Time for some size!

Saturday 3/9 Back/Rear Delts/Core- Left Quad

Sunday 3/10 Arms/Core-Right Glute

Monday 3/11 Legs Quad Focused-Left Quad

Tuesday 3/12 OFF/Cardio-Left Glute

Wednesday 3/13 Back/Shoulders/Core-Right VG

Back and Shoulders

Arm Bike


VBar Rows

Cable Shoulder Press

Lat Pulldowns

Arnold Press

Meadow Rows

Lateral Raises Arsenal


2 weeks into tren run, mental aspect is starting to settle in already, once i am done with these vials, then ill be just test for a bit. Most likely just 2-3 more weeks on the tren.

That said, i am getting leaner and looking bigger!

Great pumps and high energy lifts.
Saturday 3/2 Legs/Quads-Right Quad-Tren Started

Sunday 3/3 Back/Shoulders-Left Quad

Monday 3/4 Chest/Core-Left Glute

Tuesday 3/5 Arms/Core-Right Glute

Wedneaday 3/6 OFF/Yoga-Left Delt

Thursday 3/7 Legs/Glutes-Right VG

Friday 3/8 Chest/Shoulders- Left VG

Saturday 3/9 Back/Rear Delts/Core- Left Quad

Sunday 3/10 Arms/Core-Right Glute

Monday 3/11 Legs Quad Focused-Left Quad

Tuesday 3/12 OFF/Cardio-Left Glute

Wednesday 3/13 Back/Shoulders/Core-Right VG

Thursday 3/14 Chest/Arms/Core-Right Quad

Friday 3/15-OFF/Fasted Cardio/Yoga

Also 1 week into my hgh since the 3 weeks taking off. So the next 2-3 weeks, i will just be pushing food heavy, solid meals, and fasted hgh cardio on my 2 off days a week from gym.
Also somehow my gyno has been fading, the pinning ED makes a HUGE difference. I also ran 2 weeks of ralox, and took 60 mg 1x a week after for 2 weeks. The ralox thing was 6 weeks ago, just for 2 weeks.

It is basically 1/4 of its size on one side and half the size on the other. So will see if taking it once in a while does something, and pinning ED for now on, HUGE help. Odd since i had puffy and gyno nodes since 15 years old, and they have shrunk enough, that i dont feel the need for surgery anymore, will he keeping ralox on hand if i get a flare, i just litterally take one. And i will be pinning EOD and ED moving forward.
Thursday 3/14 Chest/Arms/Core-Right Quad

Friday 3/15 OFF/Fasted Cardio-Both Biceps


Saturday 3/16 Arms-Meal Prep-Left Glute

Sunday 3/17 Back/Shoulders-Right Glute

Monday 3/18 OFF-Right Quad

Tuesday 3/19 Chest/Shoulders/Triceps-Left Quad

Wednesday 3/20 Legs-Left Delt
I am NOT eating enough food, i am having a challenging time getting the food in with being so much busier then normal.

But meal prepping today
Wednesday 3/20 Legs/Glute-Left Delt

Thursday 3/21 OFF/Yoga/Walk Dog

Friday 3/22 Back/Shoulders-Right VG

Saturday 3/23 Arms/Core

Sunday 3/24 Legs/Quad Focused-Left Quad
Looking good. Pec's healed up.
Appreciate it, taking it slow, and not pushing anything. Still what apprears to be either atrophy or something, it may change or may stay like so, regardless it is solid, and can use it as if its better. But not going hard or heavy in certain motions or rep ranges.
Looking good. Pec's healed up.
Appreciate it, taking it slow, and not pushing anything. Still what apprears to be either atrophy or something, it may change or may stay like so, regardless it is solid, and can use it as if its better. To a point. Making attainable pushes, no crazy jump in weight or intensities.
251 pounds as of this morning


Arm Bike

Chest Cable

Chest Landmine Press

Shoulder Cable Shoulder

Chest Dumbell

Tricep Rope

Shoulder Arnold Press

Tricep EZ Curl Bar

Shoulder Seated Flys
Back and Biceps

Arm Bike


Black VBar

Plate Loaded Rows

Dumbell Rows

EZ Bar Curls

Dumbell Curls

Rear Delt Flys

10 min bike
20 min jog
10 min incline walk
10 min bike
10 min walk
5 min cool down

I kept heart rate at 130 bpm yet got it for 5 minutes to 160, them 130 bpm rest of time.

This was done fasted

I switch cardio type up from because of calf pumps and my feet start to hurt, as i have flat feet, and bordem.
Need to eat more. I am 250 and leaner by alot from the last time i was 250. But need to eat more badly.