Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Gun licenses only to those over the age of 18 without criminal records, who are demonstrably not mentally ill (state approved psychiatrist to analyze at the expense of license requestor) or known substance abusers, who can prove competence with firearm safety after taking a specific gun safety course and have no criminal record.
- Shooting sports license that permits transporting only of unloaded single round firearms and firing them in designated shooting ranges.
- Hunting license (transport unloaded) only for single round hunting rifles
- Concealed carry license that permits a person to carry a loaded semiautomatic handgun in public, only if able to prove a "valid reason" to do so (e.g.: a security guard or a jeweler at risk of robbery).
- Firearms for hunting and sport to be kept at home in a safe cabinet separated from rounds
- The number of firearms an individual may own and retain in their home limited to three common handguns, three specific sporting handguns or rifles, three hunting rifles
(These limits may be exceeded with a collector license.)

Private firearms to be registered at the local police department within 48 hours of purchase.
Ammunition purchases also to be registered, and possession limited to 200 rounds of handgun ammunition and 1500 rounds of hunting ammunition.

Schools may hire private security guards at local taxpayers expense post budget approval

All other firearms banned and existing to be returned for destruction, tax credit give for each one

Utopia, I know

Private armed guards are just civilians that completed a lethal weapons training act.

Would be much more effective to pay for the same training for teachers that are willing.

Or re-train and use unemployed vets

Teachers are there to TEACH
I refuse the idea of arming them

Shooters are to be stopped BEFORE they get to schools , ideally preventing them from even getting a weapon...
Private armed guards are just civilians that completed a lethal weapons training act.

Would be much more effective to pay for the same training for teachers that are willing.

Like the TRAINED SHERIFF DEPUTY that did not intervene while he listened to all the shots being fired while the children were being massacred without intervening???
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Donald Trump said the National Rifle Association is full of good people, which puts them in exclusive company because that’s the same thing he said about Nazis. Congrats, NRA.

If you watched just a few seconds of the speeches by NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre and spokesgoon Dana Loesch, you’ll see why they might belong in the same company.

Wayne LaPierre said gun control advocates hate freedom. Loesch said the “legacy media” loves mass shootings and “crying white mothers” are ratings gold. Donald Trump said we should have a ratings system for violent video games and movies, which we’ve had since 1968. Maybe the president should focus on issues occurring during this century.

Trump said the NRA is willing to work with gun advocates for gun safety. I watched some of the CPAC speeches and I didn’t detect any willingness on their part to work on actual gun safety. Instead, there was the repeated dumb solution of introducing more guns to combat the gun problem. Trump also repeated the NRA’s talking points.

The NRA tossed around a lot of blame for mass shootings. They blamed Obama, liberals, the Democratic Party, Salon, Slate, The Washington Post, The New York Times, CNN, Chris Murphy, Nancy Pelosi, the Internal Revenue Service, Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer, the FBI, the socialist agenda, liberal college campuses, Black Lives Matter, Antifa, Mexico, China, Europeans, elites, intellectuals, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, NFL players, Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton, and James Comey. It was like a game of hate bingo.

That is not a complete list, but do you see one item missing? Guns. Specifically assault weapons. The NRA is not willing to work with anyone on gun safety if they can’t acknowledge the fact that assault weapons are the root case of the problem.

When someone walks into a room with a gun, you don’t think “hey, an insane gun.” Your first thought is, “that guy has a gun.” It’s the guns, people. Sure, there are other contributors, but it starts with the guns.

The NRA only cares about the bottom line for gun sales. In fact, each time there’s a mass shooting, gun sales go up.

Assault weapons are not necessary for home protection. If you need an assault weapon to hit your target, you shouldn’t own a gun. But, I’m not proposing an outright ban on assault rifles. People should still be allowed to own them. They just shouldn’t be allowed to take them home. We need a law that requires assault weapons, such as the AR15, to remain at rifle ranges. That way you haven’t lost your right to own anything. You still own it. You can go to the range and bear that thing all day long, or up until closing time.

Banning bump stocks and raising the age to purchase an assault rifle to 21 is a good start, but it’s not enough. Nobody needs to shoot 30 rounds in a minute to protect their home. You still have regular rifles, shotguns, and pistols. If you’re really good with guns, you’ll only need one bullet.

The lives of children are more important than some warped interpretation of the Second Amendment. The lives of children are more important than the testosterone rush of holding a big gun.

You can still buy T-shirts that say “I have a big penis.”

In the aftermath of the last mass shooting, in which tens of Americans lost their young life, NRA’s only worry is to defend the sales of weapons.
As a lot of people are now considering the “gun control” issue, NRA is sending threatening ultimatums to every politician in their list, which basically means every politician in this country: “Are you with us or against us?”.

This is the first time that I see such an overt attack to political institutions from a lobby in a western “democracy”.


Can’t you understand you are being played...???
Like the TRAINED SHERIFF DEPUTY that did not intervene while he listened to all the shots being fired while the children were being massacred without intervening???


Multiple armed teachers > one armed guard

The more good people with guns to protect these kids the better.

One or two of these sickos get shot to death then the next one will think twice about doing it somewhere else.
Or re-train and use unemployed vets

Teachers are there to TEACH
I refuse the idea of arming them

Shooters are to be stopped BEFORE they get to schools , ideally preventing them from even getting a weapon...

Using vets is a great idea if it fits in the school's budget because they'll need to be paid. They should provide federal funding for this. However I don't see that happening so using teachers is a more practical option.
It's a one time cost for the training.
It’s this simple: If you don’t represent voters, either you go or democracy goes

During the lulls in the heavy crossfire between school shooters and newly armed teachers, I hope there will be time for a simple lesson in logic.

There is currently a lot of debate about whether President Trump and his lickspittle party represent a threat to American democracy. The debate usually revolves around questions of the mechanics of how you would break a democracy.

This debate includes a lot on non-trivial observations about gerrymandering, voter suppression, attacking or terminating independent federal law enforcement, attacking responsible media organizations in an effort to abolish any standards of fact-based public discussion, rising oceans of special-influence money and the relentless, systematic appointment of judges who are unwilling to consider that money as a danger. You know — little things like those.

On the other side of the argument are essentially counter-charges, more lies and preposterous diversional policy proposals such as arming teachers to solve the guns-in-schools issue.

And as important as it is to endure this frustrating round-and-round-the mulberry-bush argument over specifics, you don’t really need all that to figure out what’s happening.

Trump and the GOP are pushing policy positions that are contrary to what voters want. And not at the margins. On all the most important questions in governing. On wealth inequality, on health care, on guns, on immigration, on climate. They know they are at odds with voters, and they know that in the normal course of a democracy they would either adjust their positions or be replaced by representatives who actually represent voters. They are not adjusting their positions. Therefore they are going to have to subvert the democracy. It’s basic arithmetic.

Hence the gerrymandering, suppression of voter turnout, attacking or terminating independent federal law enforcement, attacking responsible media organizations in an effort to abolish any standards of fact-based public discussion, rising oceans of special-influence money and the relentless, systematic appointment of judges who are unwilling to consider that money as a danger.

Yes, this will be on the test.
Plea Deal Coming ...

As Predicted!!! Now, the shit begins ...

“The plea deal could be a significant development... a sign that Mr. Gates plans to offer incriminating information against his longtime associate and the former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, or other members of the Trump campaign in exchange for a lighter punishment.”

President Trump’s one-time campaign aide Richard Gates is expected to plead guilty in the special counsel’s criminal case against him, setting up the potential for Gates to become the latest well-informed Trump insider to assist in the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential contest, according to sources close to the matter.

The potential for a guilty plea could dramatically change the dynamics in the investigation, just one day after special counsel Robert Mueller added a raft of new financial and tax charges to the criminal case against Gates and his longtime colleague, Paul Manafort.

Gates has for weeks been vacillating between fighting the charges and pleading guilty, and remained undecided through much of this week, according to the sources. Legal teams for President Trump and Manafort appeared to be unaware as late as Thursday about Gates’ intentions.

Gates, who has a young family, has endured immense pressure throughout, facing charges that carried the potential for more than a decade in jail, and risking the remainder of his savings. The deal hammered out between Mueller’s team and Gates’ legal team has the potential to spare him jail time.

This was a “gut-wrenching decision” for the 45-year-old former campaign official, a source familiar with his thinking told ABC News. Gates also faced a significant financial burden, the source added.

Despite speculation for weeks that Gates was close to or had made a deal, the source told ABC News, a deal with the special counsel’s team did not come together until the middle of this week, and prior to that deal it had looked unlikely.

The exact terms of the deal are still unclear. The special counsel’s office declined to comment.
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Using vets is a great idea if it fits in the school's budget because they'll need to be paid. They should provide federal funding for this. However I don't see that happening so using teachers is a more practical option.
It's a one time cost for the training.

And what makes you think that a person trained to educate is capable of actually pulling a trigger and killing when even trained professionals are failing at it?
It’s a delusion
Is there an American God?
What about the German God? And the Taiwanese one?
Do they all agree on weapons? I mean, does the Lebanese God bestow the same weapon rights on his followers?
And why a God would bestow such a right? Against whom? Against the same people he (He? She?) created? Or did he create only Americans, and bestowed the weapons rights only on his creatures?
So what about the other human beings? Were they created by another God?

All these questions - only one certainty: the Christian Evengelical believe that there are many Gods out there.

This is insane

As Predicted!!! Now, the shit begins ...

“The plea deal could be a significant development... a sign that Mr. Gates plans to offer incriminating information against his longtime associate and the former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, or other members of the Trump campaign in exchange for a lighter punishment.”

President Trump’s one-time campaign aide Richard Gates is expected to plead guilty in the special counsel’s criminal case against him, setting up the potential for Gates to become the latest well-informed Trump insider to assist in the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential contest, according to sources close to the matter.

The potential for a guilty plea could dramatically change the dynamics in the investigation, just one day after special counsel Robert Mueller added a raft of new financial and tax charges to the criminal case against Gates and his longtime colleague, Paul Manafort.

Gates has for weeks been vacillating between fighting the charges and pleading guilty, and remained undecided through much of this week, according to the sources. Legal teams for President Trump and Manafort appeared to be unaware as late as Thursday about Gates’ intentions.

Gates, who has a young family, has endured immense pressure throughout, facing charges that carried the potential for more than a decade in jail, and risking the remainder of his savings. The deal hammered out between Mueller’s team and Gates’ legal team has the potential to spare him jail time.

This was a “gut-wrenching decision” for the 45-year-old former campaign official, a source familiar with his thinking told ABC News. Gates also faced a significant financial burden, the source added.

Despite speculation for weeks that Gates was close to or had made a deal, the source told ABC News, a deal with the special counsel’s team did not come together until the middle of this week, and prior to that deal it had looked unlikely.

The exact terms of the deal are still unclear. The special counsel’s office declined to comment.

Former campaign aide Rick Gates has agreed to plead guilty — becoming the third associate of President Donald Trump to make a deal with special counsel Robert Mueller, a source familiar with the proceedings told NBC News.

Gates, who was indicted with former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort in October on conspiracy and other charges related to their lobbying work in Ukraine, is expected to appear in federal court in Washington on Friday to enter the plea.

The development comes a day after Mueller filed a new 32-count indictment against Gates and Manafort, hitting them with new charges of tax and bank fraud. It also follows a guilty plea by a Russia-linked lawyer who admitted he lied to investigators about his contacts with Gates.

Gates would follow Mike Flynn, Trump's short-tenured national security adviser, and former campaign adviser George Papadopoulos in pleading guilty to charges filed by Mueller, who is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible ties to the Trump operation.

Former campaign aide Rick Gates has agreed to plead guilty — becoming the third associate of President Donald Trump to make a deal with special counsel Robert Mueller, a source familiar with the proceedings told NBC News.

Gates, who was indicted with former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort in October on conspiracy and other charges related to their lobbying work in Ukraine, is expected to appear in federal court in Washington on Friday to enter the plea.

The development comes a day after Mueller filed a new 32-count indictment against Gates and Manafort, hitting them with new charges of tax and bank fraud. It also follows a guilty plea by a Russia-linked lawyer who admitted he lied to investigators about his contacts with Gates.

Gates would follow Mike Flynn, Trump's short-tenured national security adviser, and former campaign adviser George Papadopoulos in pleading guilty to charges filed by Mueller, who is investigating Russian interference in the 2016 election and possible ties to the Trump operation.

President Trump’s one-time campaign aide Richard Gates has told family and close friends in a letter sent this morning he plans to plead guilty Friday in the special counsel’s criminal case against him, setting up the potential for Gates to become the latest well-informed Trump insider to assist in the investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 presidential contest, according to sources close to the matter.

The potential for a guilty plea could dramatically change the dynamics in the investigation, just one day after special counsel Robert Mueller added a raft of new financial and tax charges to the criminal case against Gates and his longtime colleague, Paul Manafort.

Gates has for weeks been vacillating between fighting the charges and pleading guilty, and remained undecided through much of this week, according to the sources. Legal teams for President Trump and Manafort appeared to be unaware as late as Thursday about Gates’ intentions.

In the letter obtained by ABC News, Gates writes to family and friends “despite my initial desire to vigorously defend myself, I have had a change of heart,” Gates explained. “The reality of how long this legal process will likely take, the cost, and the circus-like atmosphere of an anticipated trial are too much. I will better serve my family moving forward by exiting this process.”

Gates, who has a young family, has endured immense pressure throughout, facing charges that carried the potential for more than a decade in jail, and risking the remainder of his savings. The deal hammered out between Mueller’s team and Gates’ legal team has the potential to spare him jail time.

This was a “gut-wrenching decision” for the 45-year-old former campaign official, a source familiar with his thinking told ABC News. Gates also faced a significant financial burden, the source added.

Despite speculation for weeks that Gates was close to or had made a deal, the source told ABC News, a deal with the special counsel’s team did not come together until the middle of this week, and prior to that deal it had looked unlikely.

The exact terms of the deal are still unclear. The special counsel’s office declined to comment.

“The consequence is the public humiliation, which at this moment seems like a small price to pay for what our children would have to endure otherwise,” Gates said in his letter.