Trest, MENT, Trestolone: Who has used it for a blast? Bulk? Cut?


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Howdy y'all. So I have read all about the mental benefits to Trest in the /r/steroids experience thread. I am about to pull the trigger on some MENT and am quite excited about it. I've been looking for it for a while now and finally found some from a reliable peep.

I am curious if anyone has used MENT specifically for a cut? How did it go? What dose/length of cycle did you go for?
Did you run anything else along side it?
How would you compare it to cutting with Tren?

How about for bulking? What dose/length of cycle did you go for?
Did you run anything else along side it?
How would you compare MENT for bulking to Tren or NPP (or deca if that is your preferred nandrolone ester).

How long did you run it for? At what dose?
Has anyone noticed different doses to be better for different things (e.g., lower doses are better for cutting, larger doses work better for bulking)?
Has anyone used it both to bulk and cut yet? Which one did you find worked better?
What side effects did you notice? Did you struggle to manage estrogen with the ultra methyl-e2 trest produces? Any dick problems while on it?
I recomped decently on it at 20mg/day on top of 420mg/week test. Felt strong af, was banging the SO 3x a day. Had a bit of bloat, but a little bit of asin sorted that out.

I've heard people have FSH recovery issues running it long term - 6 months+. I would probably recommend against that and stick to around 12-16 weeks at a time max.

I have never run tren, soo I can't compare, but shit was super effective for me, so much so that I've basically been begging sources for longer esters for the last 2 months.

I think trest is mostly individual dependent. On some people they have crazy estrogen sides, on others it's barely noticeable until retarded doses. Only way to know if you're one of the lucky ones is to try.
I recomped decently on it at 20mg/day on top of 420mg/week test. Felt strong af, was banging the SO 3x a day. Had a bit of bloat, but a little bit of asin sorted that out.

I've heard people have FSH recovery issues running it long term - 6 months+. I would probably recommend against that and stick to around 12-16 weeks at a time max.

I have never run tren, soo I can't compare, but shit was super effective for me, so much so that I've basically been begging sources for longer esters for the last 2 months.

I think trest is mostly individual dependent. On some people they have crazy estrogen sides, on others it's barely noticeable until retarded doses. Only way to know if you're one of the lucky ones is to try.
Interesting, I am on TRT so recovery isn't a problem for me. I am planning to start out at about 5mg/day stacked on top my TRT and just see how I feel....

Then after 2 days if I feel goo up the dose to 100 mg / day.


Based off some anecdotes people seem to say they prefer it for bulking, some even said it stimulates their appetite (whereas tren lowers appetite). I am gonna grab a few vials and start experimenting with it with my TRT after my blast is done.

One question for you TrestFan. How did Trest affect your blood markers? Did you E2 change much? Your T or free T levels? Lipids or liver enzymes? I am curious if I need to time my dosing around my normal TRT followup blood tests if it's gonna make any of the values look funky. If not though maybe I don't need to worry about timing and can just run it whenever.
Interesting, I am on TRT so recovery isn't a problem for me. I am planning to start out at about 5mg/day stacked on top my TRT and just see how I feel....

Then after 2 days if I feel goo up the dose to 100 mg / day.


Based off some anecdotes people seem to say they prefer it for bulking, some even said it stimulates their appetite (whereas tren lowers appetite). I am gonna grab a few vials and start experimenting with it with my TRT after my blast is done.

One question for you TrestFan. How did Trest affect your blood markers? Did you E2 change much? Your T or free T levels? Lipids or liver enzymes? I am curious if I need to time my dosing around my normal TRT followup blood tests if it's gonna make any of the values look funky. If not though maybe I don't need to worry about timing and can just run it whenever.

Fertility can be an issue, even if on TRT, after long term use. As long as you're aware of the risks.

It's definitely more of a bulker, but it has some crazy thermogenic shit going on. I get mad night sweats above 10mg/day and end up hot as hell after training and just chill in a cool shower for like 15min. So it's definitely a wet compound, but it's not as simple as that. Definitely potential to recomp a little if conditions are right (although nothing like tren ofc, but probably next best thing that doesn't make you retarded)

Nothing in blood besides elevated BP, haematocrit and haemoglobin.

Supplement B6 as apparently it can cause an elevated prolactin response.
Fertility can be an issue, even if on TRT, after long term use. As long as you're aware of the risks.

It's definitely more of a bulker, but it has some crazy thermogenic shit going on. I get mad night sweats above 10mg/day and end up hot as hell after training and just chill in a cool shower for like 15min. So it's definitely a wet compound, but it's not as simple as that. Definitely potential to recomp a little if conditions are right (although nothing like tren ofc, but probably next best thing that doesn't make you retarded)

Nothing in blood besides elevated BP, haematocrit and haemoglobin.

Supplement B6 as apparently it can cause an elevated prolactin response.
Interesting. Well I am excited to start experimenting with it. I am currently running 500 test, 350 NPP, and 40 mg Anavar and I have been having some issues with night sweats and the same sort of thermogenic effects you just mentioned. I am basically a heat generator all day long. I am walking around my house or sitting in the basement where it's 66 degrees-ish in shorts and T-shirt perfectly comfortable. When I take my dog for walks I am getting sweaty even though it's 22 degrees outside, I slowly strip off my layers until I am wearing a T-shirt and mittens in the winter (my hands still get cold as fuck lol).

Anyway, sounds like it is pretty chill in regards to side effects. My blood pressure is chronically perfect so I'm not worried about that. Same with HCT and HGB, never had any issues with those getting up there either.

I am thinking I will lower my TRT/cruise down to 100mg/week (instead of 180) and throw 5mg of Trest/day on top to start and see how things go. What do you think? Seem reasonable?

If that damn methyl-e2 (MeE2 is the abbreviation, or #MeE2 :D) starts ripping my bawls off, what is the best thing to do? just an AI? Really wish there was more info around this compound.
Ran 20mg/day for the last 2 weeks of a blast(840 cyp/720 deca), felt nothing, still didn’t need an AI. Transitioned with into cruise/TRT(175 test, 10-15mg/day MENT), again, felt nothing. I have another 50mg/ml vial left, so, I’ll burn it next blast, I guess at 125mg/week, I don’t expect much.
Ran 20mg/day for the last 2 weeks of a blast(840 cyp/720 deca), felt nothing, still didn’t need an AI. Transitioned with into cruise/TRT(175 test, 10-15mg/day MENT), again, felt nothing. I have another 50mg/ml vial left, so, I’ll burn it next blast, I guess at 125mg/week, I don’t expect much.
Interesting, do you think it was bunk? at that dose on top of that much test, surely you should've had SOME effects...
Fertility can be an issue, even if on TRT, after long term use. As long as you're aware of the risks.

It's definitely more of a bulker, but it has some crazy thermogenic shit going on. I get mad night sweats above 10mg/day and end up hot as hell after training and just chill in a cool shower for like 15min. So it's definitely a wet compound, but it's not as simple as that. Definitely potential to recomp a little if conditions are right (although nothing like tren ofc, but probably next best thing that doesn't make you retarded)

Nothing in blood besides elevated BP, haematocrit and haemoglobin.

Supplement B6 as apparently it can cause an elevated prolactin response.
When do sides really start
Howdy y'all. So I have read all about the mental benefits to Trest in the /r/steroids experience thread. I am about to pull the trigger on some MENT and am quite excited about it. I've been looking for it for a while now and finally found some from a reliable peep.

I am curious if anyone has used MENT specifically for a cut? How did it go? What dose/length of cycle did you go for?
Did you run anything else along side it?
How would you compare it to cutting with Tren?
I have been using MENT for almost 7 weeks now along with NPP and test (280/280/70mg/wk test/NPP/MENT). 4 weeks ago I hired a nutritionist and I have gone from 247 to 240. So far I still have plenty of energy and I don't feel like I have dropped any muscle, only fat. It does aromatize HARD though, at least for me. I also have naturally low E2 levels, so I think even a moderate spike in E2 or ME2 (methyl E2) causes issues quickly. I noticed high BP, water retention and gyno coming on. Now I am taking .25 mg arimidex E3D and taking 20 mg nolva ED. This has brought all E2/ME2 sides under control. To be fair I also have 3 aromatizing compounds. In 3.5 weeks I will be dropping the NPP and adding tren Ace at 280 mg/wk

How long did you run it for? At what dose?
Has anyone noticed different doses to be better for different things (e.g., lower doses are better for cutting, larger doses work better for bulking)?
Has anyone used it both to bulk and cut yet? Which one did you find worked better?
What side effects did you notice? Did you struggle to manage estrogen with the ultra methyl-e2 trest produces? Any dick problems while on it?
In total I plan to run MENT 16 weeks at 10 mg/day. I don't think I can run it much higher without running into major ME2 issues.

Good side effects from MENT, I DEFINITELY have improved mood. nandrolone deteriorates my mood, but with the MENT, it has not been a problem at all. This alone makes it well worth it to run in a 19-nor stack. I will have to wait and see how I do with test/MENT/tren. I can report back in probably 5 weeks.

As far as dick issues, only issues were from high E2/ME2. Once I got that under control, everything was good again.
It affected my sleep worse than tren. I dropped it and upped my test and was able lower my ai and I’m sleeping better.

the one positive is I’m a much nicer person on ment
2 labs i know of in the US sell ment for “research purposes only” legally somehow. NeverSettleLabs and StrateLabs. They have both Acetate and Enanthate. Been wanting to pull the trigger on Enanthate so I don’t have to pin every day but I can’t find much info on it. Has anyone ever ordered from either of these guys?
2 labs i know of in the US sell ment for “research purposes only” legally somehow. NeverSettleLabs and StrateLabs. They have both Acetate and Enanthate. Been wanting to pull the trigger on Enanthate so I don’t have to pin every day but I can’t find much info on it. Has anyone ever ordered from either of these guys?
Seems super sketchy. Buy a bottle and send it off for us!
2 labs i know of in the US sell ment for “research purposes only” legally somehow.
The ‘somehow’ is because it’s not a controlled substance. It’s still an investigational drug. The chemical itself is perfectly legal to possess or sell to researchers. It’s very much not legal to sell it for non-research human usage. If you choose to import 50g of it you have not committed a crime. If you make up a batch and test it on yourself you have not committed a crime. If you sell some of that batch at your local gym you have most certainly committed a crime. Does that clarify things?
The ‘somehow’ is because it’s not a controlled substance. It’s still an investigational drug. The chemical itself is perfectly legal to possess or sell to researchers. It’s very much not legal to sell it for non-research human usage. If you choose to import 50g of it you have not committed a crime. If you make up a batch and test it on yourself you have not committed a crime. If you sell some of that batch at your local gym you have most certainly committed a crime. Does that clarify things?
I’m pretty sure it’s definitely illegal to sell it no matter what they put on it. Places get shut down and face fines for this all the time.
I’m pretty sure it’s definitely illegal to sell it no matter what they put on it. Places get shut down and face fines for this all the time.
And yet research chemical sites sell other drugs that are classified the same way. It’s all the Wild West, man. The grey market is quite something.
It affected my sleep worse than tren. I dropped it and upped my test and was able lower my ai and I’m sleeping better.

the one positive is I’m a much nicer person on ment
I think all AAS completely fuck with my sleep because I end up running so hot even when sleeping. So I got a water heated/cooled mattress cover and that solved pretty much all of my sleep problems. Usually my insomnia is body heat induced.