My experience with Defy….
I sent a request for more information from defy on 10/30 after I independently had my testosterone tested and saw it was pretty low. I received a call from Mary the next day and got a rundown of everything. I paid for labs and appointment which was $516, did my labs a few days later, and did a physical with CVS.
The physical can be problematic for some people, CVS will grill you about whether you are getting a physical for TRT or not and if you say you are they send you packing. My nurse even wrote that the physical doesn’t clear for TRT, but turns out they can write that all they want but it doesn’t mean anything.
Once my lab results were complete I was able to schedule a consultation. They will ask you which provider you want to see. I can recommend a provider in DM, just not sure if it’s good form to put their name here. The wait time for appointment is about a month for good providers, you can ask to be placed on a waitlist for them as well in case someone cancels.
After a month I finally had my consultation which went over great. I went with a provider who I saw consistently recommended in different forums. He was on TRT himself and answered all my questions plus gave me some other things to investigate like t3 and prolactin.
They gave me a few options for treatment but they definitely prefer testosterone injections. I was prescribed 30mg of test-c ED subq, initially he recommended 70mg 3x a week im but he said that an ED protocol would likely make me feel best. He uses an ED protocol himself. I was also prescribed 0.125 arimidex 3x a week if needed and given the option of hcg and other ancillary meds like taladafil which I already take.
After the appointment you have to wait for someone to input your prescription in their online store so you can order which took a little over a day for me but apparently it’s usually faster. They will call you once it is done and your shopping cart is put together so you can just check out. They offer MCT and GSO for carrier oils and three pharmacies: Hallandale, empower, and tailor made. If you live in California you can only buy from tailor made, they do some special sterility testing or something to stay compliant so naturally your order takes like a week longer than the others. 3 months of medication and supplies was around $300
After 3 months there is a follow up mandatory lab work and appointment and then after that it’s every 6 months.
Overall I really liked the provider I talked to but on the administration side I think they are running it like a mill with so many patients that I’m concerned about things like getting refills on time, resolving issues related to treatment, etc. I haven’t actually had any issues yet that required me to see how that plays out, but it takes more than a day just to get a response from them. They cost more than most of the other telehealth clinics so I expected they could handle the volume but it may just be a busy time for them. I may seek out a cheaper clinic once I’m dialed in. Kind of wish I could just work with the provider independently since I’m paying out of pocket anyways but probably can’t do that.