Theoretically speaking, what it be bad to take Clenbuterol before anethesia? Assuming you didn't dose day of.

Considering that Albuterol and Salmeterol can be taken before surgery, what is the consensus on Clenbuterol? This is assuming you don't take it the day of, but naturally the half-life is wayyyy longer than those 2.

Say I took it, my BP and HR are fine on clen, so that wouldn't be an issue. Any other concerns?
I would drop the cycle. I wouldent take anything like that a few days or weeks before an after just incase.

I wouldn't be on anything but a small amount of test an gh personally. Plus u dident even mention why u were going under? But a surgery ? No way I would be taking clen as a fat burner, may hinder recovery. Mabe if ur prescribed it then ask ur dr.
So basically since it has a 10-14 day half life, I figured drop it 2 weeks out if I was to drop it. I'm just thinking about if I could run it up to day of and drop it from there if there would be any issues.

You think it would hinder recovery? If anything my only "real" concern is an arrhythmia during anesthesia. I had no issue eating and so far healing on my current surgery protocol (I dropped clen 14 days out).

I'm running Test+Var+GH/BPC/TB5/GHK, the surgery is skin opening/scaring related.
Would there be merit to running tren ace at 5mg daily? I am inactive for 2 weeks and can't lift for 6, that is the threshold dose before it becomes neurotoxic and a bunch of other downstream negative effects, it's the parabolan dose.

I will say I have never had any negative effects all the way up to 120mcg, but I will NEVER run even 20mcg with Yohimbine again, or Yohimbine at all. Fuck that supplement, that's the only time I ever took something and almost felt like I needed to be hospitalized and felt sick.
What drug are you talking about?

In any case I would drop everything, maybe stay on TRT dose if needed. Once you heal and recover from surgery, get back in to the gym and adjust your diet. Muscle memory is real. Gain everything back slowly.
Whoops! The half-life of Clen is 36-48 hours. So to completely clear from the system would take 10-14 days!

I do agree with the drop everything, however the var + peptides are for collagen synthesis. I am not taking anything "performance enhancing" besides the idea of the 5mg of tren, which would also only be used for the presence of muscle wasting (6 weeks no gym and sitting in bed for 2 of em)
On a side note (will probably make a second thread) assuming I have not used a lot of gear, how should one run a cycle when returning to the gym? The goal is to cut, but I know I'll be regaining lost mass, so I'm """""recomping"""" but I don't actually want to gain additional tissue, I'm okay with what I have/had.
It is a question for your anesthesiologist. Ask them and let us know. You don't fail to disclose these thing when you are going under anesthesia.
Doctors and medical professionals only care about your well-being. They wouldn't call the police on you if you came to the ER high on crack (there are very specific and strict laws about this in the USA).

Do not lie or hide anything from someone who's job it is to keep you alive during surgery
I suppose I can ask, I've already displayed some level of knowledge on prescription medication to my surgeon/anesthesiologist because he was giving me something and I mentioned the generics and we got off topic, so if I asked he'd probably know (most people doing my surgeries are doing it cosmetically anyways, not for my reasons)
Considering that Albuterol and Salmeterol can be taken before surgery, what is the consensus on Clenbuterol? This is assuming you don't take it the day of, but naturally the half-life is wayyyy longer than those 2.

Say I took it, my BP and HR are fine on clen, so that wouldn't be an issue. Any other concerns?
Its only 2 weeks, nothing is going to change in 2 weeks. What is your hold up on stopping everything but trt? What is so special with clen that you want to run and include day of surgery.

I stupidly didnt disclose info on a surgery with medication, and took it that day, 6 months later i was told they had a very hard time with my breathing, from just 600 mg gabapentin that morning. I didnt say anything because the first doc disqualifed the procedure when i said i took it, and used to be a heroin addict. So i made sure to not say anything to next doctor because i needed to get my torn pec fixed.

So they indeed can deny you for the procedure if they dont feel fit to do it!
Its only 2 weeks, nothing is going to change in 2 weeks. What is your hold up on stopping everything but trt? What is so special with clen that you want to run and include day of surgery.
I didn't have any issue with it, that's what I did. But in reality, what is the reasoning behind not stopping it if there isn't an issue on my next 2 surgeries.

Also technically if I could burn 10% of my bmr with clen I can burn an extra 1lb of fat in 2 weeks. Which isn't a lot but anything that isn't adding a 1lb is a lot in reality to me. Also that would give me time to regain muscle from the past surgery, not that 2 weeks is insane again, but it's another 2 weeks of going forward marginally.
I agree with the advice about being completely transparent with your anesthesiologist/doctor, and asking them rather than random people on the internet for a matter as serious as surgery.

I would also think you would want to reduce any possible variables that could cause complications with the surgery. Dropping the clen is a no-brainer
It is a question for your anesthesiologist. Ask them and let us know. You don't fail to disclose these thing when you are going under anesthesia.
This. We continually demonstrate lack of critical thinking and OCD that boggles my mind in this sport.

My question is “Why? Why would you even care?” Go off it a week or two before. You aren’t going to lose your physique that way.

Even if you did, why would you risk potential life threatening consequences for near zero return comparatively?
I didn't have any issue with it, that's what I did. But in reality, what is the reasoning behind not stopping it if there isn't an issue on my next 2 surgeries.

Also technically if I could burn 10% of my bmr with clen I can burn an extra 1lb of fat in 2 weeks. Which isn't a lot but anything that isn't adding a 1lb is a lot in reality to me. Also that would give me time to regain muscle from the past surgery, not that 2 weeks is insane again, but it's another 2 weeks of going forward marginally.
So 1lb of fat is worth all the complications that might occur. Who knows maybe it's not a big deal but you're getting put under, id rather be safe than be 1lb lighter on my autopsy. I mean it just sounds silly. You could just lose 1lb of fat the next week. Is 1lb really gonna make or break your physique, I'm assuming you're not going into surgery 2 weeks before the olymoia