tricep injection


New Member
Does anyone here inject into the long head of your tricep? I always go straight in the head but I am a firm believer that site injections help and would like to improve the back of my tri's. Is it possible? Is it risky? Bj
I have injected into the side of the long head several times. I don't believe there is any risk. The only thing I don't like is the reach... it's kinda hard to twist around to do it. I, however don't believe in site injecting. If it were true, we'd all have huge asses :D. I don't believe that injecting certain esters or certain steroids causes localized growth.

site injecting aas for local growth is a myth, sure there'll be a half dozen guys show up here saying that it works with non estered products like Test Suspension and winny but it just isnt the case. They'll come on here saying they know 10 top pros that do it and it works for them but chemistry is chemistry, even though we are all different there are still far more similarities in our genetics as humans than there are differences when it comes down to how our bodies assimilate a drug..The only thing that did sound logical regarding site injecting helping local growth was the fact that the liquid volume injected helps stretch the muscle facia and that might help gains somewhat, but that would be about as good as just doing stretching exercises..
And I've never shot side Tris, just bottom..

eleven11 said:
why do you say that.........11

It is unsafe because of its close proximity to major nerves and blood vessels: 1) cephalic, basillic, and brachial veins 2) brachial artery 3) radian, median, and ulnar nerve. It is best to stick to the standard injection sites: glutes, quads, delts.
Rod said:
It is unsafe because of its close proximity to major nerves and blood vessels: 1) cephalic, basillic, and brachial veins 2) brachial artery 3) radian, median, and ulnar nerve. It is best to stick to the standard injection sites: glutes, quads, delts.

I disagree. The cephalic vein is located on the anterior or the top of the biceps. And the basillic and brachial veins run down the medial or inside part of the biceps. So you can see they are nowhere close to the triceps region.

It's 100% myth. Best way to inject is in your glutes. I asked my girlfriend who's a nurse about site injections vs glute injections. I believe she told me that injection into the buttocks dispenses the compound better into your body. I know there's more to that answer so don't jump all over me yet...I'll ask her tomorrow about it and post the whole answer
hey headliner dude, I agree with you about the glute injections its probably the safest place too. But I have scar tissue problems with my glutes and I would scream bloody murder if a pin were to even touch me there. I know most are nonbelievers in site injections but my tri's and delts are way bigger since I started injecting in them. Its most likely oil building up, kinda like synthol. Bj
I use 25g 1 inch in my bi's, tri's, delts, quads, and sometimes calves. I only use RS gear that never hurts. I wouldn't dare to prop in my calves. Bj