Triple B Solutions

This is what you used to describe how your oils are made and filtered....

“Oils are made using MCT Oil unless stated and are sold as 10ML but filled to 10.5ML or more. All of my oils are overdosed by 5% except Test C which is spot on. I am a total perfectionist and OCD about sterilization, vials are pre-sterilized as are the stoppers. Oils are all filtered through a 0.2 Micron filter.”

Not very specific. Aside from using 0.2 micron PTFE membrane, what type of filter?

Once filtered, how’s it get into the vials?
I have answered this question before, but I use bottle top dispensers.
And of those 3, 1 has a piece of equipment, thus making my point. You’re still dodging the unease with the fact you aren’t willing to post photos of ANY more of your lab setup, which from posts by other members, the V blender is of most curiosity.

There’s no rational explanation for why, and when so many other sources freely take photos of their ENTIRE lab, it makes me wonder why you wouldn’t want to outdo them by doing the same and more.
Two pictures have very important pieces of lab equipment. I value my freedom and I am very careful of what information I provide.
That's a stretch. I have been honest with you and welcomed this process.

The formula is not common knowledge. I do not have an obligation to share it with you just as I do not have an obligation to share exact recipes of my oils with you.
Got it, we do not need to know the “exact recipes” of the compounds you want us to spend our hard earned dollars on, and literally put it into our bodies.
You do realize that for one business to weed out the other competition he has to have better customer relations, better service and in this case, better testing and process transparency.
I’m starting to think you are a fuckwit. You are apparently letting your pride get in the way.
You can’t make caps or tabs, and I imagine your oils are completely garbage, you can’t provide any details even with it being a very simple and straightforward process.
Keep imagining that you have the best recipes in the biz. A little shake of paprika really gives your product that extra razzle dazzle nobody else has eh?
And of those 3, 1 has a piece of equipment, thus making my point. You’re still dodging the unease with the fact you aren’t willing to post photos of ANY more of your lab setup, which from posts by other members, the V blender is of most curiosity.

There’s no rational explanation for why, and when so many other sources freely take photos of their ENTIRE lab, it makes me wonder why you wouldn’t want to outdo them by doing the same and more.

Top secret lab.

Top secret formula.

Top secret V-mixer

C’mon! It’s all a big secret.

Trust him.

It’s not as simple as taking raw powders and making them into products.... oh wait it is.

It just sounds better to pretend he’s working on a incomprehensible authoritativeness thermonuclear characterization with lots of proprietary information that can’t be shared with the peasant class. [emoji849]
Got it, we do not need to know the “exact recipes” of the compounds you want us to spend our hard earned dollars on, and literally put it into our bodies.
You do realize that for one business to weed out the other competition he has to have better customer relations, better service and in this case, better testing and process transparency.
I’m starting to think you are a fuckwit. You are apparently letting your pride get in the way.
You can’t make caps or tabs, and I imagine your oils are completely garbage, you can’t provide any details even with it being a very simple and straightforward process.
Keep imagining that you have the best recipes in the biz. A little shake of paprika really gives your product that extra razzle dazzle nobody else has eh?
I believe we covered the oral making process. Someone who knows the right formula just wanted me to show the math. I do not know how you got to the conclusion that I do not know how to make them.

I have no problem telling you what I put in oils, but I am not going to tell you the exact minute percentages of solvent.
Top secret lab.

Top secret formula.

Top secret V-mixer

C’mon! It’s all a big secret.

Trust him.

It’s not as simple as taking raw powders and making them into products.... oh wait it is.

It just sounds better to pretend he’s working on a incomprehensible authoritativeness thermonuclear characterization with lots of proprietary information that can’t be shared with the peasant class. [emoji849]
Didn't you recognize the information for orals was correct and move on to addressing my ability to do math?
He is authorized to use the government lab in Area 51 and can’t leak any government alien bio identical hormone recipes or he will face consequences worse then Julian Assange. We just need to trust him, who needs two asscheeks anyway.
He is authorized to use the government lab in Area 51 and can’t leak any government alien bio identical hormone recipes or he will face consequences worse then Julian Assange. We just need to trust him, who needs two asscheeks anyway.
I'm thorough on explaining the process my products go through to stay sterilized.
Top secret lab.

Top secret formula.

Top secret V-mixer

C’mon! It’s all a big secret.

Trust him.

It’s not as simple as taking raw powders and making them into products.... oh wait it is.

It just sounds better to pretend he’s working on a incomprehensible authoritativeness thermonuclear characterization with lots of proprietary information that can’t be shared with the peasant class. [emoji849]
Indeed! I’m immediately enthused about putting top secretly made substances into my body!

@TripleBSolutions something you need to understand. We don’t need you, anyone here can buy raws and some equipment and make it ourselves, (not to mention plenty of other sources WILLING to do what you are not). I would rather spend 10x my money on my own equipment and do it myself than just trust some fucking dude on the internet telling me “ma shit iz gud 2 go, I gotz da equipmentz and stuff guyz trust me”.

No, I don’t trust you and honestly if you want to be this cryptic on what your lab looks like (among other things) I’ll wait for a source who’s willing to show me he’s got real equipment that’s not old as fuck, dirty, broken etc. and understands what he’s doing. 3 months isn’t shit. You walk into a job touting you got 3 months mentoring and experience they’re gonna tell you to sit the fuck down and pay attention, you don’t know shit.

Best of luck, but you just lost a customer. Merry Christmas.
Indeed! I’m immediately enthused about putting top secretly made substances into my body!

@TripleBSolutions something you need to understand. We don’t need you, anyone here can buy raws and some equipment and make it ourselves, (not to mention plenty of other sources WILLING to do what you are not). I would rather spend 10x my money on my own equipment and do it myself than just trust some fucking dude on the internet telling me “ma shit iz gud 2 go, I gotz da equipmentz and stuff guyz trust me”.

No, I don’t trust you and honestly if you want to be this cryptic on what your lab looks like (among other things) I’ll wait for a source who’s willing to show me he’s got real equipment that’s not old as fuck, dirty, broken etc. and understands what he’s doing. 3 months isn’t shit. You walk into a job touting you got 3 months mentoring and experience they’re gonna tell you to sit the fuck down and pay attention, you don’t know shit.

Best of luck, but you just lost a customer. Merry Christmas.
No one here is telling you "ma shit is gud to go". If that is all you got from my intro that is rather unfortunate.

I'm sorry you feel that way. I do not believe I ever said I have just 3 months of brewing experience. I do not believe the thousands of dollars in lab equipment I displayed in my intro looked broken, dirty, or anything else other than pristine. Perhaps after more testing is done you would consider purchasing my product, sending it off for testing, and seeing what I have to offer.

Merry Christmas!
Never fear, Meso brothers and sisters and those who identify as any random household appliance and other whatthefuckevers - for in a projected couple of short years all of ye shall be introduced to "Mega Dave Diamond Domestic Brewing and Distribution".

Oh yes! The future of all of your domestic options and needs will come on like a holy urine filled hurricane to set the bar impossibly high with a concrete plan to be your eternal one stop, good to go shop.

Full product testing, equipment photos and detailed method disclosures included with the obvious feelzzz and bonerzzz right there, within my very first post in the new thread.

Not to be forgotten will also be a hefty portion of my personal "fun bag" collection. Amateur titties, melons, boobage and milk mounds directly from my camera roll to you. And quite happily! Who doesn't like to share the wealth? I know I do. It's only fair.

Moreso, with a projected date of completion being mid Spring of 2022, I will select 10 lucky members from right here at Meso to visit the actual Mega Dave Diamond Domestic Brewing and Distribution lab for a 2 day, 1 night unique adventure.

All on MDDDB&D's dime! That's right, air fare, 5-Star lodging & dining will be paid IN FULL by MDDDB&D! This includes a 3 hour tour of the facility (ground breaking began last week) and many hands-on activities!

Stations will be set up for each lucky visitor so that he/she/it/what can experience compound making right in our lab. What you make - you take!

Maybe @BigBaldBeardGuy was able to use the resources at his station to brew 5 complete vials of MDDDB&D Test Cyp, 10ml at 250mg/ml. It's his to take home!

Did @2lean really make 7 10ml vials of 200mg/ml Tren E? And I'll be damned, @MadBret just finished up some NPP...all are there for them to keep. It's all part of the fun experience at Mega Dave Diamond Domestic Brewing and Distribution lab!

It's gonna be good, folks! I'll keep you updated on facility progress, permits, purchasing of the latest state of the art equipment and provide the fine print on the contest rules for the all expenses paid trip to tour and participate in the NEXT BIG THING.

*Rules, quality of equipment and/or building materials & location of facility are subject to change at a moment's notice, or likely, no notice at all*
Well it's my time to call this whole thread bullshit until proven different.

1)You show some pieces of equipment but just the only piece of laboratory that interests us you can not photograph it by "opsec reasons", but... Why the previous pieces yes and just this one doesn't?
You don't have it or you are just saving time to go to the lab supply shop to take a few pics with a crumpled paper.

2)You can't share your super duper formula because there is an honor code between drug dealers... Lovely! I thought chivalry was lost a long time ago.
As you said it's as easy as performing a lab test just to see what's in it... So why don't you want to share it?

3)IDGAF about what you talked to anybody, you have to send each fucking sample to a lab facility + allow people to send blind samples.

People from Meso this guy is literally dodging every fucking question with the same answers:

-Post a pic of the mixer: nah bro opsec reasons + already posted lab pics! ; you didn't post a single fucking pic of what we are asking for.

-Post your formula: nah bro, super duper secret formula and drug dealers honor code with my mentor + "already showed you that I understand the process I can do math duh" yeah and you keep dodging every fucking question.

-Send all the samples to Jano: nah bro, I want blind samples because I want to be trusted; yeah ofc, you also want use trust your whole range of products with no lab tests at all.
I believe we covered the oral making process. Someone who knows the right formula just wanted me to show the math. I do not know how you got to the conclusion that I do not know how to make them.

I have no problem telling you what I put in oils, but I am not going to tell you the exact minute percentages of solvent.
You will answer our questions or you can gtfo.
Go back to sst with you shady bull shit. you are wasting our time and becoming quite a bore.
Well it's my time to call this whole thread bullshit until proven different.

1)You show some pieces of equipment but just the only piece of laboratory that interests us you can not photograph it by "opsec reasons", but... Why the previous pieces yes and just this one doesn't?
You don't have it or you are just saving time to go to the lab supply shop to take a few pics with a crumpled paper.

2)You can't share your super duper formula because there is an honor code between drug dealers... Lovely! I thought chivalry was lost a long time ago.
As you said it's as easy as performing a lab test just to see what's in it... So why don't you want to share it?

3)IDGAF about what you talked to anybody, you have to send each fucking sample to a lab facility + allow people to send blind samples.

People from Meso this guy is literally dodging every fucking question with the same answers:

-Post a pic of the mixer: nah bro opsec reasons + already posted lab pics! ; you didn't post a single fucking pic of what we are asking for.

-Post your formula: nah bro, super duper secret formula and drug dealers honor code with my mentor + "already showed you that I understand the process I can do math duh" yeah and you keep dodging every fucking question.

-Send all the samples to Jano: nah bro, I want blind samples because I want to be trusted; yeah ofc, you also want use trust your whole range of products with no lab tests at all.
I don't believe I ever said I would not show it. I did say that I am very careful about what I post. Compared to the other equipment I have a V-Mixer isn't a problem expense wise. It also makes my process much easier. Trying to mix orals by hand would not come close to working as well and take a significant amount of time. That doesn't make sense.

A lab test will verify I did things correctly. A lab test won't give you a formula. It's not mine to share. Sources who aren't trust worthy with information aren't very good sources. I would be more than happy to outline my process in detail including showing my work, perhaps providing the math for an actual compound, to a neutral trust worthy third party. Perhaps Jano? I have no idea if he would want to be involved in such matters.

I have sent samples and as outlined I plan to send more.

I have been overwhelmed with positive feedback. Bloodwork is coming in consistently. Laboratory analysis will be available soon. My product is clean, high quality, my T/A is excellent, my customer service is excellent, and my prices are great.
I don't believe I ever said I would not show it. I did say that I am very careful about what I post. Compared to the other equipment I have a V-Mixer isn't a problem expense wise. It also makes my process much easier. Trying to mix orals by hand would not come close to working as well and take a significant amount of time. That doesn't make sense.

A lab test will verify I did things correctly. A lab test won't give you a formula. It's not mine to share. Sources who aren't trust worthy with information aren't very good sources. I would be more than happy to outline my process in detail including showing my work, perhaps providing the math for an actual compound, to a neutral trust worthy third party. Perhaps Jano? I have no idea if he would want to be involved in such matters.

I have sent samples and as outlined I plan to send more.

I have been overwhelmed with positive feedback. Bloodwork is coming in consistently. Laboratory analysis will be available soon. My product is clean, high quality, my T/A is excellent, my customer service is excellent, and my prices are great.
So how's the resell business treatin ya?
Top secret lab.

Top secret formula.

Top secret V-mixer

C’mon! It’s all a big secret.

Trust him.

It’s not as simple as taking raw powders and making them into products.... oh wait it is.

It just sounds better to pretend he’s working on a incomprehensible authoritativeness thermonuclear characterization with lots of proprietary information that can’t be shared with the peasant class. [emoji849]
Good results @TripleBSolutions. If only you waited a week to do your intro so you could have these from the start. Testing goes a long way here. If you look at the SymBiotics intro, he didn’t get half the interrogation because he was fully prepared. He had pics of his lab too.

Titanium Gear Industries was a very popular source here because he tested every batch of raws and every batch of product. He had to go private when daily packs became too overwhelming. Literally printing money until the fateful morning after an all-night bender when shooting a gun at 7:00 am on a Thursday morning brought the attention of local sheriffs. That part was unfortunate.

This is a very popular board. It’s active with posters, but there are a lot more lurkers. I’d estimate 5 times more that just read and don’t want to post for fear of getting caught up in the whirlwind of ball-busting here. I lurked for a year before joining and posting (and had my fair share of abuse). If you are a good source, MESO will keep you VERY busy. Make sure you are prepared.

I wish you would post a picture of the v-mixer or some other proof that you indeed have it. And I’m not checking your maths with the formula request, we want to be certain you are doing it correctly. We demand that from any new source because like I said before, caps get fucked up all the time. You’re hiding these things seems suspicious. Maybe it’s not but we don’t know the answers to these questions and it’s YOUR job, if you want to be successful, to demonstrate you’re as good as you SAY you are. There’s no “trust” in this. We’re all anonymous and could all be telling made up stories. Surely you can understand that.

What sort of incentive are you offering for customers to submit samples. Keep in mind that benefits you and covid has shipping all fucked up. You’re going to want those customer results posted quickly. Consider: $500 credit for the first test of each product? Then $300 after those first tests? Again, these results would move your products faster than anything else you can do.

Lastly, do your products come with batch numbers to match tests with? If not, make sure batch numbers start on your next batches. Unmarked can be batch 0 and move from there.