TRT + Cut Stack ?

I would say check your diet before doing anything. Are you logging your calories? What do you macros look like?

More drugs are not the answer until everything else is on point.

My .02 cents.
You seem to be approaching this the wrong way and may have not done much training/research beforehand.

Why is your bench stalling at 70 (pounds or kilos make no difference)?
How would you normally lose 20 pounds of fat?
Why would you PCT if you’re on TRT?

But to answer your main question, its a bad idea for you to use the “Cut Mix.”
AAS don't lose weight for you. Your diet determines that. You're approaching this wrong. Clearly, you haven't done your research considering the fact that you asked if you should PCT when you're already on TRT to begin with.

Like everyone else is saying, track your calories and lose weight like that lol
Calories my man. I would recommend cutting fat, because caloric deficits are a stressor under any circumstance, but if you keep the carbs and cut the fat, the carbs will help keep CRH, ACTH, and cortisol more level. Cutting the carbs will just increase cortisol even more. You'll lose regardless, but the high cortisol might dip into your lean tissue more than adipose tissue.

