Tired of being a fat fuck - 1st mini-cycle


New Member
I've decided to document my first cycle to keep myself accountable and share my experiences for people in a similar situation to mine.

- Height: 177cm
- Weight: 92-93kg
- BF percentage: around 25%

- 230mg Test E (100mg taken every 3rd day)
- 40mg Anavar (divided into two servings per day)

I'm prescribed 125mcg T4 and 15mcg T3 per day, which has brought my fT3 to the upper end of the reference range. I've also ordered some Semaglutide that's going to arrive tomorrow or on Friday. My plan is to start with 0.375mg.

I've been working out naturally for 1.5 years without really paying attention to my diet, but at least my training was pretty good so I hope I won't end up as a twig after this cut.

- 2200 calories (50/30/20 protein/carbs/fat percentages)
- meat, fish, eggs, egg whites, whey protein, potatoes, oats, bread, vegetables, fruit, skyr, nuts

- 4x per week (Push-Pull-Rest-Rest-Upper-Lower-Rest)
- 15000 steps per day

- lose as much fat as possible in two months
- minimize muscle loss

If my calculations are correct I would need to lose more than 15kg to create a good starting point for a proper bulking phase. I think that's possible and if I fail miserably at least we all have something to laugh at.
- 4x per week (Push-Pull-Rest-Rest-Upper-Lower-Rest)

Could consider adding quad-focused and glute-focused leg days so it isn't so focused solely on upper body.

Unless you have massively muscled legs, working on them provides many overall benefits to body composition and quality of life imo. Plus stretching, cardio, etc.
Could consider adding quad-focused and glute-focused leg days so it isn't so focused solely on upper body.

Unless you have massively muscled legs, working on them provides many overall benefits to body composition and quality of life imo. Plus stretching, cardio, etc.
DEFINITELY don't be skipping on leg days.... or even posterior chain days. the body needs that stuff to be stronk!
Could consider adding quad-focused and glute-focused leg days so it isn't so focused solely on upper body.
I'm not totally against it, maybe I will add more volume for my legs and posterior chain after the cut.

Anyways, I weighed in at 88.40kg in the morning, 3.6kg down from Thursday. I definitely feel less bloated now.

The Semaglutide works well, it suppresses hunger and appetite by a lot. My resting heart rate went from 55-60bpm to 80-85bpm though.
I'm not totally against it, maybe I will add more volume for my legs and posterior chain after the cut.

Anyways, I weighed in at 88.40kg in the morning, 3.6kg down from Thursday. I definitely feel less bloated now.

The Semaglutide works well, it suppresses hunger and appetite by a lot. My resting heart rate went from 55-60bpm to 80-85bpm though.
This is exact reason why I stopped semaglutide too, mine jumped to 85-100bpm from 65, that is worse when I was doing clen and tren.

I don’t know your personal tolerance but I lowered my dose after 2 weeks I decided to drop it completely afterwards when I felt random single hard beats.

All went back to normal after cessation though.