Triple B Solutions

Not to be off subject here but i mostly just read the threads and avoid posting opinions and questions .ive educated myself thoroughly on each individual compound and would consider myself knowledgeable in most steroid topics.... heres where i fall off. Research chems and sarms. I dont understand them nor do i care to other than the fact that my wife is in desperate need of t3/t4 . Blood tests show hypothyroid although she is very thin and in excellent shape. She is tired all the time , her hormones are out of wack but the doctors wont prescribe her the meds because she is only 5.9. If she was 6.0 she would be on meds... i dont get it.
Anyway now that I've hijacked this thread, and I do apologize, pinnacle research chems is the last one I used, and their Cialis was decent but it's been a long time, am I okay to go a research chem route or should I try to find a pharmacy version somewhere.

Sorry I have to do a Dad Moment here.

Definitely NO research chems and despite the well-meaning advice that everyone has posted already, go find your wife another doctor. And another. And another until you find the right one. That’s option 1 by a landslide.

Option 2 go into the correct thread “Steroid forum” and make a post providing a lot more detail about what your wife is experiencing and post the bloodwork. That’s the only time guys should be giving advice.

Everyone here is eager to help and it’s all best-intentioned. But just because it’s easy to get Tiromel doesn’t mean your wife definitely needs to take it.
Results are back from sample of DHB that I sent off. These were purchased just before testing came back when original test came back at 80mg/ml. This thread jumped all over the place but this was when @TripleBSolutions said he checked and vial he pulled sample from
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LOL...a lot of shit has been talked on trip about his 80mg/ml dhb. I am pleasantly surprised at these results. I figured he got his hands on some shitty raws and it was what it was. Maybe there was actually something to the first sample being crashed. Those that scored the remaining stock at a discount should be happy that they got more than they expected.
LOL...a lot of shit has been talked on trip about his 80mg/ml dhb. I am pleasantly surprised at these results. I figured he got his hands on some shitty raws and it was what it was. Maybe there was actually something to the first sample being crashed. Those that scored the remaining stock at a discount should be happy that they got more than they expected.
I thought I was misreading it honestly when I opened the email. @TripleBSolutions how much of that DHB you got left?
LOL...a lot of shit has been talked on trip about his 80mg/ml dhb. I am pleasantly surprised at these results. I figured he got his hands on some shitty raws and it was what it was. Maybe there was actually something to the first sample being crashed. Those that scored the remaining stock at a discount should be happy that they got more than they expected.
You were right. We were wrong.:rolleyes:
You were right. We were wrong.:rolleyes:
I don't believe I had any input on his dhb. It's honestly surprising to me that his testing came back well on this particular product.

Or are you referring to the fact that I thought trip was trying to do a good job and provide us with a quality product instead of an exit scam?

Either way, thanks for the credit :)
Results are back from sample of DHB that I sent off. These were purchased just before testing came back when original test came back at 80mg/ml. This thread jumped all over the place but this was when @TripleBSolutions said he checked and vial he pulled sample from
View attachment 145821
Thank you for sending that out. Email me for your credit! Pretty good news and some people got an awesome deal on DHB.