Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Please direct me to your source where Clapper says this.

We surveil known and suspected Russian operatives. Do you have a problem with this? Trump and associates were caught up in the surveillance, even after Trump was personally warned that the Russians would make contact. If Trump and company are innocent, then no worries.

TrumpTards, Trumplings, TrumpIdiots, ... are deluded.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) defended the FBI in comments on ABC on Sunday, saying he believes law enforcement was right to investigate “certain individuals” with suspicious histories connected to Russia.

Rubio argued the FBI was not investigating President Trump's campaign, but was looking into these individuals, something he said was appropriate.

“As far as what I have seen to date, it appears that there was an investigation not of the campaign but of certain individuals who have a history that we should be suspicious of that predate the presidential campaign of 2015, 2016.” Rubio said on ABC’s “This Week.”

“When individuals like that are in the orbit of a major political campaign in America, the FBI, who is in charge of counterintelligence investigations, should look at people like that,” Rubio added. “But they’re not investigating the campaign, they’re investigating those people.”
Rubio made the remarks in response to Trump's argument that the FBI improperly spied on his presidential campaign through the use of the informant.
We surveil known and suspected Russian operatives. Do you have a problem with this? Trump and associates were caught up in the surveillance, even after Trump was personally warned that the Russians would make contact. If Trump and company are innocent, then no worries.

you didn’t answer my question. until you do I won’t answer yours

WASHINGTON (AP) — Illegal border crossings, as President Donald Trump measures them, have gone up since he took office, even as he speaks to audiences about a drop of more than 40 percent.

That disconnect was among several that stood out over the past week as Trump opened up on the Russia investigation via Twitter, forsaking accuracy in the process, and made the false claim that he’s delivering the first big military pay increase in a decade.

Meantime it turns out that Richard Grenell, Trump’s ambassador to Germany, got it wrong when he delivered the “shocking” news last month that Trump’s predecessors had never given German Chancellor Angela Merkel the courtesy of a tour of the private residence floor of the White House when she visited Washington.

A look at some of Trump’s statements and Grenell’s erroneous claim:

That’s because Obama used to count the people they turned around at the border as a deportation to inflate his numbers. Only the left thinks of shit like this and lies to make fake points to ignorant people who don’t know better! SO SAD!!

President Trump's sudden cancellation of the upcoming denuclearization summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un is just the latest example of Trump's wildly erratic approach to foreign policy.

While Trump's domestic policies seem to be guided by clear objectives -- increasing corporate profits, undoing every policy made by the Obama administration, and appeasing Trump's anti-immigrant base -- the imperatives driving US foreign policy under Trump remain something of a mystery.

In this exclusive interview, renowned linguist and public intellectual Noam Chomsky sheds light on the realities and dangers of foreign relations in the age of "gangster capitalism" and the decline of the US as a superpower.


A typical illustration is the policy achievement of which the Trump-Ryan-McConnell administration is most proud: the tax bill -- what Joseph Stiglitz accurately called "The US Donor Relief Act of 2017." It contributes very directly to the well-being of their actual constituency: private wealth and corporate power. It benefits the actual constituency indirectly by the standard Republican technique (since Reagan) of blowing up the deficit as a pretext for undermining social programs, which are the Republicans' next targets. The bill is thus of real benefit to its actual constituency and severely harms the general population.

Turning to international affairs, in Trumpian lingo, "America First" means "me first" and damn the consequences for the country or the world. The "me first" doctrine has an immediate corollary: it's necessary to keep the base in line with fake promises and fiery rhetoric, while not alienating the actual constituency. It also follows that it's important to do the opposite of whatever was done by Obama. Trump is often called "unpredictable," but his actions are highly predictable on these simple principles.

His most important decision, by far, was to pull out of the Paris negotiations on climate change and to tear to shreds efforts to prevent environmental catastrophe -- a threat that is extremely severe, and not remote. All completely predictable on the basic principles just mentioned.

The largest gap for income of the rich to poor, or as leftist call it “income and equality”, was under the Obama administration. Creating business profits leads to jobs and less unemployment. We can’t all be on welfare Dems! Regardless of what Peloci and Schumer and Clinton and Obama wanted..

CA is a prime example of this tale of two cities! Sad..
You Americans, you are so naïve. You think evil is going to come into your houses wearing big black boots.

It doesn’t come like that.

Look at the language. It begins in the language.

Joseph Brodsky, a Russian poet exiled from the Soviet Union

Famous quote from the Japanese when the emperor was asked why he didn’t try to invade our mainland during Pearl Harbor and his exact answer was, “Because there’s a GUN behind every building a tree”.

Being able to defend yourself from evil and your government doesn’t make you dumb it makes you smart. After all this is a reply to a Russian poet. Russia who’s economy is smaller than the state of Texas and ran like a dictatorship where people are starting everyday with no rights to speak up against it without going to prison or being killed! Hmmmm.. thanks for the insight!
Clapper never said that, he said the “FBI was spying on what the Russians were doing.”

Big difference, eh?

They said they were watching the Russians with no “Russians” in the trump campaign and the use of the fake dossier to get a FICA Warrant. This is all smoke and mirrors by a lying moronic loser named James Clapper who was employed by a president that had more scandals than anyone since Nixon! When the heads of your supposed intelligence agencies are politically motivated and writing books or doing talk shows against a sitting president it shows the true problems we have in the US Government! These are unelected people that should have been fired or even put in prison for treason in some cases! Why wasn’t Eric Holder thrown in jail for contempt of Congress? Or running fast n furious and getting our border patrol agents killed!?? The entire past administration was crooked!
The largest gap for income of the rich to poor, or as leftist call it “income and equality”, was under the Obama administration. Creating business profits leads to jobs and less unemployment. We can’t all be on welfare Dems! Regardless of what Peloci and Schumer and Clinton and Obama wanted..

CA is a prime example of this tale of two cities! Sad..

Here’s some more fun facts about California :

-44.6% of households do not speak English at home
-California has the most illegal immigrants
-California has the most poverty of any state in the nation

also the Scully guy will not respond to you. he doesn’t debate he just posted nonsense all day every day so don’t expect a response from him he doesn’t have the integrity or confidence in himself to debate or engage any one who disagrees with him. he has some mental issues imo
All the heads of the intelligence agencies are Trump appointees.

I don’t care who appointed these assholes.. lol Rosenstien and Muller, and even Jeff Sessions should be fired! Holder should have been put in prison for contempt of congress and everyone involved in the IRS scandal and fast and furious should be in jail! They’re running their own shadow government and need to start from scratch with these idiots!
Here’s some more fun facts about California :

-44.6% of households do not speak English at home
-California has the most illegal immigrants
-California has the most poverty of any state in the nation

also the Scully guy will not respond to you. he doesn’t debate he just posted nonsense all day every day so don’t expect a response from him he doesn’t have the integrity or confidence in himself to debate or engage any one who disagrees with him. he has some mental issues imo

CA also has 25% of the entire US homeless population and gives them food stamps, cell phones, and free housing when they wait long enough. Also they get cash aid and in some cases unemployment up too 926$ every two weeks! I grew up there and it was beautiful back in the day. Last time I went to visit I had to step over a guy who was literally in the middle of shooting up Heroine to use he ATM.. the cops don’t and can’t do anything about it thanks to the libs running the state and the full jails and prisons!