The truth about half-life


New Member
Hello everybody,

It's my first topic here. I'm from Brazil and I would like to learn more about this theme.

My question now is about the half-life of the medicaments. There are many sites with tables showing us this values for almost all medicaments. But, since I have read a interesting article I was wondering if the information about the half-life is correct. This article explains that many tables are incorrect, because they are based from Bill Roberts' calculations.. And after years, his calculation was considerated correct, but now is known that there are some mistakes...

So, for example, the correct half life posted in the article (in Portuguese, the name of the medicament is similar in English) :
Propionato de testosterona 2 days
Fenilpropionato de testosterona 3 days
Fenilpropionato de nandrolona 3 d
Isocaproato de testosterona 4 d
Decanoato de testosterona 7d
Decanoato de nandrolona 6-7 d
Cipionato de testosterona 6 d
Enantato de testosterona 5 d
Propionado drostanolona 2 d
Enantato de metenolona 5 d
Undecilenato de Boldenona 7 d
Acetato de Trenbolona 2 d
Enantato de trenbolona 5-6 d

And the incorrect ones :

Decanoato de nandrolona: 15 d
Undecilenato de boldenone: de 14 a 16 d
Mentelona: 10.5 d
Durateston: de 15 a 18 d
Cipionato de testosterona: 12 d
Enantato de testosterona: 10.5 d
Propionato de testosterona: 4.5 d
Testosterona aquosa: 1 d
Stanozolol: 1 d
Acetado de Trembolone: 3 d
Enantato de Metenolona: 10,5 d

So, anyone has heard something like this? Is this correct? So, pct timing should change?
