Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Trump’s latest sabotage is to make America a Debt Man Walking (Opinion | Trump’s latest sabotage is to make America a Debt Man Walking)

Yes, it gets worse. And will continue to. Today we behold yet another layer to Donald Trump’s malfeasance machine. Lest we forget, Trump described himself as the King of Debt. This includes, of course, his hotel and casino businesses being declared bankrupt six times. Hello US Treasury!

How long did it take Trump to get around to looting America’s pot of gold? Only about one year! First, a budget buster of tax cuts for the rich, and now a budget that increases the spending of money we didn’t have even before we gave it away to the rich. Let the good times roll! As a celebration Trump wants an unpaid-for giant military parade to let these good times roll over you.

Trump likes to borrow and play with other people’s money. It used to be banks’ money; now it’s yours. When this works, he wins, when it doesn’t, others lose. Guess who will be the loser this time. Trump has stayed one step ahead of his churning wake of wreckage by finding new suckers. They have been banks, contractors, “students” for his “university,” those who hunger and thirst for overpriced Trump steaks and Trump wine and unreality-based reality show viewers.

And then he spied the White House. Nobody had ever had the audacity to run a total scam on the American government. Yet! Trump smelled opportunity. You can almost hear him thinking, “The government still owns Fort Knox, right?” It was a target of irresistible temptation. All the military might in the world to protect us, but nobody thought to worry about an inside job. All that was needed was a person with unimaginably vacant scruples. Trump knew he was the man for the job.

And so now, on top of the venom, the divisiveness, the blame casting, the shady connections, the assault on government law enforcement, the resistance to accountability, the lying, the self-dealing, the hidden tax returns, the incompetence, the race-baiting and the war-baiting, Trump now has his hands, up to his elbows, in the American government’s finances.

And in the middle of a market going haywire with unpredictability, Trump has surgically removed ten pounds of flesh nearest to the heart of our federal budget.

What could go wrong?
“‘He often goes off on tangents during the briefing and you'd have to rein him back in,’ one official said. Some days, there would only be a few minutes left — and the briefers would have barely broached the topics they came to discuss, one senior U.S. official said.”


For much of the past year, President Trump has declined to participate in a practice followed by the past seven of his predecessors: He rarely if ever reads the President’s Daily Brief, a document that lays out the most pressing information collected by U.S. intelligence agencies from hot spots around the world.

Trump has opted to rely on an oral briefing of select intelligence issues in the Oval Office rather than getting the full written document delivered to review separately each day, according to three people familiar with his briefings.

Reading the traditionally dense intelligence book is not Trump’s preferred “style of learning,” according to a person with knowledge of the situation.

The arrangement underscores Trump’s impatience with exhaustive classified documents that go to the commander in chief — material that he has said he prefers condensed as much as possible. But by not reading the daily briefing, the president could hamper his ability to respond to crises in the most effective manner, intelligence experts warned.
GMAFB ... TrumPOS ...

President Trump sent a powerful early message of U.S. resolve last year when he bombed a Syrian air base after the Assad regime used sarin gas against civilians. He may need to send another because Syria has been testing his red line with multiple uses of chlorine gas in recent weeks.

The State Department said this week that the United States is “gravely alarmed” by reports that the Syrian government has launched six chemical attacks against civilians over the past 30 days. Assad has dropped chlorine gas on his political opponents for years, but who’s going to stop him?


Moscow also hasn’t fulfilled a single agreement it has made with Mr. Trump. The Kremlin has failed to enforce a “deconfliction” zone in southwestern Syria as it promised to do as part of a 2017 U.S.-Russia agreement, and it is trying to negotiate its own settlement to the civil war outside of the U.N. process in Geneva it previously agreed to use. Moscow wants to keep Assad in power, maintain bases in Syria from which to threaten NATO, and thwart U.S. goals in the Middle East.