TRT Clinics

How have they gotten away with this for so long? I should think Ferring would go after them if nobody else would.
How have they gotten away with this for so long? I should think Ferring would go after them if nobody else would.
No idea. Boston Lloyd put out a video months ago about them selling fake stuff but the video got taken down.

My guess is the FDA will make a case and crush them after they rack up enough
I’ve used both viking alternative and frontline alternative. The latter just being an offshoot of the former. They both have the usual a la carte drug menus, test, nandrolone, anavar, anadrol, winstrol. Prices on the anavar were reasonable when last I purchased some. Prices on the TRT were competitive, although way too much for me. Maybe $200-250 for 10 weeks, IIRC. I pay $200/year for TRT + labs and visits through my endo. I’ve used anadrol and anavar through viking, anadrol did nothing for me, the anavar I’m not so sure about either. I got Zomacton GH through frontline for $450/180iu, which is $2.50/iu, great price for Pharma. I called ferring to verify the legitimacy of it, the rep with whom I spoke said it “should be good.” So, who the fuck knows with these places. Only thing I trust is the test.
Crazy when I hear that Anadrol has no effect for some people. It is the most powerful oral for me
Nothing even comes close. Anavar....didn't notice my run with it. DBol just makes me swell and makes my joints feel better from higher estrogen. Anadrol makes me an aggressive, hardened, veiny, crazy person. I get strength and fullness in the first week
I've signed up with 2 clinics in the past having levels in the 1200 and 1800 ranges, when testing with them they allowed my levels to stay in those ranges aswell
Defy Is happy with me at 1460 ng/dL as long as I feel fine.
Viking is decent to deal with, I recently started with them, haven’t cycled in 7 years and had a total t of 278 @ 33. Anyways, if for some reason you have to call the office some of the staff seemed kinda lost on phone. The providers seem OK so far. I think when dealing with any of these clinics you have to be really proactive with your own health. Monitoring your own bio markers, and proper ancillary drugs for very long term androgen uses. They give you a fair dose 160-200 a week to start, adex, gonadorelin for 330. They don’t have HCG like everyone else has said. They do have gonadorelin, a replacement of sorts, I got it, but haven’t done any research on it, or ran it so it’s just added to my stash.
Doc from Viking called me a bit ago. Im at 1353 ng/dl and she said though she'd like to see me at 1100, shes ok as long as I feel ok.
I have been with them for about 16 months and constantly stay around 1200 or 1300. They have never said a word. They even started me out on 200 but I also take the AI. It seems like if I don't take the AI my estrogen is double from what it was pre trt so the AI cuts it in half. You know they don't really use any doctors.You're Consulting with a physician's assistant.
I have been with them for about 16 months and constantly stay around 1200 or 1300. They have never said a word. They even started me out on 200 but I also take the AI. It seems like if I don't take the AI my estrogen is double from what it was pre trt so the AI cuts it in half. You know they don't really use any doctors.You're Consulting with a physician's assistant.

Yes a PA. Im ok with that. If it was my family doc he would have pulled the plug at the 1353. My estrogen went from 7.9 to 60.3. I didnt take an AI yet. She just said watch for symptoms. I havent felt any, but really still getting a feel or what my bodys doing. Still not sure if I should or not.
I have been with them for about 16 months and constantly stay around 1200 or 1300. They have never said a word. They even started me out on 200 but I also take the AI. It seems like if I don't take the AI my estrogen is double from what it was pre trt so the AI cuts it in half. You know they don't really use any doctors.You're Consulting with a physician's assistant.
They are all about making money...

They don’t care about your levels etc