Time for some size!

Test Cyp 200
NPP 100
Anavar 50 mg
Is brewed doses and capped

This is next cycle for first 4/5 weeks, then reasses

Warm Up

Vbar Rows

Lat Pulldowns

TBar Plate Row

Arnold Press

Arsenal Flyes

One Arm Car Rows



Thursday 5/2 Legs/Hamstring Focused-Right glute

Friday 5/3 OFF-Left Glute 1 mg AI

Saturday 5/4 Arms/Shoulders-Left VG

Sunday 5/5 Back/Rear Delts/Core

Monday 5/6 Push

Tuesday 5/7 Legs-Quad focused-Right Delt
I feel absolutely miserable…

I am gaining and eating and i need to eat more.

But i am miserable. Holy crap. And it may just be depression or something. I dont know how to fix it.

That said i am a miserable 252 lbs. and from the outside you wouldnt see how shitty i feel. But i have the mindset of to just get huge as theres nothing else in life anyway.

Not sure how to change, i am working on it. And exercise is the only thing i have consistantly done. So thats not stopping.

Going to Drop the NPP for 1 week. I am brewing up some mast P. Going to switch out the npp amd run mast, then just maybe reintroduce NPP or keep it out until some time. But i cant keep this up, feeling this way. I am miserable. It must be the NPP because i was not like this 2 weeks ago as much. And i have been on NPP for 3 weeks.

libido is non exaistant, eating actually really well, and gained 5 lbs.

So 255. Most i ever weighed in my life.

Thus next option is take the week off from gym, but i dont want to do that.
Legs Glute Hammy focus
5 legs

256 lbs

I have gain alot from eating and adding npp. But holding water for sure.

I am going to get some mast in system and see how that feels.

900 Test
350 Mast

? 490 NPP still or lower to 350 too?

Any input.

I am taking tomorrow off NPP, i really would like to run it. As i am growing very well at the moment.
in 2 days will see how this goes, seeing if mood improves

.7 cc Test Cyp
.5 cc Mast P
.5 cc NPP

Pinning ED

900 Test
350 Mast P
350 NPP
8 iu ED HGH

i will be staying here for 4 weeks
Do you have experience with this combo? Like a ratio to go off of?
I like Mast above 800 mg a week personally with Test fairly low at 200 mg a week or so. Just personal preference and the lack of E2 sides at those levels.

Only ran NPP once and it wrecked my libidio, mental state, and general feeling of wellbeing. Dropped it like a hot rock.

Push Day

I am dropping the HGH i have been so dam fatigued and i am starting to think the HGH is the culprit as i have been slowly ramping up to 8 iu, so the sides were so subtle, but have caught up to me badly.

I am so tired all the time and have no energy to do anything. So i was thinking it was the NPP, but not even realizing i think its the HGH.

So i am just dropping the HGH.

And i will let time go by, plus i have been on HGH for like 8 months straight.

Also I am dropping NPP. I am just going to run test and mast for a bit. As i probably need a break from bulking too.

I have been going to hard for so long. I havent taken any break in 1 year.

So i re aligned some aspects of what i will be doing for the next month.

Test, Mast, epistane. For 4 weeks.

Eating a set amount.

Then re assess.

Also taking it easy on my workouts. Not killing myself every workout.

Then when i reastablish some energy levels. I will start over to go hard again.

Push Day

I am dropping the HGH i have been so dam fatigued and i am starting to think the HGH is the culprit as i have been slowly ramping up to 8 iu, so the sides were so subtle, but have caught up to me badly.

I am so tired all the time and have no energy to do anything. So i was thinking it was the NPP, but not even realizing i think its the HGH.

So i am just dropping the HGH.

And i will let time go by, plus i have been on HGH for like 8 months straight.

Also I am dropping NPP. I am just going to run test and mast for a bit. As i probably need a break from bulking too.

I have been going to hard for so long. I havent taken any break in 1 year.

So i re aligned some aspects of what i will be doing for the next month.

Test, Mast, epistane. For 4 weeks.

Eating a set amount.

Then re assess.

Also taking it easy on my workouts. Not killing myself every workout.

Then when i reastablish some energy levels. I will start over to go hard again.
I feel like you've said this before a few months ago, try to stick to it this time. Give yourself a real break.