Trump Timeline ... Trumpocalypse

Trump’s legal theory, in one paragraph (Opinion | Trump’s legal theory, in one paragraph)

I didn’t collude with Russia or obstruct justice. If I did, it wasn’t bad. If it was bad, it wasn’t illegal. If it was illegal, it’s not illegal for me. If it’s illegal for me, I can’t be charged. If I can be charged, I can’t be convicted. I f I can be convicted, I can pardon myself. If I can’t pardon myself, I can ignore it. If I can’t ignore it, I can insult it. If I can’t insult it, I can grope it because I’m a star. If I can’t grope it because I’m a star, I can grope it anyway. If I can’t grope it anyway, I can hold a rally of supporters.

If I don’t have supporters left, I can hold a rally of rich friends. If I don’t have any more rich friends, I can hold a rally of my business partners. If I don’t have any more business partners, I can have a rally of my legal team. If my legal team has all quit, I can rally my family. If Melania doesn’t show up, I can rally the rest of my family. If the rest of my family is in jail, I can go on TV.

If I can’t go on TV, I can tweet. If I can’t tweet, I can shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue. If I can’t shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue, I can sell steaks on Fifth Avenue. If I can’t sell steaks on Fifth Avenue, I can eat steaks. If I can’t eat steaks, I can eat cake. If I can’t eat cake, let THEM eat cake. If they can’t eat cake, they can golf at one of my golf courses. If they can’t golf, they can stay in one of my hotels.

If they can’t stay in one of my hotels, the Russians can stay there. If the Russians can’t stay there, they can buy it. If they already own it, they can find Hillary Clinton’s emails. If they can’t find Hillary Clinton’s emails, they can give me dirt on her. If they can’t give me dirt on her, they can spread fake facts for my campaign. If they did that, it wasn’t collusion. If it was collusion, I didn’t know about it. If I did know about it, I didn’t obstruct justice. If I did obstruct justice, that’s how I made America great again.
1. We must contend with the fact that there is a portion of the American population that WANTS a mob-boss in the White House, a president who openly flouts the law and exerts unchecked power. These are the sort of people who willingly and actively give rise to dictators...

2. Their agenda is pure power, with no regard for justice, equality or principled government. Their mentality is a ruthless dog-eat-dog, zero sum world in which winners must win at the expense of others, where shame and conscience have no place, and are perceived as weaknesses...

I’ve written for more than a year that #RussiaGate would culminate in constitutional crisis over the president’s pardon power. Contrary to what @realDonaldTrump or any “experts” have said, the Founders and the Supreme Court have been clear for 230 years, no one is above the law.

Quite a number of people are comparing President Trump's claim of a right to self-pardon to George III. In fact, Trump is asserting a much much greater power than George III ever imagined - a power for which Charles I lost his head and James II lost his throne ... more ...
