Tren E and Test E 400mg p/week hives


New Member
i started on june 30th taking this cycle from a source that i believe to be (based on multiple eroids reviews) legit. everything was going great until this past week. my inject was sunday and i felt great the next day per usual, and on tuesday my lips and cheeks swole up to be like cantaloupes, i could barely speak. went to the ER, they gave me iv benadryl, another anti histamine and prednisone, none of which helped at all but they sent me home anyway. i awoke the next day stronger and more powerful than ive ever felt.

now thinking that this was a fluke or something, i proceeded with me wednesday inject. within an hour i started getting short of breath and some minor chest pain. i had to stand up periodically to get full and deep breaths. and the next day, i felt like i have the flu, and hives everywhere, tons of fluid retention on my face again and my entire scalp is so fluid ridden, its actually pulled my hairline back in a way if that makes sense.

saw my doctor for regular check up and he gave me prednisone in an IM shot

my question is, since both my tren and test smell and taste exactly the same (but tren is yellow/rust color and test is clear as water), should we assume this is the tren giving me the sides? i am fairly new to cycles at this time. i feel so great when these worked i want to figure out what to do. im just afraid that if i do it again ill go into anaphylactic shock. if its most likely the tren i would just continue the test use. but how do i know what carrier oil i have? it almost smells like wood or maybe olive oil. maybe i am allergic to the oils?

on a side note, i pulled 1/2 cc test e into a syringe and left it in the freezer for about an hour and it looked the same, isnt it supposed to drop crystals from serpating?
i started on june 30th taking this cycle from a source that i believe to be (based on multiple eroids reviews) legit. everything was going great until this past week. my inject was sunday and i felt great the next day per usual, and on tuesday my lips and cheeks swole up to be like cantaloupes, i could barely speak. went to the ER, they gave me iv benadryl, another anti histamine and prednisone, none of which helped at all but they sent me home anyway. i awoke the next day stronger and more powerful than ive ever felt.

now thinking that this was a fluke or something, i proceeded with me wednesday inject. within an hour i started getting short of breath and some minor chest pain. i had to stand up periodically to get full and deep breaths. and the next day, i felt like i have the flu, and hives everywhere, tons of fluid retention on my face again and my entire scalp is so fluid ridden, its actually pulled my hairline back in a way if that makes sense.

saw my doctor for regular check up and he gave me prednisone in an IM shot

my question is, since both my tren and test smell and taste exactly the same (but tren is yellow/rust color and test is clear as water), should we assume this is the tren giving me the sides? i am fairly new to cycles at this time. i feel so great when these worked i want to figure out what to do. im just afraid that if i do it again ill go into anaphylactic shock. if its most likely the tren i would just continue the test use. but how do i know what carrier oil i have? it almost smells like wood or maybe olive oil. maybe i am allergic to the oils?

on a side note, i pulled 1/2 cc test e into a syringe and left it in the freezer for about an hour and it looked the same, isnt it supposed to drop crystals from serpating?
Discontinue all use NOW!


Who is the source/lab?
i dont intend on using this again if its going to send me through another spiral surely, but since ive never used these two apart i dont know how to decide whats wrong here. medlab anabolics is the Lab
I have no idea. Possible that you're allergic to a chemical that's in the gear.

Any allergies you know of?
the only one that i know of is penicillin. was i correct in being skeptical of the freezer test? it is supposed to separate right?
the only one that i know of is penicillin. was i correct in being skeptical of the freezer test? it is supposed to separate right?
It doesn't always crash. How would it prove anything, if it did?


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no thats not the same one, the guys website got hacked or something if i remember correctly, there were 100's of reviews at the time i purchased. and you rnot being a dick at all, i need all the help i can get, i dont want to fear test forever.
Discontinue use. PCT now (unless you've just done 2 shots, just leave it alone) and really, really consider if AAS are for you. Please.
i know that. i am just trying to get advice on determining that it is one or the other compound, or just a bad source. although right now it looks like its a bad source cause i cant find the info on eroids anymore. i saw the one you found but not the one i did.
i know that. i am just trying to get advice on determining that it is one or the other compound, or just a bad source. although right now it looks like its a bad source cause i cant find the info on eroids anymore. i saw the one you found but not the one i did.
Man, I can't say which compound is which. Tren will irritate lungs, but NOTHING like that. Those aren't tren sides. I imagine you're allergic to something. I wouldn't ever risk it again, and I'd walk away from AAS. But, I'm not interested in dying a horrible death.