Tirzepatide: Beyond Appetite Control


New Member
...and really all the other GLP-1 and multi-receptor agonists. For simplicity, I'm focusing on what I have personal experience with, Tirzepatide.

Many get hung up on the appetite suppression benefits of these agonists -- for good and bad.

I believe the narrative needs a shift. In my mind, Tirzepatide’s (and the others) weight loss effects extend beyond simple appetite suppression.

From my understand, these agonists improves insulin sensitivity, increases energy expenditure, enhances lipid metabolism, positively alters gut hormone levels, reduces fat accumulation, possesses anti-inflammatory properties, and improves glycemic control.

All of these combined mechanisms contribute to its overall effectiveness in promoting weight loss and improving metabolic health.

Yes, appetite suppression and caloric deficits is the main player but there's so much more.

Next, I'd like to tie together current public research alongside the wealth of reports across various places to really hone in a solid, data backed, message.

Why? I have friends and colleagues that reject these peptides. Smart folks that have unfortunately accepted narratives that have made even considering usage socially taboo. Folks that could really benefit from them. I'd like them to be around.
I've seen this happen numerous times in the last few years as I've helped people around me start using GLPs. Alcohol, cigarettes, pot, and of course excess food, diminished or gone entirely. It's opened room in their lives that most often gets filled with a focus on health, physical, psychological and social. Freed from something that had a powerful grasp in them. Silence and your own thoughts replacing the endless mental "noise" you try to perpetually resist, and, eventually, exhausted, capitulate.

The "Don't do it, use all your WILLPOWER before resorting to those terrible drugs!" crowd will be seen as unwitting villains in a more enlightened near future.

If this were the dawn of insulin, they'd be shaming diabetics over their choice to inject a hormone instead of expending a massive effort to carefully use diet to manage their blood sugar manually.

With any luck the expensive tests that are clearly identifying folks with GLP deficiency and/or resistance will become more widely available. The genetic tests that detect those with GLP problems correlate very closely with the presence of metabolic disorders and even the likelihood of having substance abuse disorder.
Doesn't cure compulsive shopping tho because my wife still need to be beaten twice a week for it.
Doesn't cure compulsive shopping tho because my wife still need to be beaten twice a week for it.

Dose must be too low. There's a lot of observational data showing it reduces compulsive shopping. Like I've said before. despite the denial, the mechanisms that evolved to drive us to eat are the most potent influencers of behavior that exist. Addictions all seem to hijaak parts of it.

Dose must be too low. There's a lot of observational data showing it reduces compulsive shopping. Like I've said before. despite the denial, the mechanisms that evolved to drive us to eat are the most potent influencers of behavior that exist. Addictions all seem to hijaak parts of it.

I gotta have her increase the dosage! Fuck me! I'll blast her
With 15mg ahahha
Thanks Ghoul for the advice on SigmaAudley. Ordered 3 of their 5 mg Tirz kits and some Primo tabs (for a gal I used to prep for Wellness).

Normally would not order Primo tabs because of their price but they were just incredibly cheap I took a shot.

Very nice customer service so far.
Thanks Ghoul for the advice on SigmaAudley. Ordered 3 of their 5 mg Tirz kits and some Primo tabs (for a gal I used to prep for Wellness).

Normally would not order Primo tabs because of their price but they were just incredibly cheap I took a shot.

Very nice customer service so far.

And prices have also been dropping every month, By the time you'll need more, you'll likely get 10mg or 15mg will for the same price. It's really an incredible bargain when you consider for $75 you're getting what would cost $500 from a compounder, or $2500 for the pharma version without insurance.
And prices have also been dropping every month, By the time you'll need more, you'll likely get 10mg or 15mg will for the same price. It's really an incredible bargain when you consider for $75 you're getting what would cost $500 from a compounder, or $2500 for the pharma version without insurance.

Absolutely. I get my Pharma 2.5 mg/week for free but I have not noticed anything whatsoever from that amount, so I am bumping up to 5 mg.

Absolutely. I get my Pharma 2.5 mg/week for free but I have not noticed anything whatsoever from that amount, so I am bumping up to 5 mg.

One "useful" thing about Sema side effects is you *know* it's working because the sides are so pronounced. Tirz is much more subtle.

Also, particularly for men, higher doses are required for appetite suppression effects. You can easily combine vials after reconstitution to make 7.5mg or 10mg single vial doses when you need them.
One "useful" thing about Sema side effects is you *know* it's working because the sides are so pronounced. Tirz is much more subtle.

Also, particularly for men, higher doses are required for appetite suppression effects. You can easily combine vials after reconstitution to make 7.5mg or 10mg single vial doses when you need them.
Only been on 2.5 mg for one week now but notice nothing. I am a moderately large person.

Wife has gotten plenty of sides and some pretty dramatic weight loss at tat dosage.
Only been on 2.5 mg for one week now but notice nothing. I am a moderately large person.

Wife has gotten plenty of sides and some pretty dramatic weight loss at tat dosage.

The prevailing theory I've heard is that appetite suppression is dependent on the overall proportion of GLP receptors agonized. As men have a higher density of them. it takes a higher dose to lose as much as a woman, all other things being equal. I use 15mg Tirz as maintainance. feel zero sides. and a couple pounds higher than Sema. But the compete lack of sides make is far preferable.

Sooner or later there'll be sex specific guidance for dosages.
I'm not sure where this concept of a "maintenance dose" came from, it's absolute bollocks! There is no such thing as a maintenance dose when the compound, Tirz, is used correctly. The whole idea is to reap the benefits while learning better nutritional hygiene habits. I have seen many YT "so-called' influencers answering questions about "maintenance dosing" and I am sure the questions were being asked by habitual pigs who simply refuse to put the fork down and stop stuffing their cake hole!

if you want to increase your chances hugely of experiencing dramatic, pronounced, negative side effects then trying to run a "forever maintenance dose" is the right way to go about it. Anyone thinking a maintenance dose is a valid modality has completely missed the point!

One of the other main issues I have sussed out through the use of Tirz with many clients and my wife personally is that the suggested dosing and frequency by the manufacturer is far from optimal for maximum positive benefit! Both myself and several other very knowledgeable coaches that I am aware of all agree that in the case of Tirz, a 1.5mg dose 3X/week eg. Mon/Wed/Fri is far more effective than any other protocol tested to date or suggested by the manufacturer! One of those coaches happens to be Vigorous Steve, whom I not only trust implicitly and have great respect for his knowledge, but also MPMD Derek is of the same mind from what i recall! I know that it was significantly more successful as well when implemented with my own clients and my wife whose ass hasn't looked so awesome in years lololol! She's turning heads with her caboose again like when we were kids, much to her delight! Although I have yet to test this myself, apparently a combination of Tirz and Reta, is a huge bump in the bang for your buck category exceeding the impact of either used solo!

I use these compounds to help new clients that have neglected their health for far too long and getting them trimmed down is always the first step to the "new them". AFAIAC bulking is old bro science and should be eulogized and laid to rest in a hole then covered with copious amounts of dirt. Given all of our current knowledge there is simply no scientifically supportable reason to ru n an old time bulk/cut cycle as superior benefits by far can be found i other modalities that are also far less of a strain to your cardiac muscle, lymphatic system, insulin sensitivity etc! Canadian Les Stroud (Survivorman) is a perfect example of how damaging bulking and cutting can be when done repetitively. His cardiac specialist laid it out for him that basically he was fast approaching a certain suicidal point of bulking then massively cutting, while he starved shooting one of his expeditions, and literally only had months to live if he maintained his typical schedule of shooting the Survivorman series! that's good enough confirmation for me in addition to what i have witnessed with my own eyes over the years!
I'm not sure where this concept of a "maintenance dose" came from, it's absolute bollocks! There is no such thing as a maintenance dose when the compound, Tirz, is used correctly. The whole idea is to reap the benefits while learning better nutritional hygiene habits. I have seen many YT "so-called' influencers answering questions about "maintenance dosing" and I am sure the questions were being asked by habitual pigs who simply refuse to put the fork down and stop stuffing their cake hole!

if you want to increase your chances hugely of experiencing dramatic, pronounced, negative side effects then trying to run a "forever maintenance dose" is the right way to go about it. Anyone thinking a maintenance dose is a valid modality has completely missed the point!

One of the other main issues I have sussed out through the use of Tirz with many clients and my wife personally is that the suggested dosing and frequency by the manufacturer is far from optimal for maximum positive benefit! Both myself and several other very knowledgeable coaches that I am aware of all agree that in the case of Tirz, a 1.5mg dose 3X/week eg. Mon/Wed/Fri is far more effective than any other protocol tested to date or suggested by the manufacturer! One of those coaches happens to be Vigorous Steve, whom I not only trust implicitly and have great respect for his knowledge, but also MPMD Derek is of the same mind from what i recall! I know that it was significantly more successful as well when implemented with my own clients and my wife whose ass hasn't looked so awesome in years lololol! She's turning heads with her caboose again like when we were kids, much to her delight! Although I have yet to test this myself, apparently a combination of Tirz and Reta, is a huge bump in the bang for your buck category exceeding the impact of either used solo!

I use these compounds to help new clients that have neglected their health for far too long and getting them trimmed down is always the first step to the "new them". AFAIAC bulking is old bro science and should be eulogized and laid to rest in a hole then covered with copious amounts of dirt. Given all of our current knowledge there is simply no scientifically supportable reason to ru n an old time bulk/cut cycle as superior benefits by far can be found i other modalities that are also far less of a strain to your cardiac muscle, lymphatic system, insulin sensitivity etc! Canadian Les Stroud (Survivorman) is a perfect example of how damaging bulking and cutting can be when done repetitively. His cardiac specialist laid it out for him that basically he was fast approaching a certain suicidal point of bulking then massively cutting, while he starved shooting one of his expeditions, and literally only had months to live if he maintained his typical schedule of shooting the Survivorman series! that's good enough confirmation for me in addition to what i have witnessed with my own eyes over the years!

I have never seen more inaccurate information regarding GLP compounds in a single post than this one.

As usual, it boils down to the belief that GLPs are a "diet pill in a syringe", rather than a hormone one can be deficient in, or insensitive to, akin to insulin, and following that diet pill "crutch" analogy he's using, extrogenous GLPs are to be used just long enough until the weak willed, ignorant fattie can build up the moral fortitude and education they're clearly lacking.

While these ill informed, deliberately ignorant types are increasingly disappearing under a mountain of rock solid science, you are a vector of harm, and if you're advising anyone in a professional capacity, I hope the day comes they sue you into oblivion.
These drugs seem to have an effect on dopamine receptor. Has anyone had mood problems, anhedonia, depression etc on them?
I have bipolar disorder and take Abilify, which is a partial dopamine agonist/antagonist. Basically raises dopamine when low and blocks it when it's high. I've never suffered from serious depression. But I do feel my mood is less than ideal on tirzepatide. Anhedonia is accurate. I feel like it has gotten better over the past 6 weeks, though I'm considering increasing my Abilify dose.
Are there people stacking all 3?

Some are, and a LOT are stacking 2 and increasing frequency of dosing. I haven't seen anyone advocating against it, the term "immunogenicity" doesn't appear anywhere in the discussions about them, nor does anyone seem to consider dilution ratios as having any significance at all. Like "once a week", I suspect most think it's something the drug developers chose randomly, and they can "improve" on it. "Hey look, I can take 15mg Tirz in .1ml and mix my Sema into the same syringe".
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Some are, and a LOT are stacking 2 and increasing frequency of dosing. I haven't seen anyone advocating against it, the term "immunogenicity" doesn't appear anywhere in the discussions about them, nor does anyone seem to consider dilution ratios as having any significance at all. Like "once a week", I think most think it's something the drug developers chose randomly, and they can "improve" on it. "Hey look, I can take 15mg Tirz in .1ml and mix my Sema into the same syringe".
Interesting. I'm only taking 5mg Tirz now, but considering jumping it to 10mg after buying some vials from Optihgh.

I have already noticed a real decrease in compulsive behavior. I'm vaping way less and rarely thinking about cocaine. Even going nuts on Tinder and planning drinking sessions is unappealing to me. I'm on board with this stuff 50/50 weight loss and curing my degenerate brain.
Interesting. I'm only taking 5mg Tirz now, but considering jumping it to 10mg after buying some vials from Optihgh.

I have already noticed a real decrease in compulsive behavior. I'm vaping way less and rarely thinking about cocaine. Even going nuts on Tinder and planning drinking sessions is unappealing to me. I'm on board with this stuff 50/50 weight loss and curing my degenerate brain.

There are already early, but significant "signals" GLPs are reducing rates of numerous mental illnesses, irrespective of weight loss, a pattern were seen with other health benefits.

So many tangents to look into, but the capacity of research to chase all this down is saturated as it is. The most profitable areas that can lead to FDA approved indications for these drugs will be pursued first.

There are already early, but significant "signals" GLPs are reducing rates of numerous mental illnesses, irrespective of weight loss, a pattern were seen with other health benefits.

So many tangents to look into, but the capacity of research to chase all this down is saturated as it is. The most profitable areas that can lead to FDA approved indications for these drugs will be pursued first.

Yes, I found this study. I originally got on tirzepatide to reduce antipsychotic weight gain. I'm not huge, but easily 20 pounds more than I should be.

Fascinating stuff.