Titanium Gear Industries (domestic source)

Haha. The last few pages I actually read. I'm alright man. In the gym right now doing legs. Again. But my range of motion is comfortable enough to reach up so I can grab the bar to do squats. I'm not gonna try RDLs but laying leg curls are comfortable. So getting better for sure man. Appreciate it.

Have you started giving TB500 a go? I’m still considering it. See if it’ll heal my upper back strain and groin.
Currnt past bin,any promos ? To many pages of sexy animals can't find it . Always a chore coming into this thread .
Still have primo and dhb samples by request. Still have way over 10ml fills. Still have tested everything. Still have pretty decent t/a record. But....I'm members only unless you order bulk and even then it is when i can fit you in. May take a day or two to process.
What’s the discount if i hit you with a $5k order, set up with my new STRONGER metal for my lab name, and take all these freshy’s money?
Stronger by hardness or tensile strength? I looked this up already. Tungsten is harder. But brittle. Strongest metal is an alloy (mixture).

And my prices and fills and tested creatines are your discount.
This is a message of encouragement to my future self. You’re 398 posts behind even though you read MESO at least once a day. If you make it to this reminder you probably only have another 398 posts to go. Keep reading. You’re almost there!
Correction: 465