Titan Labs

Man I leave for a couple hours and everyone starts aruging haha.

Guys, TruBodybuilder is a vet and respected member of another board whom I met through being on that board. He is not a rep and is not getting anything to post here.

I have simply done buessiness with him when I sourced privately and asked him to post his thoughts on the products that I provided, that is all.

I understand this presents the opportunity for bias, as always, but I appreciate his friendship and trust as he is a great guy. You guys can take his thoughts for what they are since I did ask him if he would consider posting here.

So now showstoppa and he have vouched for the products that I have provided in the past. I understand that this, in no way, means a lot and does not mean anything for the future but if you have negative comments, I ask that you leave them out of the thread until you have your own experience to post.


Pretty early to be sending shills over, DONT DO THAT!!
How is that not a shill?

How I see it? He isnt getting anything in return for posting. Now you guys don't know that but the way I see it, it doesnt matter. He is a guy who gave a review about my products. Take it or leave it.

As stated, a vet on here has said I have provided good products in the past. He did not recieve anything for that either, but simply stated a past experience.

Them posting, or not posting, will not change the quality of the products that we will be providing. So you guys can decide for yourselves once samples and orders are sent out and feedback starts coming in.

If the products are good, they are good. If they are not, they are not. Any posts about them are essentially irrelevant but I personally, when looking for new sources back in the day, always liked to see positive past reviews.
Exactly he admitted he asked somebody to come over and post it.

I said I wouldn't get involved in this thread to much because I feel like I have a conflict but we are never going to have good domestic sources here if we don't give them a chance. Time will tell, no reason to run everyone of when they are offering to send gear for testing and are complying with the coc. Just my opinion
I agree with Stoppa, I'm not a vet to any of you guys but I am on another forum. Let's see how the products are liked went vets get them and how everything tests out. Again I understand why people are cautious, we all have different views on how things should be ran and what not. Let's all atleast try and be civil and operate in an adult manner as far as discussion. Name calling - shill this shill that, STFU etc is child like and shows alot about someone's character. Look all I'm saying is lets give the guys a chance here, I know alot of people who personally used Titan when he was private and it was all positive. If the product was crappy then word would of spread since our forum is extremely tight knitted and we run things in a professional manner.

To the poster about me being a shill or he admitted to sending me here - Yes I personally know Titan, but when I ordered from him I didn't know him overly well; I was referred to him from another trusted member. I was asked to come here to post a real review on the products that were used. I was not paid, not given free gear not given nothing. Since Titan had quick shipping, sterile products during my use with them and they did what they were made to do. Since he treated me right, I felt the least I could do was give an unbias opinion of the raws and the gear as a whole. None of you know me and my replies could mean nothing to you, which is fine I understand why; but I can tell you this - I'm not some dumb under 20 year old punk trying to push anything here for anyone.

That is all.
Don't get sensitive, Zeus, it's not personal, we are skeptics because we've been burned before. There are scammers by the dozen who show up here regularly. Go browse the older threads in this forum and you'll see, you're actually getting the meso equivalent of a warm welcome.

Everyone has to run the gauntlet. If you stay the course and do the right thing, life is peachy and meso gets another reliable source.
Please tell me your test prop and mast prop aren't from quality raws? Or any of your raws for that matter

No definitely not.

Don't get sensitive, Zeus, it's not personal, we are skeptics because we've been burned before. There are scammers by the dozen who show up here regularly. Go browse the older threads in this forum and you'll see, you're actually getting the meso equivalent of a warm welcome.

Everyone has to run the gauntlet. If you stay the course and do the right thing, life is peachy and meso gets another reliable source.

Lightspan, I completely understand you guys are trying to protect yourselves, the board, and its members. I have gotten burned before as well buying from labs as have all my friends at one time or another. It sucks but that is not what I came here to do.

I hear what you are saying bro. lets give him a chance.

Appreciate it guys. That's all we would like.