Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Can you explain to me (I know you won’t because you don’t have the intellect, integrity or self-confidence to debate in politics) why someone would want to travel thousands of miles away to some foreign land to fight a foreign countries war for their freedom which has absolutely nothing to do with United States?????

I think he made a smart decision along with everybody else that avoided that horrible unconstitutional war that had nothing to do with the United States security it interests. all those Americans killed for some other foreign countries interest. so sad.

One Milwaukee police officer was suspended 15 days for tasing NBA player Sterling Brown. Another received ten days, and a third received two. What do you want to bet that next season a player in the NFL will receive a longer suspension for kneeling in protest of police violence?

A police officer confronted Brown January 26, around 2:30 AM because his car was straddling two handicapped parking spaces in an empty lot at a Walgreens in Milwaukee. He called for backup and at least three more police cars arrive. After asking Brown questions, the police tased him. Later, the police decided not to charge Brown.

The police department claimed Brown was confrontational, but they changed their story after releasing the video captured from an officer’s body camera. It took them four months to review the tape and release it to the public.

Did it take them four months to see they were wrong? No. It took them four months to decide how to take responsibility for their actions. This brings the question; how can we trust the police’s account when there’s not a recording?

Critics of kneeling athletes lie about the reason they’re protesting. The same people ignore the reason for the protests, which is police brutality toward black Americans. Donald Trump, as president has attacked black athletes, questioned their patriotism, has called for their firing while calling them “sons of bitches,” and said maybe they shouldn’t be in this country. In regards to the Sterling Brown situation and too many like it to mention, he’s been silent. But he does tweet on a daily basis about the perceived injustices he receives.

Maybe the people who don’t care that all Americans aren’t being treated equally shouldn’t be in this country.

The Milwaukee Bucks have supported Brown over this arrest. Brown is suing the police department and said he chose to speak up about the incident on behalf of Laquan McDonald, Stephon Clark and others in the black community who have died in encounters with police. With this campaign, Brown has an opportunity to be the most valuable player on and off the court.

No one should be tased, handcuffed, and arrested over what should have amounted to a parking ticket.

In his “I’ve Been to the Mountain top” speech in 1968, Martin Luther King said, “Somewhere I read that the greatness of America is the right to protest for rights.” He was assassinated the very next day. Our president, who will never say anything close to the magnificence or bravery of King’s words, says people who protest for rights shouldn’t be in this country.

This is exactly why protests should continue.


Remember when President Michelle Wolf outraged the conscience of conservatives across America by cracking a joke about the press secretary’s eye makeup? Oh, wait — Ms. Wolf is a comedian. Telling jokes is her job.

A better example is President Hillary Clinton, who disregarded all protocol and endangered our national security by relying on a private email server to conduct some government business. Hold on, you say Mrs. Clinton isn’t president, either?

O.K., then — how about Barack Obama, an actual president? His disrespect for that station is the stuff of legend. A tan suit. Shirtsleeves in the Oval Office. Those big, impertinent feet defiling the presidential desk.

President Trump has managed to avoid those particular offenses. His suits are dark, his ties patriotically long. Yet in so many other ways he is violating Americans’ expectations of how presidents should behave — even of how adults should behave, particularly when children are watching. Yes, Mr. Trump has now been (compared to Joseph Stalin) by one senior senator from his party, and, yes, he has been pre-emptively disinvited to the prospective funeral of another. But most Republican leaders, usually such vigilant guardians of Oval Office decorum, have remained strangely silent.

So, for the fourth time in a year, we’ve compiled a list of Mr. Trump’s more egregious transgressions. These items don’t represent disputes about policy, over which reasonable people may disagree. They simply serve to catalog what Paul Ryan, Mitch McConnell and all the other Trump-supporting Republicans in Congress and across America, through their silence, have now blessed as behavior befitting a president of the United States.

We find this guide a helpful way to avoid growing numb to what is so abnormal about this presidency, and to remind ourselves that a day may yet come when dignity and decency will matter again, even, perhaps, to Mr. McConnell and his fellow hypocrites.

A new study, however, suggests that the main threat to our democracy may not be the hardening of political ideology, but rather the hardening of one particular political ideology. Political scientists Steven V. Miller of Clemson and Nicholas T. Davis of Texas A&M have released a working paper titled "White Outgroup Intolerance and Declining Support for American Democracy."

Their study finds a correlation between white American's intolerance, and support for authoritarian rule. In other words, when intolerant white people fear democracy may benefit marginalized people, they abandon their commitment to democracy.

Miller and Davis used information from the World Values Survey, a research project organized by a worldwide network of social scientists which polls individuals in numerous countries on a wide range of beliefs and values.

Based on surveys from the United States, the authors found that white people who did not want to have immigrants or people of different races living next door to them were more likely to be supportive of authoritarianism.

For instance, people who said they did not want to live next door to immigrants or to people of another race were more supportive of the idea of military rule, or of a strongman-type leader who could ignore legislatures and election results.


In practice, the GOP has increasingly been embracing a politics of white resentment tied to disenfranchisement. "Since Richard Nixon's ‘Southern Strategy,’ the GOP has pigeon-holed itself as, in large part, an aggrieved white people's party," Miller told me.

The woman who oversaw the Obama White House’s response to the Russian election attack said she was never briefed on the FBI’s use of an informant to investigate the Trump campaign and that it was “ridiculous” for President Trump to claim that the matter amounted to “one of the biggest political scandals in U.S. history.”

Avril Haines, who served as deputy national security adviser in the Obama administration, made the comments during an exclusive interview with the Yahoo News podcast “Skullduggery.” In her first first full-length interview since leaving government, Haines also said she had been “very concerned” in 2016 about the degree to which Russians might have gained “influence” within the Trump campaign — concerns that were fueled by Trump’s public comments about Putin that she found “wildly disconnected from reality.”

“No, absolutely not,” Haines said when asked if she was ever told about the confidential FBI informant who made contact with three members of the Trump campaign. “We didn’t even know at the time there was an [FBI] investigation as such,” she said. Haines said the FBI briefed the National Security Council “on a regular basis” about what she termed “counterintelligence issues” but that it had not told the council that any formal probe of the Trump campaign had been initiated.