Triple B Solutions

Good test results I personally wish there were more to include some the products I would need.

BBBG is 100% correct. I’ve been around here for a couple years but only joined about a year ago. This page can be very intimidating, but if you actually read through everything it is for good reason. I usually don’t comment as I’m no where near as knowledgeable as so many here are. I as well as many others rely on fellow members to ask the questions we aren’t qualified to ask. We also give a lot of weight to the Vets as they have no skin in the game. We all simply want good clean adequately dosed gear and are willing to significantly improve your financial well being for a little honestly and quality.
Hahahaha...looks like my meso brother's gave you a decent bit of hazing. I chose to step back and wanted to see how it worked itself out.

I agree with @BigBaldBeardGuy about wanting to see your v-mixer. I honestly don't know enough about the process of mixing raws but having accurate caps is very important for some of these compounds and anybody can say anything on the internet. The more you can back your shit up, the more guys are going to feel comfortable and believe they aren't dealing with a fly by night dip shit.

Nice to see your testing coming back looking good, though.

I get the fact that you need to protect yourself and opsec is definitely appreciated by members, also. But I think it would help your cause if you did figure out a way to post a pic of your v-mixer without risking your security.

Bottom line, I think you're doing pretty good so far. You need to also realize that some of these guys who are asking you these questions already know the answer before you reply and are setting you up if you don't answer truthfully.

As far as the math is concerned, maybe send bbbg a pm showing your work. He knows what he's looking at and as much as you may think he is a dick right now, he is actually super good dude that is looking out for this community. And I would trust that he would be fair and honest in his assessment.

Keep running a tight ship and get some more products out for testing in the near future and that meso money should start rolling in.

Merry Christmas, motherfuckers.
I’m still bent out of shape about his high and mighty recipes. The other sources have good recipes and why would they be looking for the super secret. There are calculators online, a window licking 7th grader could make this stuff in chemistry class. Your (maybe) accurate dosed gear isn’t any better then the next accurate dosed gear on the market. Stop believing you have your brewer friends family recipe passed down generation to generation and you can’t leak any details or you’ll lose the trust of the spaghetti mob.
What is your ba, bb percentages for test e and test c?
What is the displacement per gram of raw test e?
Absolutely no one should be buying from this source, he is slowly coming out of the closet but not there yet.
I’m still bent out of shape about his high and mighty recipes. The other sources have good recipes and why would they be looking for the super secret. There are calculators online, a window licking 7th grader could make this stuff in chemistry class. Your (maybe) accurate dosed gear isn’t any better then the next accurate dosed gear on the market. Stop believing you have your brewer friends family recipe passed down generation to generation and you can’t leak any details or you’ll lose the trust of the spaghetti mob.
What is your ba, bb percentages for test e and test c?
What is the displacement per gram of raw test e?
Absolutely no one should be buying from this source, he is slowly coming out of the closet but not there yet.
I do not use BB for Test E - you do not need it. I simply use BA, MCT oil, and Test E Raws. Some of my recipes are pretty unique, I use very low solvent ratios. This results in compounds that traditional come with lots of PIP being very smooth. My Primo is hard to keep in stock specifically. 0.943.
Good results @TripleBSolutions. If only you waited a week to do your intro so you could have these from the start. Testing goes a long way here. If you look at the SymBiotics intro, he didn’t get half the interrogation because he was fully prepared. He had pics of his lab too.

Titanium Gear Industries was a very popular source here because he tested every batch of raws and every batch of product. He had to go private when daily packs became too overwhelming. Literally printing money until the fateful morning after an all-night bender when shooting a gun at 7:00 am on a Thursday morning brought the attention of local sheriffs. That part was unfortunate.

This is a very popular board. It’s active with posters, but there are a lot more lurkers. I’d estimate 5 times more that just read and don’t want to post for fear of getting caught up in the whirlwind of ball-busting here. I lurked for a year before joining and posting (and had my fair share of abuse). If you are a good source, MESO will keep you VERY busy. Make sure you are prepared.

I wish you would post a picture of the v-mixer or some other proof that you indeed have it. And I’m not checking your maths with the formula request, we want to be certain you are doing it correctly. We demand that from any new source because like I said before, caps get fucked up all the time. You’re hiding these things seems suspicious. Maybe it’s not but we don’t know the answers to these questions and it’s YOUR job, if you want to be successful, to demonstrate you’re as good as you SAY you are. There’s no “trust” in this. We’re all anonymous and could all be telling made up stories. Surely you can understand that.

What sort of incentive are you offering for customers to submit samples. Keep in mind that benefits you and covid has shipping all fucked up. You’re going to want those customer results posted quickly. Consider: $500 credit for the first test of each product? Then $300 after those first tests? Again, these results would move your products faster than anything else you can do.

Lastly, do your products come with batch numbers to match tests with? If not, make sure batch numbers start on your next batches. Unmarked can be batch 0 and move from there.
First I apologize for the late reply, I took some time to be with my family.

I sent you a PM with my formula.

I am currently offering $200 in credit, I actually have some customer bloodwork to post I just have not had a chance yet today. As far as results to Jano? $300 sounds fair for at least two product samples. I will work on nailing that down.

No, batch numbers were actually something I discussed with Jano. I will be working on this.
Hahahaha...looks like my meso brother's gave you a decent bit of hazing. I chose to step back and wanted to see how it worked itself out.

I agree with @BigBaldBeardGuy about wanting to see your v-mixer. I honestly don't know enough about the process of mixing raws but having accurate caps is very important for some of these compounds and anybody can say anything on the internet. The more you can back your shit up, the more guys are going to feel comfortable and believe they aren't dealing with a fly by night dip shit.

Nice to see your testing coming back looking good, though.

I get the fact that you need to protect yourself and opsec is definitely appreciated by members, also. But I think it would help your cause if you did figure out a way to post a pic of your v-mixer without risking your security.

Bottom line, I think you're doing pretty good so far. You need to also realize that some of these guys who are asking you these questions already know the answer before you reply and are setting you up if you don't answer truthfully.

As far as the math is concerned, maybe send bbbg a pm showing your work. He knows what he's looking at and as much as you may think he is a dick right now, he is actually super good dude that is looking out for this community. And I would trust that he would be fair and honest in his assessment.

Keep running a tight ship and get some more products out for testing in the near future and that meso money should start rolling in.

Merry Christmas, motherfuckers.
They sure did. I sent him a PM with my formula. I also sent you a PM with what you have been asking for.

Thank you, hope you are having a Merry Christmas!
Should be interesting to see where things go with this. I’d like to see some more tests. Especially on the orals. I feel that orals can be more tricky as opposed to oils. The posted results do look promising. However, I just couldn’t see anyone going forward with this source until we have blind tests. The samples were sent in from Triple B himself. As I’ve said 100 times, If the source sends in the sample, chances are they are going to make sure the dosing is as accurate as possible.
First I apologize for the late reply, I took some time to be with my family.

I sent you a PM with my formula.

I am currently offering $200 in credit, I actually have some customer bloodwork to post I just have not had a chance yet today. As far as results to Jano? $300 sounds fair for at least two product samples. I will work on nailing that down.

No, batch numbers were actually something I discussed with Jano. I will be working on this.
Post in public or fuck off. There’s no WKM privileges here. Your formula is not special or secret. Brewing is easy. Even Misriah’s dumb ass shared his absolutely horrendous and experimental formulas without concern that someone was going to “steal a super special secret recipe.”
Than post in public what he sent you. Fuck this guy. I doubt you wanna be on the hook for vouching for his images w/o the community having a chance to pick them apart.
Bad day? Not much to pick apart about a piece of equipment. I will attempt to make your Christmas a little bit better by sharing how I make capsules.

We are going to make 50mg capsules. Take the average of at least 10 caps filled with API. Making up a number, lets say its .4 grams. Take the average of at least 10 caps filled with filler. Making up a number, lets say its .6 grams
Take the average of at least 10 caps empty. Making up a number, lets say its .065 Since we know that 100% of the volume for the api = .4 then the following has to be true: Convert the requisite API to grams, multiply by 100, and divide by .4 .05 x 100/.4 = 12.5% so we know that 50mg takes up 12.5% of the capsule. Now we calculate the volume of the volume of the filler. 100% - 12.5% = 87.5%, so that's how much filler we need per cap. Figure out how many capsules you want to make. Let's say 100. Multiply API of 50mg x 100 = 5grams API Multiply the volume of the filler by .875 = .6 x .875 = .525 x 100 capsules = 52.5g filler. Multiply the average capsule x 100 and subtract from the sum of the filler so .065 x 100 = 6.5g 52.5 - 6.5 = 46

Solution - 5g of API, 46g of Filler, 100 Capsules
Bad day? Not much to pick apart about a piece of equipment. I will attempt to make your Christmas a little bit better by sharing how I make capsules.

We are going to make 50mg capsules. Take the average of at least 10 caps filled with API. Making up a number, lets say its .4 grams. Take the average of at least 10 caps filled with filler. Making up a number, lets say its .6 grams
Take the average of at least 10 caps empty. Making up a number, lets say its .065 Since we know that 100% of the volume for the api = .4 then the following has to be true: Convert the requisite API to grams, multiply by 100, and divide by .4 .05 x 100/.4 = 12.5% so we know that 50mg takes up 12.5% of the capsule. Now we calculate the volume of the volume of the filler. 100% - 12.5% = 87.5%, so that's how much filler we need per cap. Figure out how many capsules you want to make. Let's say 100. Multiply API of 50mg x 100 = 5grams API Multiply the volume of the filler by .875 = .6 x .875 = .525 x 100 capsules = 52.5g filler. Multiply the average capsule x 100 and subtract from the sum of the filler so .065 x 100 = 6.5g 52.5 - 6.5 = 46

Solution - 5g of API, 46g of Filler, 100 Capsules
Fantastic day actually. Merry Christmas chief!
Than post in public what he sent you. Fuck this guy. I doubt you wanna be on the hook for vouching for his images w/o the community having a chance to pick them apart.
Well sir. I don't feel right posting a pm that the op doesn't want posted. I believe the image to be real. He sent it with a piece of paper with today's date. I guess you will just have to take my word for it or not.

But if this guy goes down in flames, I don't believe it will be due to this picture that he doesn't feel comfortable posting on the forum. Hopefully, y'all don't think less of me but fuck it if you do, I guess. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas either way.
Post in public or fuck off. There’s no WKM privileges here. Your formula is not special or secret. Brewing is easy. Even Misriah’s dumb ass shared his absolutely horrendous and experimental formulas without concern that someone was going to “steal a super special secret recipe.”
I remember @GearGodess having a recipe for pip free high dose primo that she was unwilling to share with the community. Sometimes, there are some trade secrets that are not well known and those who are in the know, sometimes choose to keep it to themselves. It is what it is.

I liken it to the weed growers with the best strains. Some of the guys are willing to pass around clones and seeds where others choose to keep that special strain private to try and make it more valuable and elite. Sometimes, when that shit is super special, it will bring top dollar in, while others are basically giving shit away. Now I don't think his gear is going to be selling for double the price of other gear available, but if he's making super smooth, pip free primo, not everyone is going to be able to offer that either.

Just my two pennies...
Good morning, I hope everyone had a great Christmas. I'm going to be offering a buy 3 get 1 free sale on my Test E, Test C, Test P, and Deca through the weekend.

So you don’t want to share the formula because somebody else gave it to you? Does said person own math and have they copyrighted the formula.. this shit is hilarious!! Great comedy lol

Nobody is asking you to bring soil back from the fucking moon in a mastodons tanned nutsack. You have one “lab” picture and you’re hoping to make it to the big time, be fuckin honest.
if you can’t share what is asked for we won’t share your precious btc
Shit is so simple.
I'm no chemistry expert or manufacturer.

But none of them share recipes. Hell, most patent them. So they don't get stolen.
Chefs, chemist's, engineers and designers all keep certain proprietary secrets. Why would he tell them to you?

I understand wanting to vet a source. So get a couple vials and have them tested. Thats what I do.

Demanding he share his trade secrets when he's trying to start a business doesn't seem reasonable.
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I'm no chemistry expert or manufacturer.

But none of them share recipes. Hell, most patent them. So they don't get stolen.

I understand wanting to vet a source. So get a couple vials and have them tested. Thats what I do.

Asking him for his trade secrets when he's trying to start a business doesn't seem reasonable.

Not reasonable? [emoji1787]

Re-read what he wrote. He wasn’t asking for a product recipe. We were asking how he calculates his raw to filler amounts for making capsules.

Have you made capsules? Do you know the steps involved? It’s ok because some UGLs don’t either and they fuck it up. You just take it for granted that these guys know what they’re doing? And he posted his formula for making capsules. Did you read that? Understand WHY we asked then?

You haven’t been here long. You don’t tell another member what you think is reasonable or not. A member is free to ask whatever the fuck they want. The source doesn’t have to answer but if it’s a good question then other guys will jump onboard.

So if you have anything beneficial to add go ahead but if you’re going to jump to the defense of these sources then STFU. This is a members-first board. The vetting process makes sure that dumbfuck noobs don’t get fucked up gear.