possessing some gray matter.
Some people seem to be asking for trouble. Sometimes I wish the internet was only for those with an IQ higher than low double digits and for individuals still possessing some gray matter.
What is your problem? If u want u can come to
My house and eat pizza and pasta with me!
Hey, while we're at it why don't you post your address, credit card number and ssn? ‍:rolleyes: The daily pasta and pizzas must've influenced rational thinking...

You probably go through a few sets of curtains a year, peeking out from behind them often looking for the agents conducting surveillance ops on you.

But then my IQ would be low to not expect there wouldn't be at least a few mental cases with steroid induced paranoid psychosis here.
You probably go through a few sets of curtains a year, peeking out from behind them often looking for the agents conducting surveillance ops on you.

But then my IQ would be low to not expect there wouldn't be at least a few mental cases with steroid induced paranoid psychosis here.
maybe he should switch to blinds
Mr Lobster, the more I look at your logo, the more I see a feline face.... is it one of those Rorschach test things? Are you hinting that you are a master of disguise?
I am intrigued
Mr Lobster, the more I look at your logo, the more I see a feline face.... is it one of those Rorschach test things? Are you hinting that you are a master of disguise?
I am intrigued

Oh, you've caught us! But it seems we're not very good at keeping that a secret!

I use chatgpt iris. He is very good at answering :) hehe
Has anyone who bought the Lobster HGH already made a blind test by Jano or done a serum test?
I would be curious to try the product...
Thank you
Can i ask how does international shipping goes to europe without problems with custom

Look, there is no guarantee. Whoever you use will have a reshipping policy.
If you are concerned about international and the risks that may come with it, then your only solution is to find a domestic source