Triple B Solutions

We are all fucked. Just fucked. Thank you for letting us know.

What difference is it going to make to hit the panic switch? Omg the sky is falling.

Hey, what if an asteroid hits the earth? Do you ever worry about that?
Of course not. Unlike this situation, the evidence points to a extremely small chance of an asteroid hitting the earth. VERY SMALL
I have never used trest but I’m pretty estrogen sensitive. Does nolva keep it at bay? I usually run low dose nolva and aromasin in offseason (I have small gyno from puberty)
@TripleBSolutions I've been meaning to ask, what's your recommendation as far as shelf life for your injectable oils?

I've been told the stuff never goes bad, all the way down to just 3 years.

I've personally used Balkan stuff 3 to 5 years old with no noticable difference.

What's your recommendation on triple b gear for shelf life?
@Iron_Yuppie What other TRT protocols have you tried? At what dosage are you? What about sides?
Started trt at 200mg/w (the way every clinic starts it, because money) and have been at every dose you can think of below that. Lowest was 70mg/w (very bad) and the best one for how I felt was definitely 200. 120-150 was ok, nothing special, but certainly felt ‘normal’.

As far as sides go MENT has been relatively benign in that regard, with one major exception: persistently high BP. It’s probably the most common side effect that showed up across all the clinical trials. I control it with valsartan. My family doctor is aware of what I’m doing and she monitors me to make sure I’m not killing myself.
I have never used trest but I’m pretty estrogen sensitive. Does nolva keep it at bay? I usually run low dose nolva and aromasin in offseason (I have small gyno from puberty)
My AI dose is 0mg of adex daily. I don’t need an AI until I hit 15mg/d, which is 7.5x my trt dose. Honestly the e2 bomb meme is way overblown. I don’t think it’s any more estrogenic on a relative basis. But when guys combine 25mg/d with 500 test…yeah, titty city is your destination.
Of course not. Unlike this situation, the evidence points to a extremely small chance of an asteroid hitting the earth. VERY SMALL

We keep asking you to provide “evidence” and you never do. The VERY SMALL chance of the asteroid hitting is still greater than one of your retarded theories coming true. Yet there you are, screaming warnings about it like a fucking looney old cat lady.
We keep asking you to provide “evidence” and you never do. The VERY SMALL chance of the asteroid hitting is still greater than one of your retarded theories coming true. Yet there you are, screaming warnings about it like a fucking looney old cat lady.

If he provided evidence, we wouldnt call him a retard.
That would make his opinion a evidence based opinion...ergo not retarded.
If he provided evidence, we wouldnt call him a retard.
That would make his opinion a evidence based opinion...ergo not retarded.
I’ve given you evidence. Look at the trajectory. It’s right in front of you that the raw industry is going downhill. Even a long time meso member admitted that a lot of raws will have a hard time being made. He was also the one that informed me of India’s laws of sending Americans back to be prosecuted for selling schedule 3 drugs
I’ve given you evidence. Look at the trajectory. It’s right in front of you that the raw industry is going downhill. Even a long time meso member admitted that a lot of raws will have a hard time being made. He was also the one that informed me of India’s laws of sending Americans back to be prosecuted for selling schedule 3 drugs

Start a thread for this retarded shit. Let’s blow it up.

Nevermind, I’ll start it.
I’ve given you evidence. Look at the trajectory. It’s right in front of you that the raw industry is going downhill. Even a long time meso member admitted that a lot of raws will have a hard time being made. He was also the one that informed me of India’s laws of sending Americans back to be prosecuted for selling schedule 3 drugs

I've talked to some sources.
Specifically about the Anavar.
Was a slight hiccup... they've sorted out the issues and the same suppliers are sending out bulk orders again...

You're literally just using pure conjecture and have no actual idea.
@TripleBSolutions I've been meaning to ask, what's your recommendation as far as shelf life for your injectable oils?

I've been told the stuff never goes bad, all the way down to just 3 years.

I've personally used Balkan stuff 3 to 5 years old with no noticable difference.

What's your recommendation on triple b gear for shelf life?
That question mostly comes down to how you store your vials. If you store your vials in a temperate dark place away from any direct sunlight then the product will likely be good for 5+ years. After many years of being stored like that the solvent may start degrading the API but it will be a slow process and not something that happens over night. MCT oil has an amazing shelf life.
That question mostly comes down to how you store your vials. If you store your vials in a temperate dark place away from any direct sunlight then the product will likely be good for 5+ years. After many years of being stored like that the solvent may start degrading the API but it will be a slow process and not something that happens over night. MCT oil has an amazing shelf life.
Hey Trip, not sure if I missed another update but I didn’t see L Carnitine in the zerobin. Is this something that will still be a few weeks out?
I’ve given you evidence. Look at the trajectory. It’s right in front of you that the raw industry is going downhill. Even a long time meso member admitted that a lot of raws will have a hard time being made. He was also the one that informed me of India’s laws of sending Americans back to be prosecuted for selling schedule 3 drugs

You are one of those concern trolls, right?
Hey Trip, not sure if I missed another update but I didn’t see L Carnitine in the zerobin. Is this something that will still be a few weeks out?
I have 500mg/ml where I want it and I am currently experimenting with 900mg/ml to see if I can get that where I want it. A couple days at most. I may get to it tomorrow if you guys and gals slow down on the orders.

Order volume has been HEAVY. Everyone ordering from me should be donating to @SkankHunt to get that sweet free test
I’m not a troll. Just genuinely concerned about the state anabolics of have found themselves in

Where there is a lucrative and profitable market, there will always be some form of supply, both formal and black market.

At the end of the day, steroids are no more than man made chemical compounds derived from natural sources and refined through chemical process.

Pretending like the sky is falling because you think suddenly the means or will to produce these drugs may suddenly disappear is not only naive, but also foolish.

Because as long as the demand for them exists, and the natural material to manufacture them is available, then individuals will find a way to produce and sell them.

Anabolic steroids are no more likely to disappear from the earth, than is crystal methamphetamine or Cocain or heroin.

Not b as long as a market for them exists.
MWhere there is a lucrative and profitable market, there will always be some form of supply, both formal and black market.

At the end of the day, steroids are no more than man made chemical compounds derived from natural sources and refined through chemical process.

Pretending like the sky is falling because you think suddenly the means or will to produce these drugs may suddenly disappear is not only naive, but also foolish.

Because as long as the demand for them exists, and the natural material to manufacture them is available, then individuals will find a way to produce and sell them.

Anabolic steroids are no more likely to disappear from the earth, than is crystal methamphetamine or Cocain or heroin.

Not b as long as a market for them exists.

Exactly. We see what the "war on drugs" did to heroin sales. There is a fucking heroin epidemic today. If people want drugs, no government action can stop it.