Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Washington (CNN) Thirty to 40 White House officials and administration political appointees are still operating without full security clearances, including senior adviser to President Donald Trump Jared Kushner and -- until recently -- White House staffer Rob Porter, according to a US official and a source familiar with the situation.

The White House claims that the backlog of interim security clearances is a procedural consequence of the review process carried out by the FBI and White House Office of Security, which can take time to complete.

But several sources, including intelligence officials who have served previous Democratic and GOP administrations, describe the backlog as very unusual and make clear that the process should have been completed after a year in office.
The FBI also asked Porter to explain Holderness’s black eye, according to a person familiar with the conversation. It’s unclear what he told investigators. He has privately told others that they were arguing over a vase, and she was somehow hit with the vase. (Top White House officials knew of abuse allegations against top aide for months)

In (an interview in The Washington Post), Mr. Sorensen’s former wife, Jessica Corbett, detailed a volatile two-and-a-half-year marriage in which Mr. Sorensen ran over her foot while driving a car and put out a lit cigarette on her hand. Their divorce became final last fall. Ms. Corbett said she described those episodes to the F.B.I. last fall as it was conducting a background check of Mr. Sorensen, according to The Post.

Mr. Sorensen denied Ms. Corbett’s account, and insisted that she was the abuser. Responding to a Facebook message on Friday evening, Mr. Sorensen called his former wife “creative” and later emailed a lengthy statement disputing her account. In the statement, he called her claims “malicious” and without “authentic evidence.” He also included photographs that he said were evidence of injuries she left him with during confrontations.

He added, “Although I had hoped to never have to think about or discuss the woman who spent years physically attacking, threatening and lying about me — and relentlessly and cruelly bombarding me with unimaginable fits of rage — this incident is an opportunity to highlight the grossly underreported and unacknowledged issue of female-on-male domestic violence.

Asked why he did not fight to keep his job, Mr. Sorensen said in a Facebook message: “I didn’t want the White House to have to deal with this distraction. It should be able to focus on continuing President Trump’s historic accomplishments for the American People.”

Earlier in the week, Deputy White House Press Secretary Raj Shah addressed comments made by Omarosa Manigault about the turmoil in the executive branch by saying, “Omarosa was fired three times on The Apprentice, and this is the fourth time we let her go.”

I am not defending Omarosa, who has gone from the West Wing to the reality show Big Brother where she said she is “haunted” by Donald Trump’s tweets, that things are “bad” inside the White House and that it’s “not going to be okay” there going forward. She was perfectly fine with the Trump administration when she was a part of it when she said, “Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to President Trump. It’s everyone who’s ever doubted Donald, who ever disagreed, who ever challenged him. It is the ultimate revenge to become the most powerful man in the universe.”

Criticizing Omarosa is fine, but what is this “we fired her” stuff? My point of contention is Mr. Shah’s comments about them firing her for the “fourth” time. Raj, the White House is not The Apprentice. It is not a reality TV show. Or is it?

White House Secretary Rob Porter resigned this week after it was revealed he’s been accused of beating both of his ex-wives. A former girlfriend has also made some accusations. As it turns out, the White House knew this for over a year as Porter was never cleared by the FBI for a security clearance.

White House Counsel Don McGahn was aware of this as well as Chief of Staff John Kelly. Kelly even defended Porter and attempted to talk him into staying. Later, Kelly told the White House staff to lie and tell the press that he had moved aggressively to oust him once his misdeeds were discovered. Remember when Kelly was supposed to be the moderating influence on this White House? Sure, he lied about a black congresswoman, Lied about Obama not calling Gold Star families, and said Dreamers won’t get off their “lazy asses,” but other than that, he’s a great influence.

Adding to the turmoil, Hope Hicks, Communications Director and Porter’s squeeze, issued statements from the White House supportive of Porter. Stand by your man, Hope.

Treatment of women has become a serious issue for this White House. Original Campaign Director Corey Lewandowski grabbed a female reporter at an event. Steve Bannon has been accused of violence against an ex-wife. Trumps first choice as Labor Secretary, Andrew Puzder, withdrew as the nominee after questions arose about him assaulting his ex-wife. On Friday, another member of the Trump team, speech writer David Sorensen, resigned after accusations came to light of him assaulting (take one guess) his ex-wife. And, of course there’s Donald Trump who has also been accused of assaulting his first ex-wife.

Not counting Trump, five people associated with this administration have been accused of violence against women. Do you know how many during the 16 years of the Bush and Obama administrations faced those type of allegations? Zero. And, it’s only been a year for the Trump team.

It should also be noted how the White House handles these accusations and how seriously they take them. First, they kept Porter on for over a year after being informed of the accusations by the FBI. They even allowed him to handle classified information without having a permanent security clearance. Blackmail Schmackmail.

Trump has accused every women claiming he groped them of lying, and that he’d eventually sue them all. He defended Roy Moore and argued that the man claimed he was innocent.

Friday, Trump talked about Porter and didn’t express any concern for the woman. He was only concerned for Porter and said, “he also, as you probably know, says he is innocent, and I think you have to remember that.” It’s interesting that Trump always repeats what the man claims, but never what the woman says.

When a woman is assaulted, what she needs most is to be believed. For some women, the most powerful man in the world is calling them liars and defending their attackers.

Equally disturbing is the fact there are multiple individuals in the White House who are working with classified information without a security clearance. Congress needs to demand how many are currently working without the clearance and who they are.

As ridiculous as it seems to go from the White House to competing on a reality TV show, perhaps everyone in the Trump administration needs to take a good hard luck at Omarosa’s current gig.

After sacrificing their dignity, credibility, respectability, humanity, and selling their souls, the only place that will take them seriously in their future will be reality TV.

Maybe Omarosa will scooch over and make room for them on the couch.
