Alright, mr. ER doctor. I stumbled on a few other threads of people questioning your credentials. Apparently I'm not the only one who thinks you're a fraud, DRJIM. I'm going to give you a few questions, let's see what you know.
What is the number one way rule out metabolic coma?
If a patient comes in to your ER with a fever, elevated opening pressure, and double vision, what test would you order to determine the root cause? What would be your three ddx?
If you suspect a hemothorax, what angle of approach will you take when doing this common procedure? How can you tell hemo from pneumo without an x-ray?
If a burn patient has 27% of his body covered in 3rd degree burns, how would you determine the fluid resuscitation? What would you follow your ringer's with and how much would you give in relative proportion to the initial drip?