I found high rep work is what causes my nerves to inflame again and cause that dead lower back feeling with helpless pain that just makes you want to wish for a bullet. I can with stand 5 heavy reps. 3 is more ideal. 20 rep range im asking for a hospital visit. With all the damn problems ive had and all the help i seeked the front squat is what had the BIGGEST influence on rehabilitating it. Why? I figure the form of sitting almost completely upright in the FS is what helped me get back to fighting form. YOU CANNOT FS BENT AT THE WAIST. Like the BS forces you too. Healthier on the back.
The deadlift can be replaced man. We know deadlifts build a strong posterior chain. So lets break it down. Traps can be built with rack pulls. Which are done safely above the floor lvl. Where there is minimal lower back strain. Hamstrings can be built with high rep romanians and stiff legged deads and curls. Glutes can be built thru squats and kickbacks and a host of other compound movements. So if your forced to choose health over ego. Drop the deadlifts without question. I would bet if i gave you a back shot of mine including the entire posterior chain in the picture you would guess im a deadlifter
Except im not. Anymore.
Ive even been able to rebuild my back to the point of doing bent barbell rows with badass form. Approaching the vaunted 405 for reps.
I wouldnt have been able to do that had i still embraced the iron dogma of "deadlifts or die" .
Save your back man.