Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

At tonight’s State of the Union address, President Trump is going to outline an infrastructure plan, something he has been saying he has wanted to do since the presidential campaign. Which might sound like a good thing, because there’s widespread agreement that our roads, bridges, water systems, sewage systems, electrical grid, public transit and other parts of the nation’s physical plant are woefully in need of upgrading.

But the Trump plan is a scam.

Last week, Axios obtained a draft of the proposal, which a variety of analysts have used, along with what the White House has said over the past year about what it wants to do, to determine what this plan actually consists of. Let’s count the ways it isn’t what the administration would have us believe — and isn’t what the country needs:

Misleading numbers: Trump and his aides are going to throw around “$1.5 trillion” a lot, but that number is misleading. The White House is proposing an expenditure of only $200 billion over 10 years, which is supposed to translate into $1.5 trillion of total “investment,” with the rest of the money to be spent by states, localities and private investors.


Putting corporate profits over the needs of the public: As a new report from the Democratic group Democracy Forward explains, the administration’s plan was developed with the help of an advisory board headed by two New York real estate magnates who just happen to be personal friends of the president. Not surprisingly, the plan maximizes opportunities for private profits:


Environmental and safety problems: Something else Trump will reportedly stress in tonight’s speech is his desire to accelerate the construction of these projects by eliminating “red tape” that delays projects by years. Which sounds good, as long as you accept the Republican assumption that regulations never have any purpose behind them other than causing problems for noble job-creators.


The wrong projects: This is an inevitable problem when the fundamental principle of your plan is that somebody other than the federal government should pay the bulk of the cost for these infrastructure projects. If states and localities have to put together the money, what happens when they just don’t have it? Can Flint, Mich., afford to apply for an infrastructure grant if the federal government is only going to put up 20 percent of the funds? The focus on private investment, furthermore, will naturally privilege projects that can generate a profit for private companies, which probably won’t be the most sorely needed upgrades.


So we need a federal infrastructure bill. The problem with this one is that it’s being sold as something it isn’t, it makes it harder for states and localities to afford infrastructure projects, it prioritizes private profits over public needs, and in the end if it passes we’d wind up paying more and getting less. In other words, it’s just about what you’d expect from this president.

The Shearer memo was provided to the FBI in October 2016.

It was handed to them by Steele – who had been given it by an American contact after the FBI requested the former MI6 agent provide any documents or evidence that could be useful in its investigation, according to multiple sources.

The Guardian was told Steele warned the FBI he could not vouch for the veracity of the Shearer memo, but that he was providing a copy because it corresponded with what he had separately heard from his own independent sources.

Among other things, both documents allege Donald Trump was compromisedduring a 2013 trip to Moscow that involved lewd acts in a five-star hotel.

The Shearer memo cites an unnamed source within Russia’s FSB, the state security service. The Guardian cannot verify any of the claims.

Shearer is a controversial figure in Washington. Conservative outlets have accused him of being part of a “hatchet man” and member of a “secret spy ring” and within Clinton’s orbit. There is no evidence that the Clinton campaign was aware of the Shearer memo.

But other people who know Shearer say he is not just a Democratic party hack and there is no evidence that his memo was ever sought by Clinton campaign officials.
'Altered Carbon' star Joel Kinnaman cites his home country of Sweden's strong dislike for Trump as a reason for why the U.S. doesn't have more immigrants from that part of Europe.


Is it unfair of me to hit Melania Trump with a cartoon. Yeah. Political cartoons aren’t supposed to be fair. Show me a fair political cartoon and I’ll show you a crappy cartoon.

During the national meltdown that was Bill Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky, conservatives and liberals alike wondered, some demanded, why Hillary wouldn’t leave Bill. I don’t like to judge other people’s relationships. But, I wondered the same thing at the time. I thought, man…Hillary can never wear a blue dress ever again. But, there are differences between Hillary Clinton and Melania Trump.

The first thing is, Bill did not marry Hillary to be a trophy wife. Republicans can’t make that argument after spending over twenty years insulting her looks. Bill and Hillary married right out of college. They tied their careers together. They were real partners. Hillary and Bill married each other believing in building a future of great accomplishments. None of that is true for Melania and Donald.

Melania is Donald’s third wife, who he cheated with on wife number two, who he cheated with on wife number one. Trump has a long history of cheating, grabbing women, and just being an all-around asshole toward them. Trump has bragged about assaulting women and barging in on teenage girls undressing. None of this can be news to Melania.

It is extremely difficult to believe that Melania, who is 24 years younger than Donald, would be married to him if he wasn’t a supposed billionaire or famous TV personality. Beautiful models don’t marry old, racist assholes with bad comb-overs who paint themselves orange…unless they have a lot of money.

I feel Melania’s pain and humiliation over the revelation that Trump had an affair with a porn star and paid her hush money. I’d be pissed too. But, while this issue may be new news to Melania, the fact Trump is a piece of crap can’t be, unless she really is stupid. She may be ignorant but she’s not stupid.

She is a victim of her husband and a fair target for my criticism. She didn’t ask for this, but she can’t be surprised. Look who she married. She can’t be entirely ignorant about plagiarizing Michelle Obama’s speeches either. Also, how can she look at anyone with a straight face while talking about her anti-bullying campaign? Has she reasoned to her young son, named after Trump’s pseudonym, why bullying is wrong except when Daddy does it?

Melania publicly slapped Trump’s hand away on an international trip. She ditched the Davos trip after the Stormy news came out. It’s reported in Fire And Fury that she has a separate bedroom from Trump which proves she is a human being. This is not a real marriage. She should get out.

Republicans in Washington may be selling their souls and dignity, but Melania still has a chance to redeem hers.

As Oprah would say, you go, girl.
