TRT Success: Seeking Advice on Cutting, Estrogen Management, and Injury Recovery


New Member
Some background info: I recently started TRT around six months ago after being at the worst point in my life. My testosterone level was at 107, and at that point I hadn't done PEDs for over 10 years. I started testosterone therapy and have been feeling the best I ever have. It's amazing, and I'm starting to lose weight. For a long time, I just took testosterone and didn't exercise, but now that I've been exercising, I'm feeling incredible. You really do have to exercise to get the full benefits of Test. Since two weeks ago I upped my T dose to 500mg a week to lose more bodyfat.

Age: 31
Gender: Male
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 95 kg
Bodyfat Percentage: 38%
Experience Level:

  • Years of concurrent training: ~0.5
  • Previous anabolic experience during younger years
  • Former competitor in wrestling
  • Currently focusing on cardio and bicycling due to shoulder injury (2-4 hours daily)

  • Well-being and vitality
  • Weight loss
Current Phase: Weight loss

Current Compounds:

  • Sustanon (Testosterone): 250 mg per week
  • Testosterone Propionate: 50 mg per day (except on the day when takin Sust.)
Current Routine:

  • Primarily cardio and bicycling to lose weight (2-4 hours daily)
  • Limited lifting due to shoulder injury from a motorcycle fall.
Supplements and Medications:

  • Vyvanse: 40 mg
  • L-carnitine: 300 mg/day
  • B12 lipoprotein with a mix shot for weight loss ("The Shredder" blend)
Questions and Seeking Advice:

  1. Reducing Estrogen Conversion: What substances can help reduce estrogen conversion and water retention? Considering Masteron but open to other suggestions.
  2. Cycle Recommendations: Optimal dosage and cycle duration for Masteron (propionate vs. enanthate), considering budget constraints.
  3. Healing and Injury Management:
    • Interested in BTC-157 and HCG for a long cycle or using both.
    • Seeking alternatives to surgery for shoulder injury. Considering BPC-157.
  4. Fat Loss:
    • Considering Anavar for complementing the testosterone cycle. Experiences and side effects?
    • Winstrol experience in the past; is it still relevant or outdated?
    • Cost-effective alternatives like Primobolan (expensive) or EQ.
    • ALSO considering Semaglutide
  5. Cycle Duration: Minimum weeks for a decent cycle to achieve fat loss and other goals.
Additional Notes:

  • Open to any other tips or suggestions for achieving weight loss and managing estrogen levels.
  • Looking for advice on combining various compounds for optimal results.
Thank You!
Some background info: I recently started TRT around six months ago after being at the worst point in my life. My testosterone level was at 107, and at that point I hadn't done PEDs for over 10 years. I started testosterone therapy and have been feeling the best I ever have. It's amazing, and I'm starting to lose weight. For a long time, I just took testosterone and didn't exercise, but now that I've been exercising, I'm feeling incredible. You really do have to exercise to get the full benefits of Test. Since two weeks ago I upped my T dose to 500mg a week to lose more bodyfat.

Age: 31
Gender: Male
Height: 162 cm
Weight: 95 kg
Bodyfat Percentage: 38%
Experience Level:

  • Years of concurrent training: ~0.5
  • Previous anabolic experience during younger years
  • Former competitor in wrestling
  • Currently focusing on cardio and bicycling due to shoulder injury (2-4 hours daily)

  • Well-being and vitality
  • Weight loss
Current Phase: Weight loss

Current Compounds:

  • Sustanon (Testosterone): 250 mg per week
  • Testosterone Propionate: 50 mg per day (except on the day when takin Sust.)
Current Routine:

  • Primarily cardio and bicycling to lose weight (2-4 hours daily)
  • Limited lifting due to shoulder injury from a motorcycle fall.
Supplements and Medications:

  • Vyvanse: 40 mg
  • L-carnitine: 300 mg/day
  • B12 lipoprotein with a mix shot for weight loss ("The Shredder" blend)
Questions and Seeking Advice:

  1. Reducing Estrogen Conversion: What substances can help reduce estrogen conversion and water retention? Considering Masteron but open to other suggestions.
  2. Cycle Recommendations: Optimal dosage and cycle duration for Masteron (propionate vs. enanthate), considering budget constraints.
  3. Healing and Injury Management:
    • Interested in BTC-157 and HCG for a long cycle or using both.
    • Seeking alternatives to surgery for shoulder injury. Considering BPC-157.
  4. Fat Loss:
    • Considering Anavar for complementing the testosterone cycle. Experiences and side effects?
    • Winstrol experience in the past; is it still relevant or outdated?
    • Cost-effective alternatives like Primobolan (expensive) or EQ.
    • ALSO considering Semaglutide
  5. Cycle Duration: Minimum weeks for a decent cycle to achieve fat loss and other goals.
Additional Notes:

  • Open to any other tips or suggestions for achieving weight loss and managing estrogen levels.
  • Looking for advice on combining various compounds for optimal results.
Thank You!
from my understanding mast won't lower your estrogen and maybe look into glp peptides for weight loss
You have all this unnecessary stuff listed, but you don't have what matters.

What is your caloric deficit? If you want to lose fat, you don't need any of that crap you listed, including the 500 test. The steroids only serve to hold on to your muscle, but your bodyweight/bodyfat numbers indicate that this isn't a concern.

Count your calories. Stay in a 700 calorie deficit for long term (I mean months on end). That's all you need. That's it - caloric deficit.
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You have all this unnecessary stuff listed, but you don't have what matters.

What is your caloric deficit? If you want to lose fat, you don't need any of that crap you listed, including the 500 test. The steroids only serve to hold on to your muscle, but your bodyweight/bodyfat numbers indicate that this isn't a concern.

Count your calories. Stay in a 700 calorie deficit for long term (I mean months on end). That's all you need. That's it - caloric deficit.
Thanks for the advice!

Yes I'm currently consuming around 1200-1600 calories a day with at least 10 hours of cardio a week.

I do have quite a bit of muscle underneath so bulking up might not be a bad thing but I do want to get below 20% body fat at least. The 38 BMI was calculated on height not a fat caliper test.

But yes I will continue will the caloric deficit. I just feel great with PEDs sometimes ya know lol looking for a good synergistic stack.
Thanks for the advice!

Yes I'm currently consuming around 1200-1600 calories a day with at least 10 hours of cardio a week.

I do have quite a bit of muscle underneath so bulking up might not be a bad thing but I do want to get below 20% body fat at least. The 38 BMI was calculated on height not a fat caliper test.

But yes I will continue will the caloric deficit. I just feel great with PEDs sometimes ya know lol looking for a good synergistic stack.
I don't know what your base caloric expenditure is, but 1200 is probably a bit steep and won't be sustainable long term. Keep the deficit more moderate and you'll be able to keep it up longer.
I don't know what your base caloric expenditure is, but 1200 is probably a bit steep and won't be sustainable long term. Keep the deficit more moderate and you'll be able to keep it up longer.
Ok thanks! Will do, I've just been super motivated to finally drop the weight I may be getting a little carried away. But thanks fr, I'll work on my diet and be more meticulous about tracking what I eat instead of just not eating until Im feeling weak.
I upped my T dose to 500mg a week to lose more bodyfat
No. No. Not necessary.
  1. Fat Loss:
    • Considering Anavar for complementing the testosterone cycle. Experiences and side effects?
    • Winstrol experience in the past; is it still relevant or outdated?
    • Cost-effective alternatives like Primobolan (expensive) or EQ.
Yessir, Im basing it off a study where the optimum weight loss was achieved with 600mg of test per week.
I appreciate the attempt to back up your protocol with research but this is not really applicable for you.

The study participants were not seeking to lose weight, not in a caloric deficit, and all experienced significant weight gain especially the 600mg testosterone group.

IN your case, you are trying to lose significant amount of weight and in a severe caloric deficit.

You should stick with therapeutic TRT because you are going to lose a lot of bodyfat solely from the caloric deficit and cardio. The TRT dosages will help you retain LBM especially since you are doing no weight training (?) and a lot of cycling and cardio.

The timing of your weight loss plan is not ideal. Creating a severe caloric deficit while attempting to recover from injury isn't advise for two reasons: healing may be less than optimal and the inability to focus on serious weight training will compromise your results (specifically the ability to retain LBM). No amount of AAS will compensate for that.

Trust the voices of experience here.
Thanks for the advice!

Yes I'm currently consuming around 1200-1600 calories a day with at least 10 hours of cardio a week.

I do have quite a bit of muscle underneath so bulking up might not be a bad thing but I do want to get below 20% body fat at least. The 38 BMI was calculated on height not a fat caliper test.

But yes I will continue will the caloric deficit. I just feel great with PEDs sometimes ya know lol looking for a good synergistic stack.
That caloric intake is way, way too low. Stick with that plan and you're going to lose as much muscle as fat.
Thanks for the feedback guys!

I'm eating around 1800 calories now

My stack looks like this now

250mg Sustanon
200mg Masteron
1ml "Shredder" AA Blend

20mg Dbol (will possibly cut this out)
200 mg L-Carnitine SQ

Doing this for 8 weeks then cutting down...
Just got my labs back and an EKG, everything looks good

Test total is at @ 3400
Free Test @ 1100
E2 @ 92

Lipids and Prolactin, rBC and hematocrit good
Hdl a little low but ldc is good and total good.
Cortisol is perfect. Prostate is good.

Even with high test my scores are way better than before starting trt, my lipids were horrible and iron was super high before. Now it's surprising under control.

Still will check again in late October.
Anabolics are not necessary at 38%bf to lose weight. Your TRT dose will keep your muscle on esp if you're weight training. 500 test, masteron and dbol (wtf, do you really need to be more bloated than you already are at 38% fat) is just unnecessary.

Drop all that shit save it for when you can do a blast and put on muscle. Sounds like you got the calories deficit in a better place now at 1800 a day and look into a glp 1 like sema or tirz. Those are the only drugs you should be considering on top of your trt dose. This plan of yours makes no sense
Thanks for the feedback guys!

I'm eating around 1800 calories now

My stack looks like this now

250mg Sustanon
200mg Masteron
1ml "Shredder" AA Blend

20mg Dbol (will possibly cut this out)
200 mg L-Carnitine SQ

Doing this for 8 weeks then cutting down...
Just got my labs back and an EKG, everything looks good

Test total is at @ 3400
Free Test @ 1100
E2 @ 92

Lipids and Prolactin, rBC and hematocrit good
Hdl a little low but ldc is good and total good.
Cortisol is perfect. Prostate is good.

Even with high test my scores are way better than before starting trt, my lipids were horrible and iron was super high before. Now it's surprising under control.

Still will check again in late October.
Also, I tested two days after a T-prop shot, so that's the reason it's high, I was curious to know what it was at when running high, in October I will test with a week break prior.

I also just got a gym membership so hopefully that will help with muscle building and PT for my shoulder.

It's PF and I heard it's lame but hey I'll try to make the best of it lol
Anabolics are not necessary at 38%bf to lose weight. Your TRT dose will keep your muscle on esp if you're weight training. 500 test, masteron and dbol (wtf, do you really need to be more bloated than you already are at 38% fat) is just unnecessary.

Drop all that shit save it for when you can do a blast and put on muscle. Sounds like you got the calories deficit in a better place now at 1800 a day and look into a glp 1 like sema or tirz. Those are the only drugs you should be considering on top of your trt dose. This plan of yours makes no sense
Yeah your right, the Dbol will make me bloated and that high test as well, I was trying to get anavar but yeah I get what your saying. I should keep it simple.

Thanks for the advice really, even if it's not what I want to hear I got a lot to learn still I realize.

I actually did get semaglutide, gonna start at .25 mg and see how I feel.
BP is a little high, but it always has been, even before TRT, now it's controlled with Losartan and the occasional propranolol.

Usually around 140-120/100-80

Pulse is high and has been at an average of 100bpm even when resting.

I attribute that to being overweight but hope to get it lower with cardio, it's been working but slowly.
BP is a little high, but it always has been, even before TRT, now it's controlled with Losartan and the occasional propranolol.

Usually around 140-120/100-80

Pulse is high and has been at an average of 100bpm even when resting.

I attribute that to being overweight but hope to get it lower with cardio, it's been working but slowly.
you need to actually take a dose that keeps you at atleast 120/80 and HR under 90s resting. 140/100 is not controlled and propanalol sucks , you should take nebivolol and hopefully that combined with losartan brings you to 120/80 and under 90s HR. increase your losartan dose (dont go past the max dose or youll cause serious side effects) if you need to.

The speed youre taking is cranking your cardiovascular system you need to mitigate for that by adjusting your bp/heart rate meds.

your estrogen being at 92.. (is this sensitive testing?) plays a huge role in your BP and heart rate aswell. so you want to get that down

honestly you should do the GLP stuff because itll be easier on your cardiovascular system and better since youre going to do some really long term weightloss. You wont have problems with sleep and what not, or atleast cut your dose in half while you take the GLP
Yeah your right, the Dbol will make me bloated and that high test as well, I was trying to get anavar but yeah I get what your saying. I should keep it simple.

Thanks for the advice really, even if it's not what I want to hear I got a lot to learn still I realize.

I actually did get semaglutide, gonna start at .25 mg and see how I feel.
Keep it simple take your TRT and lose weight. Then when you're at a reasonable body fat you can try some fun stuff. No use in blowing your wad now and then having to wait to add fun stuff when you actually reach a bf% where they can be useful.
With the sema try and stay at each dose as long as you can until it's no longer working for appetite suppression before you move up. No need to follow the titration schedule and move up every 4 weeks if it's still blunting your appetite because that's it's only fat loss effect- the appetite suppression. Moving up sooner than necessart will just end up costing more medicine & more money and potentially not being able to run it as long if it stops working. If you notice trouble hitting the bathroom or straining on the toilet take 2 docusate sodium everyday. Not the kind with laxative in it just plain docusate. It will help keep you regular by softening your stools. Don't give yourself a hemorrhoid like I did before I started taking it.
you need to actually take a dose that keeps you at atleast 120/80 and HR under 90s resting. 140/100 is not controlled and propanalol sucks , you should take nebivolol and hopefully that combined with losartan brings you to 120/80 and under 90s HR. increase your losartan dose (dont go past the max dose or youll cause serious side effects) if you need to.

The speed youre taking is cranking your cardiovascular system you need to mitigate for that by adjusting your bp/heart rate meds.

your estrogen being at 92.. (is this sensitive testing?) plays a huge role in your BP and heart rate aswell. so you want to get that down

honestly you should do the GLP stuff because itll be easier on your cardiovascular system and better since youre going to do some really long term weightloss. You wont have problems with sleep and what not, or atleast cut your dose in half while you take the GLP
Thanks, man!

That's actually useful advice!

I'll look into that nebivolol and increasing the Losartan dose with my doc.

Yeah the Vyvanse is responsible for the heart rate I also believe, I'll make adjustments accordingly.

I actually just got prescribed Metoprolol 25mg for heart rate, I'm going to take it but I do have concerns about lowering my metabolic rate and not losing fat as efficiently, but I do want to care for my heart too. I guess it's all a balancing act.
Keep it simple take your TRT and lose weight. Then when you're at a reasonable body fat you can try some fun stuff. No use in blowing your wad now and then having to wait to add fun stuff when you actually reach a bf% where they can be useful.
With the sema try and stay at each dose as long as you can until it's no longer working for appetite suppression before you move up. No need to follow the titration schedule and move up every 4 weeks if it's still blunting your appetite because that's it's only fat loss effect- the appetite suppression. Moving up sooner than necessart will just end up costing more medicine & more money and potentially not being able to run it as long if it stops working. If you notice trouble hitting the bathroom or straining on the toilet take 2 docusate sodium everyday. Not the kind with laxative in it just plain docusate. It will help keep you regular by softening your stools. Don't give yourself a hemorrhoid like I did before I started taking it.
Thank you!!!

I was wondering how to set the dosing schedule for Sema, that's really helpful. I'll do as you say. Only go up when the appetite suppression effects seem to get weaker.

And I did hear that constipation was a side effect so good to know how to counteract that. I will look into getting some docusate sodium.

I agree, best to save my wad lol I know all too well blowing your load beforehand is not the best lol

I'll save the Dbol and the other fun stuff for when I'm low in bf. Gives me another incentive.

Thanks again for all your guys' help, for real.
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