Triple B Solutions

Some of the same properties that make it great for tablets make it great for capsules.

I run it at 50% of critical speed. 45 minutes is more than long enough to ensure the API and filler have mixed properly.

Properties - such as?

But what's the relevance of the "binder" bit, specifically?

What is "critical speed"?

How do you know 45 mins is long enough?

Again, do you use any other excipients, or just MCC?
By that logic testing means nothing unless it is blind which is what I have sought.
As stated earlier, I will send more pills.

I do not mind proving that I know how to properly make something but it is not my place to share the formula someone else has taught me.

Got it.

Top secret formula to figure out how much powders to put into the invisible V-blender.

This is a super dooper lab with advanced technology. All procured and developed in 3 months of doing this. Sounds like aliens visited you.

You don’t want to provide the formula because you’re afraid that we’ll pick that thing apart.

And you don’t want to post pics of the V-blender because it doesn’t exist.

This thread started with so much possibilities and potential but it’s suddenly going downhill.

And do you know why? Because somebody likes to tell a couple little fibs here and there. You’d get further faster if you would simply be transparent.

Christ, you claim to test your own products all the time cause you use (and admittedly abuse) but you won’t even tell us how much ya bench!
Properties - such as?

But what's the relevance of the "binder" bit, specifically?

What is "critical speed"?

How do you know 45 mins is long enough?

Again, do you use any other excipients, or just MCC?
You could write a whole research paper on MCC. Many people have. It is commonly known as one of the best pharmaceutical binding agents and it is widely used in capsules and tablets. Another benefit is that it is not absorbed by the human body.

Critical speed is usually referred to as the V-Mixers maximum speed.

Most compounds require between 5-15 minutes but there are a lot of variables that go into that number. I leave it in for longer to ensure the compound is mixed properly.

I use API and MCC. That does not leave much room for interpretation.
Got it.

Top secret formula to figure out how much powders to put into the invisible V-blender.

This is a super dooper lab with advanced technology. All procured and developed in 3 months of doing this. Sounds like aliens visited you.

You don’t want to provide the formula because you’re afraid that we’ll pick that thing apart.

And you don’t want to post pics of the V-blender because it doesn’t exist.

This thread started with so much possibilities and potential but it’s suddenly going downhill.

And do you know why? Because somebody likes to tell a couple little fibs here and there. You’d get further faster if you would simply be transparent.

Christ, you claim to test your own products all the time cause you use (and admittedly abuse) but you won’t even tell us how much ya bench!
That's a stretch. I have been honest with you and welcomed this process.

The formula is not common knowledge. I do not have an obligation to share it with you just as I do not have an obligation to share exact recipes of my oils with you.
That's a stretch. I have been honest with you and welcomed this process.

The formula is not common knowledge. I do not have an obligation to share it with you just as I do not have an obligation to share exact recipes of my oils with you.

This is great!!! Proprietary information? Lol.

You’re right, you aren’t obligated to provide anything. Nobody’s going to buy from a hack that doesn’t want to show that he knows what he’s doing though. My 10-yr old can talk himself around answering a difficult question when he doesn’t know how to answer it. We just “trust you” though. Cause you’re our new anonymous buddy. [emoji106]

No pictures of v-blender

No demonstration that you know how to accurately dose your caps.

But your caps don’t suck. Roger that bro. We trust you.

Let’s move on and start the questions with your oils then. Why PTFE filters instead of PVDF?
That's a stretch. I have been honest with you and welcomed this process.

The formula is not common knowledge. I do not have an obligation to share it with you just as I do not have an obligation to share exact recipes of my oils with you.
Kind of starting to sound like a douchebag as well, like we don't have an obligation to share our bitcoin with you either, and won't unless you start answering some questions. Kind of off to a shitty start so far honestly. I still don't understand why you'd only send off 4 things for testing!? Why not the whole line up?
At what point does revealing any information actually become a negative for you?

You won’t take photos of your lab equipment due to “Opsec”... why? Does it have your name and a photo of you posted on it?

You won’t post a formula... are you worried that others are going to use this amazing formula and put you out of business somehow?

Only testing a few things seems like a way of trying to say, “hey, these are g2g so you know the rest of my shit is too”.

I hope you’re not worried about keeping shit secret to keep yourself relevant, as if you divulge any info that we won’t need you anymore.
Kind of starting to sound like a douchebag as well, like we don't have an obligation to share our bitcoin with you either, and won't unless you start answering some questions. Kind of off to a shitty start so far honestly. I still don't understand why you'd only send off 4 things for testing!? Why not the whole line up?
Please read the discussion that me and MadBrett had. I would prefer blind testing results.

The formula is not mine to share and it is not common knowledge. It would be rather unfair for me to share it.
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At what point does revealing any information actually become a negative for you?

You won’t take photos of your lab equipment due to “Opsec”... why? Does it have your name and a photo of you posted on it?

You won’t post a formula... are you worried that others are going to use this amazing formula and put you out of business somehow?

Only testing a few things seems like a way of trying to say, “hey, these are g2g so you know the rest of my shit is too”.

I hope you’re not worried about keeping shit secret to keep yourself relevant, as if you divulge any info that we won’t need you anymore.
I have addressed the testing numerous times.

I have posted pictures of lab equipment, refer to my first post.
Please read the discussion the me and MadBrett had. I would prefer blind testing results.

The formula is not mine to share and it is not common knowledge. It would be rather unfair for me to share it.
Doesn't work like that, obviously blind testing is better, but you need to test all of your own raws and finished product as well. Before relying on us to do your job for you. As for your "formula" I call bullshit.
Kind of starting to sound like a douchebag as well, like we don't have an obligation to share our bitcoin with you either, and won't unless you start answering some questions. Kind of off to a shitty start so far honestly. I still don't understand why you'd only send off 4 things for testing!? Why not the whole line up?
I remember this one source that hit us with an ass ton of testing in his gear, Raws and finished product. Then a tree fell on his house. Then there was the highschool girl debacle. Then the ladder. Then the pubes that were 10X more anabolic than tren.

To the real point homie needs to get on board. There are a few that care enough to fire all these questions at a source to make sure the rest of us don't lose a butt cheek or worse a whole damn leg.
I'd like to be here for a very long time so I'm going to be rather careful with what I post as far as pictures are concerned.

Beakers and Graduated cylinders are cleaned with a food grade lab cleaner then dried. Autoclave is cleaned with Chamberbrite and the water is swapped for new distilled water on a regular basis. I use bottletop dispensers which are flushed with alcohol and sterilized in the autoclave between cycles. I use .2 Micron PTFE filters that are flushed and sterilized in the autoclave between compounds. I record how many liters of oil I push through my filters and change my filters out before they reach the end of their life cycle.

I utilize a Laminar Hood to ensure there is no particle contamination in my gear when I am filling vials. I am absolutely OCD about cleanliness, vials are inspected according to USP <790> guidelines.

TLDR; You wont find pubes in my gear.
I have addressed the testing numerous times.

I have posted pictures of lab equipment, refer to my first post.
There’s 1 picture on first post, and the quote above states you don’t wanna post pictures for “Opsec”. Which has me wondering, why? Unless you have personal information painted on every piece of equipment and photos with your SSN tagged on them, there’s literally no reason not to share ALL your equipment to prove you have what you say and what state it’s in. If it were me, I’d be posting photos of everything, down to beakers and syringes to be as transparent as possible. What’s more odd is you’re now only being asked to show the V blender, and you won’t do that.

You glanced over my, and other members, question about the formula. There’s no secret formula for the Crabby Patty here. Disclosing it loses you nothing anyway, you’re actually losing business by side stepping this.

Claiming secrecy is not a niche. It’s usually a sign there’s something to hide which is either a lie, lack of something, whether it be physical equipment or knowledge, or it’s an attempt to play the “it’s a trade secret” game to make yourself a necessity.
There’s 1 picture on first post, and the quote above states you don’t wanna post pictures for “Opsec”. Which has me wondering, why? Unless you have personal information painted on every piece of equipment and photos with your SSN tagged on them, there’s literally no reason not to share ALL your equipment to prove you have what you say and what state it’s in. If it were me, I’d be posting photos of everything, down to beakers and syringes to be as transparent as possible. What’s more odd is you’re now only being asked to show the V blender, and you won’t do that.

You glanced over my, and other members, question about the formula. There’s no secret formula for the Crabby Patty here. Disclosing it loses you nothing anyway, you’re actually losing business by side stepping this.

Claiming secrecy is not a niche. It’s usually a sign there’s something to hide which is either a lie, lack of something, whether it be physical equipment or knowledge, or it’s an attempt to play the “it’s a trade secret” game to make yourself a necessity.
There are 3 pictures in my first post.

The formula is not common knowledge. It was given to me by my mentor and it would be disrespectful to share it. Not every source is going to share their recipes. Looking over previous source threads I cannot find a similar example of digging into formulas about orals. You could do a blind test of my products to get the answer you are looking for.
This is what you used to describe how your oils are made and filtered....

“Oils are made using MCT Oil unless stated and are sold as 10ML but filled to 10.5ML or more. All of my oils are overdosed by 5% except Test C which is spot on. I am a total perfectionist and OCD about sterilization, vials are pre-sterilized as are the stoppers. Oils are all filtered through a 0.2 Micron filter.”

Not very specific. Aside from using 0.2 micron PTFE membrane, what type of filter?

Once filtered, how’s it get into the vials?
There are 3 pictures in my first post.

The formula is not common knowledge. It was given to me by my mentor and it would be disrespectful to share it. Not every source is going to share their recipes. Looking over previous source threads I cannot find a similar example of digging into formulas about orals. You could do a blind test of my products to get the answer you are looking for.

I beg to differ.

Other sources that offer caps ALWAYS get asked. Always. And do you know why? Because caps are very difficult for UGLs to get right for some reason.

Look for posts by [mention]Mighty-mouse [/mention] He’s really good at these. He’s who I learned from.
There are 3 pictures in my first post.

The formula is not common knowledge. It was given to me by my mentor and it would be disrespectful to share it. Not every source is going to share their recipes. Looking over previous source threads I cannot find a similar example of digging into formulas about orals. You could do a blind test of my products to get the answer you are looking for.
And of those 3, 1 has a piece of equipment, thus making my point. You’re still dodging the unease with the fact you aren’t willing to post photos of ANY more of your lab setup, which from posts by other members, the V blender is of most curiosity.

There’s no rational explanation for why, and when so many other sources freely take photos of their ENTIRE lab, it makes me wonder why you wouldn’t want to outdo them by doing the same and more.