Well-known Member
Anywho, I told them, well screw insurance and let’s not use my insurance and I’ll just pay with a goodrx. They told me they don’t allow discount cards for narcotics. Maybe it was just that pharmacy’s policy (Walgreens)?
I do not use insurance, but I do use a GoodRx card, and they hand me a 10ml vial, that is what my Dr prescribes, and I have used Walgreens whenever they are the cheapest.
The only time they did not fill a 10ml vial was one time when my doctor prescribed some weird amount - I did not even notice until I got it filled, and they said, here are x number of 1 ml vials, and we will have to fill the rest later, which made for multiple trips to drop it off, pick it up and then go back for a later fill of the rest of little 1 ml vials . . . I asked the doctor to please not do that again and just do the 10ml vial, and the doctor always did after that.
Anyway, I have never encountered an issue with GoodRx.
I just print out the coupon off the internet and take it with me with the prescription, and they fill it and charge me what the GoodRx card says. Then I keep the receipt for my HSA reimbursement in a file so one day I can take out the money in retirement tax free (for those in the US, HSA money is saved tax deductible, grows tax deductible invested in the stock market, and take it out one day in retirement as a reimbursement with no tax).
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