Thoughts on new cycle?


New Member
this summer Im planing to do a tren 200mg test 250mg cycle I ve caber p5p nac600 nolvadex on hand. not touching caber if my prolactin stays in the tolerable range and if I wont get ED, gyno or prolactin related issues. for pct Im planing to do nolvadex only for 4 weeks 10mg daily

On these low dosages I wasnt sure what to do on pct so here are my questions:

Do you recommend hcg mct?
Should I get DIM?
Do I need to get clomid and aromasin?
What do you think about test dosage?
Forgot about that sorry.Did 2 cycles before .My past cycles were on low dosages too (250-400 test e only)

No this is my first tren cycle thinking of tren e test e for 10 weeks
Thinking about something similar, but way low on the Tren A. 10 mg / day?

Being 100% honest and just trying to help you with gains vs bad sides (with experience), if you're running short ester tren you will reap the best rewards from 1ml (75mg/ml or 100mg/ml) on short esters/short cycles M/W/F injects per week.

10mg per day tren-a injectable? How will you do that?
You may as well just suck on primo acetate pills bro.
Being 100% honest and just trying to help you with gains vs bad sides (with experience), if you're running short ester tren you will reap the best rewards from 1ml (75mg/ml or 100mg/ml) on short esters/short cycles M/W/F injects per week.

10mg per day tren-a injectable? How will you do that?
You may as well just suck on primo acetate pills bro.
Finaplix tablets release 200 mg over the course of 80 days, for cattle. 10mg in a human is hardly a waste, and easy to do, you just pull to the 0.1 with a 100 mg/ml concentration
Finaplix tablets release 200 mg over the course of 80 days, for cattle. 10mg in a human is hardly a waste, and easy to do, you just pull to the 0.1 with a 100 mg/ml concentration

Okay , you do that bro when you've sourced your old school pellets for animals from vet labs.
What century are you from?
Fina pellets ffs.
This is 2022 not 1980.
Clomid pct

Other two on cycle. Arom and hcg... Yes

Do you have the stuff already? If not I would do tren a for a first cycle in case your body doesn’t agree with it. It will be out of your system WAY quicker.

Looks good otherwise. What are your goals for this cycle?
How is your diet and training?

Good luck my friend and keep us posted on your progress!


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