TRT Clinics


Well-known Member
I can't find another place to put this, so this forum is as good as any. It would be nice to have a thread dedicated to TRT clinics, experiences with them (good, bad, or ugly), prices, and so on.

Please indicate whether you have personal experience or you are just passing on information you saw on the internet.

This thread could be a helpful resource for the members here.
I’ve used both viking alternative and frontline alternative. The latter just being an offshoot of the former. They both have the usual a la carte drug menus, test, nandrolone, anavar, anadrol, winstrol. Prices on the anavar were reasonable when last I purchased some. Prices on the TRT were competitive, although way too much for me. Maybe $200-250 for 10 weeks, IIRC. I pay $200/year for TRT + labs and visits through my endo. I’ve used anadrol and anavar through viking, anadrol did nothing for me, the anavar I’m not so sure about either. I got Zomacton GH through frontline for $450/180iu, which is $2.50/iu, great price for Pharma. I called ferring to verify the legitimacy of it, the rep with whom I spoke said it “should be good.” So, who the fuck knows with these places. Only thing I trust is the test.
I’ve used both viking alternative and frontline alternative. The latter just being an offshoot of the former. They both have the usual a la carte drug menus, test, nandrolone, anavar, anadrol, winstrol. Prices on the anavar were reasonable when last I purchased some. Prices on the TRT were competitive, although way too much for me. Maybe $200-250 for 10 weeks, IIRC. I pay $200/year for TRT + labs and visits through my endo. I’ve used anadrol and anavar through viking, anadrol did nothing for me, the anavar I’m not so sure about either. I got Zomacton GH through frontline for $450/180iu, which is $2.50/iu, great price for Pharma. I called ferring to verify the legitimacy of it, the rep with whom I spoke said it “should be good.” So, who the fuck knows with these places. Only thing I trust is the test.
Viking ends up being $220 shipped for 10 weeks of tests and 10 Arimidex. It ends up being $330 shipped with HCG when they used to have it. Dang HCG is expensive.. it's cheaper just to order it internationally online and just pay $15. The good thing about Viking is there not really strict on your Labs you can just send in the basic hormone panel that shows testosterone levels and complete metabolic panel every six months. They have never asked me for lipids or anyting. The anavar is some crazy price. I think it was like $600 for eight weeks. I wouldn't buy that. Sometimes online it says they don't have the anavar but every time you ask them on the phone they have that s*** LOL. They won't let you use the anavar if your liver enzymes are elevated and they also will check your lipids if you're going to run the anavar but they have never check my lipids just running straight test.
I can't find another place to put this, so this forum is as good as any. It would be nice to have a thread dedicated to TRT clinics, experiences with them (good, bad, or ugly), prices, and so on.

Please indicate whether you have personal experience or you are just passing on information you saw on the internet.

This thread could be a helpful resource for the members here.
I completely agree, I would also read it with interest if the guys shared information on this topic.
I was with Hormone Health and Wellness, West Palm Beach in the past and they had great service and very help full but prices are high. This is some of there prices

Test Cyp - 200mg/ml @ 10ml - $150
Deca - 200mg/ml @ 10ml - $300
Methyl (B12) - 10ml - $140
HCG - $150
Anastrozole - 10ea. - $50
Tadalafil - 25mg 20ea - $300
Sermorelin - 15mg - $350
L-Carnitine 500mg/ml @ 30ml - $60
Glutathione - 30ml - $130
I cant find my receipt on the Omnitrope but it was like $1300 and some change per month @ 2IU
Defy. I did research for years before deciding, and I called all of the big name ones and felt them out. There are ways to do Defy cheaper. Use a referral code online and save on initial consult, get initial bloodwork from Marek and save, although it has standard e2, not sensitive in it and Defy has the lowest price on sensitive e2. They will also write an RX to get bloods through your insurance if it will pay for it.

If you're in Fl they will call in 6 months of t to local pharmacy for a $30 fee (this $30 fee will include calling in other meds that you can get cheaper than buying through them, such as tadalafil, sildenafil, anastrozole etc) and you can use goodrx. I only pay $43 for test. If you're not in Fl they can still call in non controlled substances in for $30. If you're first responder, military or LEO you can get 10% off of most things in their online store, including compounded t, anavar, nandrolone etc but no discounts on bloodwork or peptides. Compounded t is $130 plus shipping before discount through either Empower or Hallandale.

They offer test, anavar, nandrolone and winstrol, Sermorelin and Ipamorelin mixed every different way, then if you can't get meds called in they sell all kinds of shit, tadalafil, sildenafil, prenenalone, progesterone, minoxidil, finasteride, latanoprost, etc etc.

Their service is great, they are open late, only require two consults a year once you're setup at $90 each and take a lot of time on the phone with you going over things. The only complaint is processing time and shipping time from their compounding pharmacies.

The Restore Clinic is another good option people don't talk about, but they don't service as many states
This would be a great resource to help folks narrow down the choices and first hand experience is always helpful information!

Those with clinic experience...where do your Test numbers need to be before they will put you on TRT? Meaning do the clinics tend to stay pretty rigid on the acceptable range for your age scale? Say my Test level comes back at 335 which is on the low side for my age but still in range will they tell you that you aren't a good candidate or are the clinics more lenient and the number is more of a formality?
This would be a great resource to help folks narrow down the choices and first hand experience is always helpful information!

Those with clinic experience...where do your Test numbers need to be before they will put you on TRT? Meaning do the clinics tend to stay pretty rigid on the acceptable range for your age scale? Say my Test level comes back at 335 which is on the low side for my age but still in range will they tell you that you aren't a good candidate or are the clinics more lenient and the number is more of a formality?
335 sucks, so yes they will put you on the legal juice
I've signed up with 2 clinics in the past having levels in the 1200 and 1800 ranges, when testing with them they allowed my levels to stay in those ranges aswell
Defy. I did research for years before deciding, and I called all of the big name ones and felt them out. There are ways to do Defy cheaper. Use a referral code online and save on initial consult, get initial bloodwork from Marek and save, although it has standard e2, not sensitive in it and Defy has the lowest price on sensitive e2. They will also write an RX to get bloods through your insurance if it will pay for it.

If you're in Fl they will call in 6 months of t to local pharmacy for a $30 fee (this $30 fee will include calling in other meds that you can get cheaper than buying through them, such as tadalafil, sildenafil, anastrozole etc) and you can use goodrx. I only pay $43 for test. If you're not in Fl they can still call in non controlled substances in for $30. If you're first responder, military or LEO you can get 10% off of most things in their online store, including compounded t, anavar, nandrolone etc but no discounts on bloodwork or peptides. Compounded t is $130 plus shipping before discount through either Empower or Hallandale.

They offer test, anavar, nandrolone and winstrol, Sermorelin and Ipamorelin mixed every different way, then if you can't get meds called in they sell all kinds of shit, tadalafil, sildenafil, prenenalone, progesterone, minoxidil, finasteride, latanoprost, etc etc.

Their service is great, they are open late, only require two consults a year once you're setup at $90 each and take a lot of time on the phone with you going over things. The only complaint is processing time and shipping time from their compounding pharmacies.

The Restore Clinic is another good option people don't talk about, but they don't service as many states
Restore Clinic I heard about them from friends. Great review, thanks man.
If you're in Fl they will call in 6 months of t to local pharmacy for a $30 fee (this $30 fee will include calling in other meds that you can get cheaper than buying through them, such as tadalafil, sildenafil, anastrozole etc) and you can use goodrx. I only pay $43 for test. If you're not in Fl they can still call in non controlled substances in for $30. If you're first responder, military or LEO you can get 10% off of most things in their online store, including compounded t, anavar, nandrolone etc but no discounts on bloodwork or peptides. Compounded t is $130 plus shipping before discount through either Empower or Hallandale.
Ok, so this introduces a wrinkle.

It matters greatly whether you reside in the same state as the clinic. I did not realize this.
Ok, so this introduces a wrinkle.

It matters greatly whether you reside in the same state as the clinic. I did not realize this.
Only if having it called into local pharmacy for controlled substance. Otherwise they just have it sent from compound pharmacy
anadrol did nothing for me, the anavar I’m not so sure about either. I got Zomacton GH through frontline for $450/180iu, which is $2.50/iu, great price for Pharma. I called ferring to verify the legitimacy of it, the rep with whom I spoke said it “should be good.” So, who the fuck knows with these places. Only thing I trust is the test.
Anadrol did nothing for you? At what dose? Have you tried anadrol from another source, UGL, anybody else?
Anadrol did nothing for you? At what dose? Have you tried anadrol from another source, UGL, anybody else?
If the Anadrol came from Florida alternative medicine, it was likely fake, they sell fake HGH, I have a letter from the manufacturer stating such
Anadrol did nothing for you? At what dose? Have you tried anadrol from another source, UGL, anybody else?
Up to 100mg/day. Never tried any other anadrol. Which GH was fake from FAM? I think they’re all somewhat intertwined. I used Zomacton from frontline of which I was leary. Also, anavar from viking I can’t be positive is real, as I don’t feel much from that either.
Up to 100mg/day. Never tried any other anadrol. Which GH was fake from FAM? I think they’re all somewhat intertwined. I used Zomacton from frontline of which I was leary. Also, anavar from viking I can’t be positive is real, as I don’t feel much from that either.
Zomacton. I have an email straight from
Ferring who makes it and says it is not theirs. So did somebody else on Reddit. My IGF went DOWN until I went to 4iu which did not shoot my numbers up high, they have been higher on TRT without the fake HGH. The PA tried to tell me not to expect my IGF1 to go up on HGH lol. They were selling anavar and it had the same non pharmacy label on it my HGH had, saw a pic online, it's likely fake as well, and these compounding pharmacies don't make anadrol either, so they must be making it in house.

FAM, frontline, elevate, IAMHRT, something springs are all the
Same company.
Zomacton. I have an email straight from
Ferring who makes it and says it is not theirs. So did somebody else on Reddit. My IGF went DOWN until I went to 4iu which did not shoot my numbers up high, they have been higher on TRT without the fake HGH. The PA tried to tell me not to expect my IGF1 to go up on HGH lol. They were selling anavar and it had the same non pharmacy label on it my HGH had, saw a pic online, it's likely fake as well, and these compounding pharmacies don't make anadrol either, so they must be making it in house.

FAM, frontline, elevate, IAMHRT, something springs are all the
Same company.
I called ferring and was told it “should” be good. Either way, after that, I stopped buying it. Viking alternative is included in that FAM group. I have some UGL anavar I think I’ll run the next couple weeks, was using the FAM anavar, as previously mentioned, was just starting to think orals don’t really do much for me.
I called ferring and was told it “should” be good. Either way, after that, I stopped buying it. Viking alternative is included in that FAM group. I have some UGL anavar I think I’ll run the next couple weeks, was using the FAM anavar, as previously mentioned, was just starting to think orals don’t really do much for me.
I sent Ferring pics and they said it's fake, and they also said they had never sent any to FAM so they didn't know how they were getting it, and the boxes don't have real pharmacy labels on them.