Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse


There are going to be howls from conservatives who find this cartoon tasteless but won’t see anything wrong with Donald Trump using the school shooting in Parkland, Florida to attack the FBI and deflect from his collusion with Russia.

Trump continues to say there’s “no collusion.” If there wasn’t any collusion then why does he feel the need to keep saying it? If this was the Princess Bride, we’d say “I don’t think that word means what you think it means.” Trump has brought much harm to this nation, and as Fezzik would say, he’s done it without much charm.

Republicans criticized Obama for politicizing mass shootings when he argued for gun control. Now, Republicans should criticize Trump for politicizing the Parkland school shooting, which he has done not for the public’s safety, but for his own political and personal ambitions. Trump’s politicization of it could be viewed as a desperate act by a desperate man or as a stupid act by a very stupid, petty, little man.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is not infallible or immune from criticism. They acknowledged they failed to investigate a tip a month before the shooting by Nikolas Cruz, who had semi-automatic weapons and publicly stated a desire to kill. This should be looked into, but politicized as a distraction from Russia and Trump, no.

Trump has decided this is an excellent new deflection from the Russia investigation. After meeting hospital workers in Florida Saturday and posing for a thumbs-up picture, Trump tweeted, “Very sad that the FBI missed all of the many signals sent out by the Florida school shooter. This is not acceptable. They are spending too much time trying to prove Russian collusion with the Trump campaign – there is no collusion. Get back to the basics and make us all proud!”

This new argument is based on a belief that every FBI field office across the nation is investigating Donald Trump’s collusion with Russia. In addition to that crazy belief, Trump is blaming Obama for not doing enough to stop Russia’s meddling in our election.

Trump is incapable of acknowledging a fact, the rest of the nation was already aware of for over a year, without adding a conspiracy to it. I’m waiting for him to blame Obama for Don Jr. inviting Russians to Trump Tower. Meanwhile, Russia is still attacking our nation focused on the midterm elections this year, and Trump hasn’t enacted sanctions against Russia or even held one cabinet-level meeting on their meddling.

Trump said, “They are laughing their asses off in Moscow.” With that, I have to agree. They are laughing their asses off. They elected the least capable person any major party has ever nominated for the United States presidency. Vladimir Putin’s self-control is impressive as any other authoritarian strongman would probably be laughing uncontrollably each time he’s in Trump’s presence.

It’s outrageous that the man with access to the best intelligence sources in the world believes the FBI is incapable of investigating one case at a time. Has he never watched X Files? Out of 35,000 employees, only two of them were investigating UFOs.

It’s disgusting that he uses the deaths of 17 school shooting victims to cover his ass. As for his sycophants, it’s not just a deflection for the Trump/Russia investigation, it’s another opportunity not to talk about gun violence.

Trump has yet to even mention guns in association with the attack on the high school. Trump is a coward, and he won’t mention guns since the NRA spent over $50 million during the 2016 presidential campaign for him and other Republicans, with some of that money coming from Russia.

The school shooting was very convenient for Trump, as he could make a photo-op in Parkland, give a thumbs-up, and then spend the rest of his weekend at his Mar-a-Lago resort, which is nearby. Perhaps he should have spent some time with the survivors of the attack.

The survivors would have told Trump a lot of stuff about guns he doesn’t want to hear, and he tends to avoid those types of rooms. But, it would have presented him with examples of bravery. Knowing Trump, he wouldn’t have recognized any of it.

If nothing else, maybe Trump could learn that when a national tragedy happens, it’s not always all about him.


Before some overcompensating gun nut comes in here and comments, I know I didn’t draw a Glock.

Conservatives and other assorted gun-lovin’ dumbos have argued for guns in schools for years. They also argue against gun-free zones. It’s their answer to gun control. Let’s not change any laws. The answer to too many shootings is more guns.

I’m not against armed security in schools, but arming teachings is an idea as dumb as making Donald Trump president. We really need to stop listening to ideas from people who like Putin’s choice as America’s president.

First, let’s debunk the good-guy-with-a-gun argument. A good guy with a gun shot at the bad guy with a gun in Sutherland Springs, Texas, after that bad guy with a gun killed 26 people and injured 20 more inside a church.

Let’s overlook the fact that the good guy with a gun didn’t shoot the bad guy with a gun. Let’s overlook that the good guy with a gun went all Rambo and chased the bad guy with a gun instead of checking on those shot inside the church. Let’s also overlook the fact that the bad gun with a gun was out of ammunition and leaving the scene when the good guy with a gun went after him.

Disregarding all those facts, the good-gun-with-a-gun advocates will settle for the bad guy with a gun being stopped after he kills 26 people and injuring 20 more. Of course, these are the same people who believe dead kids are an acceptable price for their gun rights.

We should be better than accepting dead church goers and school children. But, we have a president who was on a golf course while survivors of a school shooting were holding a memorial service. As long as our priorities remain this low, we’ll continue to have a mass-shooting problem.

Another problem with arming teachers and the good-guy-with-a-gun argument are the logistics. How are the police and other good guys with guns supposed to tell each other apart from the bad guys with guns?

A lot of teachers have reacted impressively during school shootings. They have hidden their students during shootings, and others have stood between them and the shooters. Those teachers are heroes. Now we’re supposed to expect them to know how to respond with a weapon? A better idea would be preventing those weapons from entering schools in the first place.

Who is going to pay for these guns and the training on how to use them? Lawmakers don’t want to pay teachers what they’re worth or even provide adequate funding. Most teachers have to resort to buying school supplies for their students. We have lawmakers who insist poor students go hungry.

By the way, every cop shot on duty was armed and trained with his weapon.

We need to stop looking for cures other than stricter gun controls. It’s not video games or violent movies that cause school shootings. Other countries have those same games and movies without enduring mass shootings.

I am more liberal than most people. Most people will disagree with me on gun control. I’m for the 2nd Amendment, but I don’t see where that right includes any gun a manufacturer can make. There’s nothing in that Amendment that guarantees how many rounds per minute you can shoot.

Republicans always say that when you outlaw guns, then only outlaws will have guns. Well, we haven’t tried that yet. We should ban assault weapons from leaving gun ranges. If you want to own an assault weapon, fine. But you can’t take it home. You still have pistols, shotguns, and hunting rifles. We need to tighten up the laws on those also.

Come to think of it, we also haven’t tried outlawing Republicans.


Manafort ...

Who is "A" ...

The Justice Department had asked Skadden for information and documents related to its work for the Yanukovych government, the New York Times reported in September.

The firm produced a report earlier in the decade for the pro-Russian government in Ukraine that largely defended the prosecution and conviction of Tymoshenko. The report defied the view held by the U.S. and the European Union that the case against her was politically motivated. The firm’s $12,000 fee was modest, just below the amount that required public bidding.

The following year, however, with no further work done, Ukraine sent Skadden $1 million. After the pro-Russian government was run out of town in 2014, the new authorities began investigating.

Paul Manafort was involved in recruiting Skadden to prepare the report on behalf of Ukraine, according to documents reviewed by Bloomberg News. The Skadden team was headed by Gregory Craig, a partner who had worked as President Barack Obama’s White House counsel from 2009 to 2010 and for President Bill Clinton during his impeachment.

Mueller’s indictment of Manafort alleges that offshore accounts associated with Manafort and his partner, Rick Gates, paid more than $2 million between 2012 and 2014 to two companies that lobbied members of Congress and their staffs about Ukraine sanctions and “the propriety of imprisoning his presidential rival.”

The charges come four days after Mueller accused 13 Russians of a sophisticated disinformation campaign using a troll army that targeted the 2016 campaign and sought to sow discord in the U.S.

A ranking of best-to-worst presidents is out, and surprise, President Trump comes in last. Such rankings are, of course, imprecise, and we know this because they managed to measure Trump on this scale at all. How do you rank the truly rank? How do you assign any value at a all to a president who is in the process of destroying the presidency itself?

Trump isn’t the bottom of the barrel. When his administration thinks of a school massacre as a “reprieve,” he is the mold under the barrel.

How does anyone get to thinking this way? I’ll tell you how. When the world you are creating daily is this bad. When the slop you have filled the White House with is hip-deep and rising, you get so exhausted by the effort of trying to explain your way out of it, that anything, including the mass murder of high school students, is in some way, any way, welcome.

Trump’s initial response to news that the 2016 election was under severe, coordinated assault from a hostile foreign nation was basically “whew!” because he thought it may have sort of exonerated him. And speaking of the investigation of Trump’s possible connections to this election assault, after some further reflection he suggested that this investigation was somehow partially responsible for the school massacre. If you want a current measure of how low we have sunk, these recent developments will suffice. How do you even rate a presidency like this?

You rate it the same way you rate any defective product: You declare it unfit and discard it.

But uh-oh, this is just the kind of public safety enforcement that Trump has been busy disabling.
Manafort ...

Who is "A" ...

The Justice Department had asked Skadden for information and documents related to its work for the Yanukovych government, the New York Times reported in September.

The firm produced a report earlier in the decade for the pro-Russian government in Ukraine that largely defended the prosecution and conviction of Tymoshenko. The report defied the view held by the U.S. and the European Union that the case against her was politically motivated. The firm’s $12,000 fee was modest, just below the amount that required public bidding.

The following year, however, with no further work done, Ukraine sent Skadden $1 million. After the pro-Russian government was run out of town in 2014, the new authorities began investigating.

Paul Manafort was involved in recruiting Skadden to prepare the report on behalf of Ukraine, according to documents reviewed by Bloomberg News. The Skadden team was headed by Gregory Craig, a partner who had worked as President Barack Obama’s White House counsel from 2009 to 2010 and for President Bill Clinton during his impeachment.

Mueller’s indictment of Manafort alleges that offshore accounts associated with Manafort and his partner, Rick Gates, paid more than $2 million between 2012 and 2014 to two companies that lobbied members of Congress and their staffs about Ukraine sanctions and “the propriety of imprisoning his presidential rival.”

The charges come four days after Mueller accused 13 Russians of a sophisticated disinformation campaign using a troll army that targeted the 2016 campaign and sought to sow discord in the U.S.
