Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

· When the president starts basing policy decisions on facts, instead of Fox and friends, or Alex Jones, we can discuss normalcy.
· When the president stops being a vulgarian who tramples on civilized behavior, we can discuss normalcy.
· When the president stops calling for the prosecution of his political opponents, as though he were the dictator of a banana republic, we can talk about normalcy.
· When the president releases his tax returns and stops monetizing the presidency, we can talk about normalcy.
· When the president stops engaging in nepotism, we can talk about normalcy.
· When the president stops attacking the first amendment, immigrants, and people who aren't white, or male, we can talk about normalcy.
· Since these things will never happen, and this president is not normal, we will never be able to talk about normalcy. This president is a traitor who is destroying our institutions. We will talk about normalcy when he is gone. (Opinion | This madness will pass. Conservatives can’t give up.)
Rauh VA. Polluting Developing Brains — EPA Failure on Chlorpyrifos. New England Journal of Medicine 2018;378:1171-4.

The regulatory plan developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) just before the 2016 elections was excellent: revoke all allowances for foods to contain residue of the organophosphate insecticide chlorpyrifos (“food tolerances”), essentially prohibiting agricultural and all remaining uses of the chemical. Indoor residential and some agricultural uses of chlorpyrifos had already been phased out in 2000–2001 after the EPA found the levels of exposure faced by children to be unsafe. A total ban was the logical conclusion after decades of risk assessment showing increasing evidence of threats to human health, and children’s safety in particular.

Just as the EPA was poised to act, however, the plan was scrapped in March 2017 by incoming EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt, who overrode the recommendation of agency scientists to ban all commercial use of chlorpyrifos. The chemical industry and companies using this compound are pleased with the Trump administration’s shift; they argue that existing chemical production will benefit from less rigid risk assessment. In reality, this action essentially violates the EPA’s statutory duty to protect human health, ignoring explicit child health policy dating back to 1995 that requires all national public health standards to address the special vulnerability of infants and children.

In the case of chlorpyrifos, the heaviest burden of ambient exposure is borne by families in farming communities, many of whom are low-income Latino and migrant workers. In some agricultural areas, levels of organophosphates in the urinary metabolites of pregnant women are actually higher than levels before the initial indoor residential ban, indicating that the EPA has failed to achieve a fair and equitable distribution of risk across populations.

Despite the growing body of scientific evidence suggesting otherwise, current regulatory policy would lead the public to believe that, under conditions of normal use, chlorpyrifos is not harmful to pregnant women and children. The EPA is required by federal law to ban or regulate a chemical if it cannot prove with reasonable certainty that the chemical is safe. In the case of chlorpyrifos, it has failed to provide this certainty. As a result, it may be putting an entire generation of young brains in harm’s way.

If you have to kiss ass to get a job, you’re most likely going to have to continue sucking up to keep it. Watching a Trump cabinet meeting is evidence of this. Dr. Ronny Jackson may be affable enough that he won’t mind. This is a man who has literally been inside Donald Trump. The man has a strong stomach.

Jackson has been the White House physician for the past three administrations, and his integrity and professionalism was never questioned until he issued his report after giving Trump a physical.

If Jackson had told us everything was fine with Trump, that’d be one thing. But instead, he out-performed Trump’s previous doctor, who said Trump would be the healthiest president in our nation’s history. Jackson told us that if Trump had a healthier diet over the past two decades that he could live to be 200 years old.

Even other physicians were skeptical when Jackson said Trump weighs 269 lbs. People who possess working eyeballs were incredulous when Jackson listed Trump’s height at 6 feet 3 inches. When asked how a 71-year-old man who subsists on McDonalds and Diet Coke and never exercises and finds stairs challenging, Jackson said it was “good genes.”

Also puzzling was Jackson’s verdict that Trump is “very, very sharp” after giving him a psychological examination. Donald Trump doesn’t know the difference between vocational schools and community colleges, but sure. He’s sharp.

If Jackson can’t be trusted to be honest with someone’s health exam, how can we trust that he won’t just tell Donald Trump what he wants to hear as he heads the Department of Veterans Affairs?

Trump fired David Shulkin from that position, which was revealed in the same tweet announcing Jackson’s appointment. Shulkin barely found out before the tweet was issued. Trump called Shulkin to fire him, chickened out, made small talk, and had Chief of Staff John Kelly call him after to do the firing.

Jackson will win confirmation unless the hearings expose something terrifying about the guy. I find this unlikely as Ben Carson and Betsy DeVos were both confirmed by the Senate despite the terrifying facts they’re Ben Carson and Betsy DeVos.

A lot of people point out that Jackson has no management experience that qualifies him to head the second-largest agency in our nation, and serves over nine million individuals. The V.A. has been plagued with problems, but Jackson’s inexperience won’t be a factor as it’s not required.

Just as Carson’s qualifications to lead the Department of Housing and Urban Development and DeVos’ non-existent experience in public education to lead the Department of Education aren’t important to Republicans, either are Jackson’s to lead the V.A. Jackson’s main qualification appears to be that he praised the president and said he had “good genes.”

Experience to lead an agency is not necessary when you want to do away with that agency. While HUD and Education can rot for all Republicans care, they want to eliminate the V.A. and privatize the services they’re responsible for. Privatizing the V.A. has been a Koch Brothers’ initiative for years.

Trump’s promise to drain the swamp has only delivered a pattern of nepotism and cronyism. His former golf caddy is now the White House social media director. A contractor married to one of the Trump’s former household staff members now has a job at the Environmental Protection Agency. And a longtime friend of the Trump family who has been involved in planning golf tournaments and Eric Trump’s wedding is the head of the New York and New Jersey office of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. And, has anyone figured out what Ivanka’s job is yet?

Jackson may want to keep his future in mind. Next time he talks to Trump on the phone, he better beware the ring after. He may also want to hold it in for the duration of his appointment as John Kelly likes to fire people when they’re sitting on a toilet.

He needs to think about life after Trump too, though I’m sure he can give physicals to everyone on Big Brother.


Former Whitewater independent counsel Kenneth Starr, who famously investigated Bill Clinton’s relationship with Monica Lewinsky, said he believes that Stormy Daniels’s allegations that she was paid $130,000 during the 2016 election to keep silent about an alleged affair with President Trump raise “difficult and serious” issues that need to be evaluated by the Justice Department to determine if another special counsel should be appointed.

Starr made his comments — his first on the Stormy Daniels controversy since the porn star went public with her latest claims last Sunday on “60 Minutes” — during an exclusive interview on the Yahoo News’ podcast “Skullduggery.”