Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

You mean the technicality that he will not complete his first term. Plus, convicted felons are not eligible to hold the office of the presidency.
Well see what happens, I don't think he will be charged with anything. I think a few democrats will but we shall see.
Both parties are corrupt as hell, neither can or will fix the country as they are today.

The Bush family, the Clinton's and Obama have done more harm than can be fixed in 4 years

I do agree.

However, Trump is only making the problems we have worse. Namely, tax cuts and spending increases during a time of economic boom. Wait till next recession...we are truly fucked. There will be no tools left to stimulate the economy, given the current low interest and tax rates.
I do agree.

However, Trump is only making the problems we have worse. Namely, tax cuts and spending increases during a time of economic boom. Wait till next recession...we are truly fucked. There will be no tools left to stimulate the economy, given the current low interest and tax rates.
I am not sure there will be a depression any time soon. More GDP and it's going to go up. We will see.

Let's hope for the best.
ThomasFuckingFriedman ...

Our democracy is in serious danger.

President Trump is either totally compromised by the Russians or is a towering fool, or both, but either way he has shown himself unwilling or unable to defend America against a Russian campaign to divide and undermine our democracy.

That is, either Trump’s real estate empire has taken large amounts of money from shady oligarchs linked to the Kremlin — so much that they literally own him; or rumors are true that he engaged in sexual misbehavior while he was in Moscow running the Miss Universe contest, which Russian intelligence has on tape and he doesn’t want released; or Trump actually believes Russian President Vladimir Putin when he says he is innocent of intervening in our elections — over the explicit findings of Trump’s own C.I.A., N.S.A. and F.B.I. chiefs.

In sum, Trump is either hiding something so threatening to himself, or he’s criminally incompetent to be commander in chief. It is impossible yet to say which explanation for his behavior is true, but it seems highly likely that one of these scenarios explains Trump’s refusal to respond to Russia’s direct attack on our system — a quiescence that is simply unprecedented for any U.S. president in history. Russia is not our friend. It has acted in a hostile manner. And Trump keeps ignoring it all.


It is so obvious what Trump is up to: Again, he is either a total sucker for Putin or, more likely, he is hiding something that he knows the Russians have on him, and he knows that the longer Mueller’s investigation goes on, the more likely he will be to find and expose it.

Donald, if you are so innocent, why do you go to such extraordinary lengths to try to shut Mueller down? And if you are really the president — not still head of the Trump Organization, who moonlights as president, which is how you so often behave — why don’t you actually lead — lead not only a proper cyberdefense of our elections, but also an offense against Putin.

Putin used cyberwarfare to poison American politics, to spread fake news, to help elect a chaos candidate, all in order to weaken our democracy. We should be using our cyber-capabilities to spread the truth about Putin — just how much money he has stolen, just how many lies he has spread, just how many rivals he has jailed or made disappear — all to weaken his autocracy. That is what a real president would be doing right now.

My guess is what Trump is hiding has to do with money. It’s something about his financial ties to business elites tied to the Kremlin. They may own a big stake in him. Who can forget that quote from his son Donald Trump, Jr. from back in 2008: “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross section of a lot of our assets.” They may own our president.

But whatever it is, Trump is either trying so hard to hide it or is so naïve about Russia that he is ready to not only resist mounting a proper defense of our democracy, he’s actually ready to undermine some of our most important institutions, the F.B.I. and Justice Department, to keep his compromised status hidden.

That must not be tolerated. This is code red. The biggest threat to the integrity of our democracy today is in the Oval Office.
I am not sure there will be a depression any time soon. More GDP and it's going to go up. We will see.

Let's hope for the best.

It’s wishful thinking. Interest rates have to go up in order to attract more investors to purchase our bonds to pay our overloaded national debt, as we will not be able to cover future interest payments. Sky high inflation, and subsequent erosion of our standard of living is in the future. We all need to save our pennies.
It’s wishful thinking. Interest rates have to go up in order to attract more investors to purchase our bonds to pay our overloaded national debt, as we will not be able to cover future interest payments. Sky high inflation, and subsequent erosion of our standard of living is in the future. We all need to save our pennies.
We've always needed to save our pennies. We are of differing opinions but I enjoy talking on these subjects with people that are respectful to the others view.

We will talk on this in the future. Peace

As accounts of past sexual indiscretions threatened to surface during Donald J. Trump’s presidential campaign, the job of stifling potentially damaging stories fell to his longtime lawyer and all-around fixer, Michael D. Cohen.

To protect his boss at critical junctures in his improbable political rise, the lawyer relied on intimidation tactics, hush money and the nation’s leading tabloid news business, American Media Inc., whose top executives include close Trump allies.

Mr. Cohen’s role has come under scrutiny amid recent revelations that he facilitated a payment to silence a porn star, but his aggressive behind-the-scenes efforts stretch back years, according to interviews, emails and other records.

They intensified as Mr. Trump’s campaign began in the summer of 2015, when a former hedge-fund manager told Mr. Cohen that he had obtained photographs of Mr. Trump with a bare-breasted woman. The man said Mr. Cohen first blew up at him, then steered him to David J. Pecker, chairman of the tabloid company, which sometimes bought, then buried, embarrassing material about his high-profile friends and allies.

Where does Donald Trump rank on the list of American presidents?

We surveyed presidential politics experts to sketch out a (first draft of Trump’s place) in presidential history.

Since our previous survey in 2014, some presidential legacies have soared (Barack Obama’s stock has climbed into the Top 10), while others have fallen (Andrew Jackson toppled to 15, out of the Top 10).

And President Trump? Let’s say that, according to the 170 members of the American Political Science Association’s Presidents and Executive Politics section who filled out our survey, he has at least three years to improve on an ignominious debut.

James Buchanan, who was at the helm as the United States careened into civil war, was dislodged from his position as our nation’s worst president by our current president, Trump.

His Oval Office predecessor, Barack Obama, shot into the Top 10, up from 18th in the previous survey. Ulysses S. Grant also got a bump, up seven places from 2014, perhaps owing to a strong assist from Ron Chernow’s recent masterpiece.

