Time for some size!

Been off all gear for a week….going to cruise for a bit at 2-300 a week and relax for a bit. And then will go again. My mind needs a break just as much as my body. Just constantly fatigued all the time… i even took 6 of the last 14 days off…..and i have been so much more busy i havent been able to eat as i should be…

Kind of pissing me off to be honest, because i am suppose to be doing all the NA stuff, but that along with working, and i have another obligation, plus i dont have a car, makes it freaking very annoying to get it all in.

So i either take a break or blast my face off.

That said i have hit a plateu in everything, and my posture has been taking a hit.

I was able to get everything in plus cardio and yoga….

But either i am experincing a hard burn out, or winter depression, or both.
Seasonal depression is real as fuck. I just took a solid 2 weeks off from everything, minus TRT. Diet, training, all of it. I might take another 2 off until after the New Year. Sometimes it's good to just take a break from the lifestyle, decompress, and have two-or-so less things to worry about.
Seasonal depression is real as fuck. I just took a solid 2 weeks off from everything, minus TRT. Diet, training, all of it. I might take another 2 off until after the New Year. Sometimes it's good to just take a break from the lifestyle, decompress, and have two-or-so less things to worry about.
Honestly i even bought vitamin D and Vitamin k2, hoping it will help more with the lack of sun, i am getting. Just came in today, i took first doses.

Sorry you go through it too, but glad to hear it is a normal thing.

Going to also take this time to walk and spend more time with my dog, she has been trying to get more walks in. But needs me to do it lol. She litterally asks me every day, and been to down to do so.
Well did back and biceps and rear delts today….the gym is just SUCH a stress realiver and i was so angry today after work…. So i may be going more then taking a break….but i cut my routine by 25% more rest breaks…

I feel like if i dont exercise i am letting life win…because i can see things getting in the way, i.e depression and chores and things, so going to just dial it back a tiny bit….

Because its not like i am filling in not goiing to the gym with something extremely fufilling…i would just be home, so we shall see:

I feel much better after my workout today, as i worked 3 hours more then i was suppose to and it was pissed….

Seasonal depression sucks. I live in a very sunny tropical place and the early darkness gets me down.
Yea man, sounds really nice to be in a climate like that lol. Really working on making the most of it. Will be starting a book along with some other ideas to help.
Cruising for 8-10 weeks…150 test and 100 deca a week…just going with solid workout and diet to keep as much as i have until next blast…plus i ran out of test cyp after this brew, so will be grabbing more. Just need it to last, i weigh 245 since cruising for the past 2 weeks…

@malfeasance i despise you if you say this is not a dose for a break lol.
Really trying to eat and keep on the mass i gained….i did some pizza eating today to get back some i missed and smoothies… will be utilizing more smoothies and they are tasty.. also terriaki sauce, i love that stuff.

That said down 5 lbs thus far from ceasing higher doses. About 2 weeks ago.

As i didnt eat for 2 days hardly as it was super stressful days.
Going to be alternating 1 day tbol and 1 day var. for a bit, give me some motivation and feeling good pumps.
Seem to be working what i am doing, going to stay on pace….

I will be dropping the hgh after this last vial, as i need to get more and dont have the funds. So will be taking off for 2-3 weeks until it is possible again, that said i think it has helped, not sure.

What i can say is i am tired as hell all the time….its ridiculous. I dont think its the hgh.
I ran it for 5 months this go around and i think it was going well. But taking a bit off to make more money, and see if i feel more energy.
I keep forgetting i have been taking tbol and not anadrol, as my nipples are not getting gyno, i have been not realizing why as i get puffy nips from anadrol…

I am really liking the tbol and anavar combo.

I have been pretty aggressive with the weights… but good form.

I am at 252.

But i need to cook food, badly.

Been eating sugar crap and bagels and protein power this week.
Weds 12/27 Legs Quad Focused

Thursday 12/28 Arms

Friday 12/29 Back/Rear Delts-Both Biceps

Saturday 12/30 Chest

Sunday 12/31 Legs/Glute Focused

Monday 1/1 OFF

Tuesday 1/2 Back/Rear Delt

Weds 1/3 Arms/Core

Thurs 1/4 Chest/Shoulders/Core

Friday 1/5 Legs/Quad Focused

Saturday 1/6 Back/Rear Delt/Core