Time for some size!

I have litterally lost 2-4 % bf, while gaining 10 pounds, and hitting PR’s on my lifts.

But almost done.

This result is incredible in just 5 weeks about. Last couple pins then taking a break. Still high test, but no tren.
Back and Shoulders

No more tren thank goodness.

Now just test for a bit and hgh
Mind needs a break
You ever try something lower to make the sides more tolerable, something like 100-150 p/w?
That was the plan, but then i went higher lol. That would be most definitly the best way to do it. And will give that a go in the summer.

No i have not tried that yet

Arm Bike

Cable Seated


Tricep Rope


One Arm Fly

Ticep EZ Curl Bar

Upper Chest Flys

One Arm Rope Tricep


Going to rely on smoothies for the next 5 days, as i have not been able to properly eat the amount needed, everytime i go to, i end up getting a call, or in a rush, have to fix that because i am mlst definitly losing muscle mass from not adequte protein intake.
That was the plan, but then i went higher lol. That would be most definitly the best way to do it. And will give that a go in the summer.

No i have not tried that yet
I'll be trying 50mg p/w to see how it goes. I'm curious if you can still get good cosmetic effects from it at a super low dosage.
Tuesday 4/2 Back/Shoulders-Right VG

Wednesday 4/3 Chest/Triceps/Core


Thursday 4/4 OFF/Bike/Yoga/Foam Roll

Friday 4/5 Legs/Quads
Have to brew again, i have every compound, so badly would run tren longer, but i need a mental break. I also have npp and dhb.

I am kind of tired pinning ED but i have no long esters besides test c, kind of sucks. As i thought deca was causing depression, but thinking i am just down.

I want to run DHB, but my kidneys are doing poor last testing, so not sure if thats smart.

As test and tren is brutal and i got crazy results. Want to look my best ever this summer, so i may just run a low dose or something after this cruise. And start using slin pins for pinning compounds ED.

I get hardly any sides when pinning ED, its just annoying.

So will take a 2 week break, and then blast again, definitly NPP as it gives me a full look, and Test C, then maybe DHB or tren, will see.
Have to brew again, i have every compound, so badly would run tren longer, but i need a mental break. I also have npp and dhb.

I am kind of tired pinning ED but i have no long esters besides test c, kind of sucks. As i thought deca was causing depression, but thinking i am just down.

I want to run DHB, but my kidneys are doing poor last testing, so not sure if thats smart.

As test and tren is brutal and i got crazy results. Want to look my best ever this summer, so i may just run a low dose or something after this cruise. And start using slin pins for pinning compounds ED.

I get hardly any sides when pinning ED, its just annoying.

So will take a 2 week break, and then blast again, definitly NPP as it gives me a full look, and Test C, then maybe DHB or tren, will see.
“ I have every compound….. but I have no long esters except Test C”

Hmmmmm ??
Holy crap, i am extremely fatigued.

I definitly look the best i have probably ever looked. Yet i feel like absolutely garbage.

Going to take a cruise break for sure. As this is not a sustainable option for any longer.

All the time tired and angry and no energy besides my workout. Everything else is a mess, can barely do laundry. My mind is going to explode.

Going to Cruise at 200-300 ish test c a week, deciding what number now. And then 6 iu hgh. 3 iu am and 3 iu pm

Going to take the next week off from lifting weights.
No … you say you have every compound but then say only long ester you have is Test C?!

How do you have every compound is what is getting at ?
Ok, i mean the base compound.

NPP not Deca
Mast P not mast E
Tren A not E
Then yes Test C

Thats what i meant, they are all the short esteres versions of each compound

Never will run EQ again from that anxiety attack i had

I brewed up test C 200

30 ish mL

Going to cruise at 1 mL MThurs or MWF

As i want to still gain but slower.

Then ill go for a cycle before and during summer

Thus i will finally be an adequate size i will be slowing down after

Will post pics soon
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Will do 1mL Mon and Thurs and let my body take a break. Still 400 mg, but at 6 foot 250, i want to maintain this 250, and next blast hit 260
Monday 4/8 Arms/Core

Tuesday 4/9 Chest/Shoulders/Core

Wednesday 4/10 Legs/Glutes/Hammy-Right Glute

Thursday 4/11 Back/Rear Delts/Biceps

Friday 4/12 Push-Core-.25 AI-left delt

Saturday 4/13-OFF