Tirzepatide: Beyond Appetite Control


New Member
...and really all the other GLP-1 and multi-receptor agonists. For simplicity, I'm focusing on what I have personal experience with, Tirzepatide.

Many get hung up on the appetite suppression benefits of these agonists -- for good and bad.

I believe the narrative needs a shift. In my mind, Tirzepatide’s (and the others) weight loss effects extend beyond simple appetite suppression.

From my understand, these agonists improves insulin sensitivity, increases energy expenditure, enhances lipid metabolism, positively alters gut hormone levels, reduces fat accumulation, possesses anti-inflammatory properties, and improves glycemic control.

All of these combined mechanisms contribute to its overall effectiveness in promoting weight loss and improving metabolic health.

Yes, appetite suppression and caloric deficits is the main player but there's so much more.

Next, I'd like to tie together current public research alongside the wealth of reports across various places to really hone in a solid, data backed, message.

Why? I have friends and colleagues that reject these peptides. Smart folks that have unfortunately accepted narratives that have made even considering usage socially taboo. Folks that could really benefit from them. I'd like them to be around.
Yes, I found this study. I originally got on tirzepatide to reduce antipsychotic weight gain. I'm not huge, but easily 20 pounds more than I should be.

Fascinating stuff.

My guess is the next step will. be a cheap
test to identify those with GLP production deficiency, or insensitivity, before they develop any problems, and a long term, once a year shot will "immunize" people against metabolic and addictive disorders.

Then they can focus on the factors that seemingly introduced this problem into our epigenetics 60-70 years ago and get rid of that.
My guess is the next step will. be a cheap
test to identify those with GLP production deficiency, or insensitivity, before they develop any problems, and a long term, once a year shot will "immunize" people against metabolic and addictive disorders.

Then they can focus on the factors that seemingly introduced this problem into our epigenetics 60-70 years ago and get rid of that.
This is a really brilliant theory.

Do you think it's worth stacking gray market Retatrutide with Tirzepatide?

Also, is the long titration period really necessary if men require higher doses by default? I've barely noticed weight loss on tirzepatide 5mg per week. Only reduced compulsive behavior/thoughts (nicotine, cocaine, sex etc).
This is a really brilliant theory.

Do you think it's worth stacking gray market Retatrutide with Tirzepatide?

Also, is the long titration period really necessary if men require higher doses by default? I've barely noticed weight loss on tirzepatide 5mg per week. Only reduced compulsive behavior/thoughts (nicotine, cocaine, sex etc).

There's already $400 genetic test to check for GLP production and sensitivity, but that's out of reach for most. The "one year" GLPs are just a matter of time. They encapsulate the drug molecules in a casings of various thickness that dissolve slowly releasing it over an extended period, like a long testosterone ester.

I don't recommend stacking at all. If taking one compound to its max dose isn't getting you where you want to go, switch.

If you're looking for fastest weight loss, and are willing to tolerate potentially brutal sides if you fuck up and eat too much, Sema is the way to go. It's been proven safe up to 7.2mg by Novo now. Considering 2.4mg weekly was enough to induce significant weight loss in 95%+ of patients, there's no way you can't reach your weight goal with Sema alone.

If you're doing this for long term health, Tirz is the way to go imo. The ONE deviation from the "pharma" protocol I feel is safe is a higher starting dose and faster titration. Mainly because both of these have been employed by lots of practitioners and don't do anything that could create serious issues.

Starting at 5mg is fine. It does take 4 weeks to reach maximum blood concentration of each dose, so you won't know the full effects of dose for that time. but if after 2 weeks you're tolerating the dose well, I see no risk in going up at that point. So 5mg for at least 2 weeks, then 7.5mg, 10, 12.5, 15. Stop wherever you hit goal weight, and drop back one level for maintenance, where you should feel nothing. If you can stay on maintainance long term, you'll reap a lot in terms of health benefits.
There's already $400 genetic test to check for GLP production and sensitivity, but that's out of reach for most. The "one year" GLPs are just a matter of time. They encapsulate the drug molecules in a casings of various thickness that dissolve slowly releasing it over an extended period, like a long testosterone ester.

I don't recommend stacking at all. If taking one compound to its max dose isn't getting you where you want to go, switch.

If you're looking for fastest weight loss, and are willing to tolerate potentially brutal sides if you fuck up and eat too much, Sema is the way to go. It's been proven safe up to 7.2mg by Novo now. Considering 2.4mg weekly was enough to induce significant weight loss in 95%+ of patients, there's no way you can't reach your weight goal with Sema alone.

If you're doing this for long term health, Tirz is the way to go imo. The ONE deviation from the "pharma" protocol I feel is safe is a higher starting dose and faster titration. Mainly because both of these have been employed by lots of practitioners and don't do anything that could create serious issues.

Starting at 5mg is fine. It does take 4 weeks to reach maximum blood concentration of each dose, so you won't know the full effects of dose for that time. but if after 2 weeks you're tolerating the dose well, I see no risk in going up at that point. So 5mg for at least 2 weeks, then 7.5mg, 10, 12.5, 15. Stop wherever you hit goal weight, and drop back one level for maintenance, where you should feel nothing. If you can stay on maintainance long term, you'll reap a lot in terms of health benefits.
Thoughts on going up to 17.5mg or 20mg tirz? I am on… 3rd week IIRC of 15mg and its the first week I only did 0.4 lbs instead of 3-4lbs, Ill hold out and see if I stall another week… but I am so close to being at goal weight, should I just stop at 15mg and rest or continue up to 17.5/20?
Thoughts on going up to 17.5mg or 20mg tirz? I am on… 3rd week IIRC of 15mg and its the first week I only did 0.4 lbs instead of 3-4lbs, Ill hold out and see if I stall another week… but I am so close to being at goal weight, should I just stop at 15mg and rest or continue up to 17.5/20?
Or maybe you should just learn to eat less.
Thoughts on going up to 17.5mg or 20mg tirz? I am on… 3rd week IIRC of 15mg and its the first week I only did 0.4 lbs instead of 3-4lbs, Ill hold out and see if I stall another week… but I am so close to being at goal weight, should I just stop at 15mg and rest or continue up to 17.5/20?

You must be really low bf now, though
Or maybe you should just learn to eat less.

Do you think he'd lose weight without eating less?

Thoughts on going up to 17.5mg or 20mg tirz? I am on… 3rd week IIRC of 15mg and its the first week I only did 0.4 lbs instead of 3-4lbs, Ill hold out and see if I stall another week… but I am so close to being at goal weight, should I just stop at 15mg and rest or continue up to 17.5/20?

Congratulations on your massive weight loss. I realize what a sacrifice it's been to get to this point. Even with a diminished appetite, choosing to give up the enjoyment of food, along with dealing with the side effects is a smart move that will benefit your health for the rest of your(now statistically longer) life!

Your question comes at a good time. I just switched from QSC 30mg Tirz back to pharma pens.

My normal position is not to exceed the pharma doses, since we know they're effective, and safe over the long term,

However, a small deviation isn't an issue in my mind. for two reasons.

1.- The 15mg max was determined to be the "common denominator" for all body sizes and both sexes. from 4' to 6'6, so we can deduce there's a safety buffer that allows for higher doses.

2 - The dose I was taking, based on the overfilled half vial I was using was around 17mg. However, the very first shot of 15mg Zepbound made me instantly realize pharma is stronger than UGL. So I doubt your 15mg is really 15mg in effectiveness.

All of that said though, I hope you'll consider staying on a maintainance dose, as these were intended to be used, in which case you really don't want to be losing 3-4 pounds a week anyway since you'll overshoot and have to drop back.

As you've only taken one of the new doses, and it'll increase in effectiveness for the next 3 weeks, I'd bump it slightly to 17.5mg and stay there until you hit goal or plateau, then bump up slightly again.

The good news is that a higher maintenance dose actually boosts other health benefits, while you'll feel nothing. No more appetite suppression. or side effects. Those who stabilize at a low maintenance of 5mg or 7.5mg won't benefit as much from the other health improving properties.
I am just asking. Jesus Christ. It's like asking why serial killers do what they do and then getting asked why I want to murder someone.

Oh, God no.
It's just that every time I read questions like that here is because that is what people are doing or intend to do.
I was not criticising you or anything like that.
I am very familiar with Ghoul's stance on stacking stuff (hence his thumbs up to me) and how he thinks in general it is not very productive.
I am not sure why my question came across that way, but it was not mean to.
Sorry if it was.
But why?
Is it because one on its own is not working for you?
I wouldn't have thought you take glps or that you need to

Could you tell a diabetic on sight? How do you know whether he's got a perpetually raging hunger from disregulation of the systems that control appetite? Not making enough GLP, for instance.

I am just asking. Jesus Christ. It's like asking why serial killers do what they do and then getting asked why I want to murder someone.

This is probably my fault. With Tirz having a 97%+ effectiveness rate using the standard pharma protocol, and people stacking these compounds, as if they were steroids, with complete disregard for the potential risks. I've brought up the question of why? Isn't it working for them without stacking?

I know the answer, and not hassling anyone who chooses to be a guinea pig.

Somebody's got to be the subject of "interesting case reports" that'll make for good reading in the future...
Could you tell a diabetic on sight? How do you know whether he's got a perpetually raging hunger from disregulation of the systems that control appetite? Not making enough GLP, for instance.

This is probably my fault. With Tirz having a 97%+ effectiveness rate using the standard pharma protocol, and people stacking these compounds, as if they were steroids, with complete disregard for the potential risks. I've brought up the question of why? Isn't it working for them without stacking?

I know the answer, and not hassling anyone who chooses to be a guinea pig.

Somebody's got to be the subject of "interesting case reports" that'll make for good reading in the future...

No, I am sorry also @bjjgear I should not ask questions to people I am not really familiar with or with what they are doing.
I happen to agree with Ghoul with regards to engaging with a single substance, but if this is not appropriate for some people, I am in no position to judge, just choose what I would do, instead, in light of that.
I asked a question rather than provide and answer to Bjj's question out of genuine interest in him and his views.