Time for some size!


Bike Warm Up
Leg Press
Front Squats
Calf Seated
Leg Extensions
I was going to say something like "Man I wish our gym had a sauna!" and then I remembered that for 9 months of the year this state basically exists 1 inch from the surface of the sun.

Did the workout pick back up to where you want it to be?
I was going to say something like "Man I wish our gym had a sauna!" and then I remembered that for 9 months of the year this state basically exists 1 inch from the surface of the sun.

Did the workout pick back up to where you want it to be?
Its a dry sauna, not a steam which is ok. But yea not quite warm enough here yet, as in summer i will lay in sun alot, feels incredible and stress relieving.

It was a good workout yes, for sure, meal prepping time!
Monday April 15


I biked to gym 20 minutes there and then 20 min back

Bike to gym

Tricep Rope

Bicep Seated

Shoulder Cable

Bicep EZ Curl

Shoulder Arnold Press

Tricep EZ Curl

Shoulder Seated Raises

Bicep One Arm

Tricep One Arm


Arm Bike


Back Lat Pulldowns

Shoulder Arnold Press

Back Vbar Cable Rows

Shoulder Rear Delt Cable Flys

Back Plate Loaded Lat Pulldowns

Shoulder Arsenal Lateral Raises

Shoulder Seated Cable

Machine High Rows Plate Loaded
Well, at least you’re getting it man.

Will you plan your next moves based on bloods?
I will go back to trt/cruise more like trt for 2 more weeks. My mind needs a break. I have alot of life things going on, i dont want to be extra ramped on hormones.

Then upping test. Depending on how much muscle mass i can keep. So far it hasent been that long. I dont want to drop below 240.
You only used fast acting Esters? Otherwise getting off for two weeks won't do jackshit, right?
I use fast esters for everything else besides test itself. I have been off any other aas for 3-4 weeks, short esters. And test C for 2. So i should be at a low point for bloods with test c. And test levels

So yes, 3-4 weeks off any short added compounds does allow for things to settle for bloods, plus i have been doing fasted cardio. Not really long enough. So I will see what occurs today. I only blasted tren for 4 weeks. So will see

I dont care to much about anything test will cause besides the test value.

So will see how it goes.
I will go back to trt/cruise more like trt for 2 more weeks. My mind needs a break. I have alot of life things going on, i dont want to be extra ramped on hormones.

Then upping test. Depending on how much muscle mass i can keep. So far it hasent been that long. I dont want to drop below 240.
Sounds like a solid plan man.
All the best.
Got bloods done. Everything is surprisingly in range enough, or at the range prior to trt. Or slightly elevated. They didnt test cholesterol though

Total T 1700
Hemoglobin 16
Estradioal 105
Hematocrit 50
Creatinine 1.29
AST 90
ALT 90
Glucose 87
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