Tirz sulfur burps


New Member
I’ve been on tirz for a few weeks now but had any one gotten sulfur burps ? Or on glp 1 in general and how to get rid of that . I know it can be caused by diet and a few times I know it was because I ate like shit , but I swear I’ve been eating relatively clean . Low fatty foods moderate to little carbs and I haven’t been eating in surplus I portion out my meals and sometimes I still get like that rancid stomach / burps for like 2-3 days at a time . Pepto helps I’m just wondering if anyone is going through the same thing and if they’ve taken anything to mitigate it or any tips on how to get rid of it . I had it last year when I was on rhybelsus and it went away briefly when switching to an injectable and different med(Tirz ) , but it came back and it’s annoying as hell.
I get this from various orals, never had it with anything else.
What I noticed is carbonated drinks, and certain foods would give me these burps/acid reflux.
So I paid attention to what foods/drinks I had differently on the days it would happen.
Cut them out for a week. Issue was gone.

Now simply could be a weird reaction to the med. I couldn’t tell ya.
But maybe it’s just certain things you’re ingesting. Worth a shot to watch for
It’s insanely common and is usually due to one of two or three things.

First, both the GLP1 and GLP1+GIP drugs slow gastric emptying. This has two consequences pertinent to sulfur burps. One is that it can cause GERD or contribute to its symptoms, which include the H2S belching. The second occurs once food leaves the gut and encounters then large intestinal microbiome. Unless you were just slamming cysteine and methionine before, or the high sulfur-content veggies (cruciferous veggies and alliums), those compounds are often not fully catabolized. However, when the conveyer belt starts moving at half speed, the gut microbes can strip off all the parts, which means rotten egg burps.

An independent reason is irritable bowel syndrome. If you suffer from that, give IB Gard a try. It’s cheap and has a stupidly hugh success rate.

Both personally and clinically, the solution seems to be eating smaller meals of clean food. You can fuck around with probiotics and prebiotics, but I’ve never seen them be a game changer re: mitigating the side effects of these drugs.
So at least for me I’ve like went through a diet change three times to figure out what it is and idk . I don’t eat carbs if at all and I don’t drink soda and I’m rn on like one maybe two meals a day with like almost fist sized portions .

I’ve gotten it with salads , I think one time with pasta although I’m sure the Alfredo was the culprit that one time . And like I’ve eaten nothing for a day and got it one time . It’ll go away and come back randomly . I have pepto on hand because that’s the only thing that kills it but I try not to use pepto too much because it can cause constipation although I drink a lot of water and supplement with fiber . I was assuming the meat maybe but what’s weird is I don’t get it with beef or steak or ground meat . Just occasionally with chicken . Idk it’s super random and I’m pretty sure it was to do with what one user said above that because the gastric emptying is delayed it strips off more of something causing it to.

I’m only in 5mg rn of tirz but I’ve had it since day one at like 2.5mg . I doubt I’ll increase it any higher than that just because of the burps . Rhybelsus was infinitely worse though compared to the ones I’m having now on tirz
It’s insanely common and is usually due to one of two or three things.

First, both the GLP1 and GLP1+GIP drugs slow gastric emptying. This has two consequences pertinent to sulfur burps. One is that it can cause GERD or contribute to its symptoms, which include the H2S belching. The second occurs once food leaves the gut and encounters then large intestinal microbiome. Unless you were just slamming cysteine and methionine before, or the high sulfur-content veggies (cruciferous veggies and alliums), those compounds are often not fully catabolized. However, when the conveyer belt starts moving at half speed, the gut microbes can strip off all the parts, which means rotten egg burps.

An independent reason is irritable bowel syndrome. If you suffer from that, give IB Gard a try. It’s cheap and has a stupidly hugh success rate.

Both personally and clinically, the solution seems to be eating smaller meals of clean food. You can fuck around with probiotics and prebiotics, but I’ve never seen them be a game changer re: mitigating the side effects of these drugs.
Definitely going to try Ib guard . I’ve been on probiotics and prebiotics for like a month and it hasn’t helped too much . The fiber actually has helped more tbh
I’ve been on tirz for a few weeks now but had any one gotten sulfur burps ? Or on glp 1 in general and how to get rid of that . I know it can be caused by diet and a few times I know it was because I ate like shit , but I swear I’ve been eating relatively clean . Low fatty foods moderate to little carbs and I haven’t been eating in surplus I portion out my meals and sometimes I still get like that rancid stomach / burps for like 2-3 days at a time . Pepto helps I’m just wondering if anyone is going through the same thing and if they’ve taken anything to mitigate it or any tips on how to get rid of it . I had it last year when I was on rhybelsus and it went away briefly when switching to an injectable and different med(Tirz ) , but it came back and it’s annoying as hell.
Yeah I get them as well as gas, I had my gallbladder removed, so my stomach acid is a lot more than others. I saw someone in another forum say that d-limmone 1-2 pills a day helped in reducing the belching and gas and it took away the nasty sulfur smell and taste and gave the burps more of a citrus taste.
I’ve used this and it is fabulous. It taste like shredded cardboard and is a mix and immediately drink kind of thing. My acid reflux cleared up as well as my skin started to look so much better. I’m planning on doing a round of BPC because I think I may have gut issue going on if I responded so well.

It is possible, since tirz will make any gut issues worse, that's why its not recommended for people with severe GI issues like gastroparesis & Gallbladder disease. But im glad you have tried it ill def make sure to keep that in mind then! I wanted to see if anyone else had tried D-Limmone to possibly try myself!
I’ve been on tirz for a few weeks now but had any one gotten sulfur burps ? Or on glp 1 in general and how to get rid of that . I know it can be caused by diet and a few times I know it was because I ate like shit , but I swear I’ve been eating relatively clean . Low fatty foods moderate to little carbs and I haven’t been eating in surplus I portion out my meals and sometimes I still get like that rancid stomach / burps for like 2-3 days at a time . Pepto helps I’m just wondering if anyone is going through the same thing and if they’ve taken anything to mitigate it or any tips on how to get rid of it . I had it last year when I was on rhybelsus and it went away briefly when switching to an injectable and different med(Tirz ) , but it came back and it’s annoying as hell.
I’ve been on tirz for a few weeks now but had any one gotten sulfur burps ? Or on glp 1 in general and how to get rid of that . I know it can be caused by diet and a few times I know it was because I ate like shit , but I swear I’ve been eating relatively clean . Low fatty foods moderate to little carbs and I haven’t been eating in surplus I portion out my meals and sometimes I still get like that rancid stomach / burps for like 2-3 days at a time . Pepto helps I’m just wondering if anyone is going through the same thing and if they’ve taken anything to mitigate it or any tips on how to get rid of it . I had it last year when I was on rhybelsus and it went away briefly when switching to an injectable and different med(Tirz ) , but it came back and it’s annoying as hell.
I have them awfully bad also. I eat keto, but I messed up and ate fried cheese sticks at a party. It was horrible. Fried foods, or cheese make mine worse. I too am on week 3-4. I keep gas ex, pepto, and an antacid on me at all times. Those burps are retched!!