Time for some size!

I have litterally lost 2-4 % bf, while gaining 10 pounds, and hitting PR’s on my lifts.

But almost done.

This result is incredible in just 5 weeks about. Last couple pins then taking a break. Still high test, but no tren.
Back and Shoulders

No more tren thank goodness.

Now just test for a bit and hgh
Mind needs a break

Arm Bike

Cable Seated


Tricep Rope


One Arm Fly

Ticep EZ Curl Bar

Upper Chest Flys

One Arm Rope Tricep


Going to rely on smoothies for the next 5 days, as i have not been able to properly eat the amount needed, everytime i go to, i end up getting a call, or in a rush, have to fix that because i am mlst definitly losing muscle mass from not adequte protein intake.
Tuesday 4/2 Back/Shoulders-Right VG

Wednesday 4/3 Chest/Triceps/Core


Thursday 4/4 OFF/Bike/Yoga/Foam Roll

Friday 4/5 Legs/Quads
Have to brew again, i have every compound, so badly would run tren longer, but i need a mental break. I also have npp and dhb.

I am kind of tired pinning ED but i have no long esters besides test c, kind of sucks. As i thought deca was causing depression, but thinking i am just down.

I want to run DHB, but my kidneys are doing poor last testing, so not sure if thats smart.

As test and tren is brutal and i got crazy results. Want to look my best ever this summer, so i may just run a low dose or something after this cruise. And start using slin pins for pinning compounds ED.

I get hardly any sides when pinning ED, its just annoying.

So will take a 2 week break, and then blast again, definitly NPP as it gives me a full look, and Test C, then maybe DHB or tren, will see.
Have to brew again, i have every compound, so badly would run tren longer, but i need a mental break. I also have npp and dhb.

I am kind of tired pinning ED but i have no long esters besides test c, kind of sucks. As i thought deca was causing depression, but thinking i am just down.

I want to run DHB, but my kidneys are doing poor last testing, so not sure if thats smart.

As test and tren is brutal and i got crazy results. Want to look my best ever this summer, so i may just run a low dose or something after this cruise. And start using slin pins for pinning compounds ED.

I get hardly any sides when pinning ED, its just annoying.

So will take a 2 week break, and then blast again, definitly NPP as it gives me a full look, and Test C, then maybe DHB or tren, will see.
“ I have every compound….. but I have no long esters except Test C”

Hmmmmm ??
Holy crap, i am extremely fatigued.

I definitly look the best i have probably ever looked. Yet i feel like absolutely garbage.

Going to take a cruise break for sure. As this is not a sustainable option for any longer.

All the time tired and angry and no energy besides my workout. Everything else is a mess, can barely do laundry. My mind is going to explode.

Going to Cruise at 200-300 ish test c a week, deciding what number now. And then 6 iu hgh. 3 iu am and 3 iu pm

Going to take the next week off from lifting weights.
No … you say you have every compound but then say only long ester you have is Test C?!

How do you have every compound is what is getting at ?
Ok, i mean the base compound.

NPP not Deca
Mast P not mast E
Tren A not E
Then yes Test C

Thats what i meant, they are all the short esteres versions of each compound

Never will run EQ again from that anxiety attack i had

I brewed up test C 200

30 ish mL

Going to cruise at 1 mL MThurs or MWF

As i want to still gain but slower.

Then ill go for a cycle before and during summer

Thus i will finally be an adequate size i will be slowing down after

Will post pics soon
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Will do 1mL Mon and Thurs and let my body take a break. Still 400 mg, but at 6 foot 250, i want to maintain this 250, and next blast hit 260
Monday 4/8 Arms/Core

Tuesday 4/9 Chest/Shoulders/Core

Wednesday 4/10 Legs/Glutes/Hammy-Right Glute

Thursday 4/11 Back/Rear Delts/Biceps

Friday 4/12 Push-Core-.25 AI-left delt

Saturday 4/13-OFF