Time for some size!

Arms and Shoulders

May have to start periodizing a bit better after this last push with food and training and gear…

As it seems i am stalling and not progressing as rapidly.

But first i will be eating more….
2/12- OFF no gym

Off, got some type of cold going around, negative on all tests,

Off today, making sure to eat alot, to refuel and stay hydrated.
Tues 2/13 OFF

Weds 2/14 OFF

Thurs 2/15 Chest/Shoulders-Right Delt

Friday 2/16 Legs/Glute/Hamstring-Left VG

Saturday 2/17 Back/Shoulders/Rear Delt/Traps
Seems like i have some more energy and been taking some more off days…i think i am going to go to less weight more reps and eccentrics for a little bit…

Been eating more weight staying same, also i stopped hgh. Have more on way.

Fatigue has lessened a bit, so i am just running test at a high dose only.

Soon after i get life situated and all outside sources of stress lessen, i will blast.

I also have been eating alot more but tracking,

Some outside sources of stress have been killing my appetite. So we shall see.

That said, i have little to no sides on this test dose, and my gyno is doing fantastic. Whish makes me not want to run orals besides tbol, and hair seems to have stalled.

Leading to feel just test for a while may be best, but getting diet dialed in until April may be best approach.

Also need to program better in dead lifting, slow increments of increase now on.

Warm Up

Bike 6 min




Leg Press (2 working sets, add a plate until these sets, from 4 plates on to 10 plates each side, i stop there)

Leg Extensions (2 working sets, 1 drop set)

Hack Squat (2 reps shy fatigue from reps)

One Leg Ext (basic 3x12)

Calf (3x10)


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The above leg workout

As having a discrepancy of changing from volume based to, to more sub failure sets. As i dont want to get injured, as i tore my pec (1 year ago) and cant afford that again. In any area. Thinking utilizing (“intensifiers” to approach failure, by not utilizing weight increase, i.e drop sets, etc)

Do you feel failure from intensifiers displays the same hypertrophy effect as weight to failure?
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The above leg workout

As having a discrepancy of changing from volume based to, to more sub failure sets. As i dont want to get injured, as i tore my pec (1 year ago) and cant afford that again. In any area. Thinking utilizing (“intensifiers” to approach failure, by not utilizing weight increase, i.e drop sets, etc)

Do you feel failure from intensifiers displays the same hypertrophy effect as weight to failure?
I've wondered that, getting little older and beat up myself. I'm going back to volume with a slight emphasis on progressively heavier weights,no more 5 pound a week jumps for me, that's asking to tear some shit.

Going 2 reps shy should be safer. You can always add a set.

I know it's all about intensity an progressive overload. But look at say ronnie colmans style vs Arnold's style. I dont think arnold ever had a surgery untill In his 50's from a motorcycle crash or somthing.

It great question, looking forward to hearing mac's thoughts on this.
The above leg workout

As having a discrepancy of changing from volume based to, to more sub failure sets. As i dont want to get injured, as i tore my pec (1 year ago) and cant afford that again. In any area. Thinking utilizing (“intensifiers” to approach failure, by not utilizing weight increase, i.e drop sets, etc)

Do you feel failure from intensifiers displays the same hypertrophy effect as weight to failure?
So, “no.” But there’s caveats.

Failure is the bar. If you achieve failure in a single straight working set, that’s the only immediate goal.

The answer becomes “yes” when we’re shoving food and gear in and might have a higher recoverable volume threshold to maximize our tissue accrual.

In that instance, adding an intensity technique is essentially more “volume” where you’re jus going to failure more then 1 time in a single set and skipping the junk volume of reps far from failure.

Intensity techniques aren’t any different than a straight set if they’re far from failure.

Training to failure is not an injury risk. Using weight and execution to failure that isn’t correct for your anatomy is an injury risk.
So, “no.” But there’s caveats.

Failure is the bar. If you achieve failure in a single straight working set, that’s the only immediate goal.

The answer becomes “yes” when we’re shoving food and gear in and might have a higher recoverable volume threshold to maximize our tissue accrual.

In that instance, adding an intensity technique is essentially more “volume” where you’re jus going to failure more then 1 time in a single set and skipping the junk volume of reps far from failure.

Intensity techniques aren’t any different than a straight set if they’re far from failure.

Training to failure is not an injury risk. Using weight and execution to failure that isn’t correct for your anatomy is an injury risk.
Ok, thank you, makes sense indeed.
Total Nightmare with this brew, it went smooth until 2 pre filters still hade one single fiber or particle. I am confused. I will be throwing away my needles they are some shitty brand, but dont know what was the cause. The filter or the needle. As now it might have been coring, as its only one particle, and i used BD and a 22 gauge, and a 23 gauge.

But i did a refilter and every vial had 1 floater in it, small as can be. So i ended up buying new filters which are pvdf and now cant use those as they are not correct material. So ordered biomed Nylon again.

But i bought 20 pack of hospira 10 mL vials, which WONT have any sterilitiy issues.

As the vials i used to get were sold out. Everything is sold out.

I liked the canadian brand on medlabsupply.

So this go around will just be reilftering.

I ended up spendind double what i should have. But i have a lot that will last. 120 mL. So the vials will be used.

I am terribly clean and scrub everthing so many times. And disinfect EVERYTHING 3x.
Well i refiltered using biomed nylons, i thought i saw 1 tiny lint/fabric, but there is no way…i used completely filtered nylons and litterally pharmacy grade vials, and BD syringes that were 25 gauge and 23 gauge so there is no way 25 gauge is coring anything. Especially these vials

I lost alot of oil, but still ended up with 5 vials at 12 mL each. So its all good.

Next brew will be doing this route.

I am doing everything correctly, so i cant see how anything would get through.

I checked like cracy under a light, when all is settled will check again.
Going to do a nice 4 week push at the moment. Really hit everything hard.

Cardio with HGH as soon as it arrives.

Until then
700 test cyp 200 mg ed, .5 mL ed
350 mg tren a- 50 mg ed .5 ml ed
So 1mL pinned ED

Starting today.
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Back and Shoulders

Arm Bike


V Bar Rows

Black Lat Pulldown

Arnold Press

Cable Press

Rear Delt

Arsenal Flys

Lat Plate Loaded
Going to be realying heavy on my protein smoothies. They are beastly though. As appetite can be crap at times.

Frozen fruit
Cup of vanilla greek yogurt
Muscle milk vanilla protein 2 scoops
1 cup dried quick oatmeal

Having 2 a day on top of all else

I have 1-2 metrx bars at work while working since only have one break and can eat this while working which doesnt count as my break, as i am walking all day.

Lunch- meat and carb

Dinner meal- meat and carb

1- protein myoprotein shake.

Then 2 bagel or muffin usually/cinnamon toast crunch.

Also will log this to see final result, but should be hefty.

Will be doing this 4 weeks alongside this quick run, and then reasses.
Arm Bike

Chest Cables

Plate Loaded Chest Hammer Machine
(Normal then 1 Arm Sideways)

Around the Worlds (Closed Chain Core)

Dumbells Flat

Incline Machine Seated

Pec Dec Flies One Arm at a time

Rope Crunches Core

Some movements i have changed, as i have felt a pull on my surgery tendon, so pec dec is no go, but one arm at a time worked. I cannot have fixed plains of motion, i also have long arms, which is disaster with chest like so. Mostly fly motions have to go very very light.


Ate a good amount. Well beyond needed 3000 for now. But will track starting tomorrow.

Arm Bike
3 Biceps
3 Triceps
3 Core

I am going to focus for a bit on pumping not going as heavy and muscle contraction, focusing on every single rep instead of trying to get my whole routine in. I got so used to doing my routine i hate when i miss a exercise selection, but going to slow down now, more drop sets and a super set. Back to my old approach. Thus will also lessen injury do to weight selection.

Also i feel i have been hitting the neurons more so then the muscle fibers by going heavier.