Trestolone(MENT) cycle

Here’s another update to those following. Nothing really has changed since last week. Still feel all the same things. Sleep is good, workouts are still amazing, libido is still in high gear, appetite is still higher than normal. Overall a good experience still. Im debating on trying to titrate up higher but dont think i see the need. Plus based on anecdotal experience I’ve noticed issues tend to trickle in on doses higher. Don’t know if I want to risk the sides.

Here’s a weird question to toss around and talk about: Is there a reason why trestolone would cause thinning hair to start regrowing on the crown? Weird I know but speaking with an old shipmate he said he experienced some hair regrowth. Consensus says MENT can cause some hair loss, but maybe he was lucky? Lol idk
Starting first try with ment

Short 4 week blast

250 Test
200 Primo
70 Trest

I put in 30 mg Aromasin and See What happens
No AI will control Ment aromatization, invest in Nolvadex or Raloxifene or gyno surgery instead.

In 4 weeks of that you will see only what ment will do, considering the super low doses of the other 2 aas....
No AI will control Ment aromatization, invest in Nolvadex or Raloxifene or gyno surgery instead.

In 4 weeks of that you will see only what ment will do, considering the super low doses of the other 2 aas....
I have my gyno removed 10 years ago
Why not have test in the cycle? What's the purpose of using this as hrt? Do you have any blood work prior to this, and any coming up? Just genuinely curious of how your "experiment" would be effecting you outside of feels.
Here’s another update to those following. Nothing really has changed since last week. Still feel all the same things. Sleep is good, workouts are still amazing, libido is still in high gear, appetite is still higher than normal. Overall a good experience still. Im debating on trying to titrate up higher but dont think i see the need. Plus based on anecdotal experience I’ve noticed issues tend to trickle in on doses higher. Don’t know if I want to risk the sides.

Here’s a weird question to toss around and talk about: Is there a reason why trestolone would cause thinning hair to start regrowing on the crown? Weird I know but speaking with an old shipmate he said he experienced some hair regrowth. Consensus says MENT can cause some hair loss, but maybe he was lucky? Lol idk
we need an update @jimmye_25
Hey sorry y’all for being MIA, had to go back the hometown for a few days. Almost lost a family member due to a medical emergency. They pulled thru tho. Truly a blessing

But yeah things are still basically the same, decided I’d ride the rest of the cycle out at the current dose. Reason being is I tried going slightly over 2mg on a Wednesday, Thursday when I tested my bp it was slightly out of range, as well as resting heart rate. Idk if it was the travel Monday night or maybe the recent stress….or maybe a combination of everything, I bumped it back down to 2 mg to be safe. Everything normalized by Friday night/ Saturday morning.

Other than that one incident trest has been treating me well.
Hey sorry y’all for being MIA, had to go back the hometown for a few days. Almost lost a family member due to a medical emergency. They pulled thru tho. Truly a blessing

But yeah things are still basically the same, decided I’d ride the rest of the cycle out at the current dose. Reason being is I tried going slightly over 2mg on a Wednesday, Thursday when I tested my bp it was slightly out of range, as well as resting heart rate. Idk if it was the travel Monday night or maybe the recent stress….or maybe a combination of everything, I bumped it back down to 2 mg to be safe. Everything normalized by Friday night/ Saturday morning.

Other than that one incident trest has been treating me well.
are you... building muscle?
Maybe because I used it and all people already knows that?

It's not simply estradiol it's a methylated form, and AI aren't made go do anything on it...
Not my experience. Ran trest twice and both times was using AI and it helped. First time used aromasin second time aromasin and arimidex. First time was with a TRT dose of test 220mg/Wk. Second time was with 550mg Test.
Ment turns into methyl estrogen through the same pathway that testosterone turns into estrogen. The aromatase enzyme binds to the ment and then it aromatizes. So by blocking the aromatase enzyme with an AI you should reduce the amount of methyl E2 created. I'm not an expert but seems pretty straight forward.
Not my experience. Ran trest twice and both times was using AI and it helped. First time used aromasin second time aromasin and arimidex. First time was with a TRT dose of test 220mg/Wk. Second time was with 550mg Test.
Ment turns into methyl estrogen through the same pathway that testosterone turns into estrogen. The aromatase enzyme binds to the ment and then it aromatizes. So by blocking the aromatase enzyme with an AI you should reduce the amount of methyl E2 created. I'm not an expert but seems pretty straight forward.
can you tell me more specifics about your trest cycles? for example doses and a.i dosing? how it interacts with test etc? general thoughts
can you tell me more specifics about your trest cycles? for example doses and a.i dosing? how it interacts with test etc? general thoughts
1 at cycle was a 6 week rebound with 220mg test c. I was coming off a diet for down to 6.7%bf on a dexa. Started ment at 10mg day Ave went up each week, last week was 35mg/day. Went from 0.25mg Asin 2x a week on my TRT 220mg a week test to 0.5 3x a week with ment. Last 2 weeks when ment was 30mg+ I added in half an aromasin twice a week.

2nd cycle I was doing 550 test 400 mast for 17 weeks and added in 25mg ment a day for the last 6 weeks as a finisher. Was taking 12.5 Asin 3x a week & E2 was around 70. Then when I added ment I switched to 12.5 EOD and also started .25mg Adex 2x a week but ended up dropping it. Sex drive dropped off when I added the Adex. With the Asin and Adex my e2 was like 35 but that doesn't count the methyl E2.

Overall got strong and added mass but nothing crazy I was already getting good gains. I guess I added like 15-18lbs of lean mass that cycle, total weight went up 35-40lbs. It didn't add to my bloat but I was already a little bloated and may have increased my BP a little. Definitely wasn't the bp and bloating bomb it is for some people. No gyno issues at all with that ai dose.

I probably won't run it again, I hated the guessing on AI with the methyl E2. Actually just started a test 600 Deca 450 mast 300 cycle for the next 22 weeks, first shot today.
So my expirience 2 weeks in
250 Test
200 Primo
70 ment

I like it. Bp gets high, stength goes up.
Aromasin seems to work im perfectly fine with 30 mg Aromasin and the Primo in Place